「両親の家に行ったが姉家族は子供の中学受験で来れなかった」= I went to my in-laws' place (for New Year) but my husband's sister's daughter was preparing for her junior high school entrance exams so they couldn't come
At New Year, it is customary for the whole family to gather at my husband's parents' house but this year, my husband's eldest sister's daughter was preparing for her junior high school entrance exams so they were too busy to come. My son wanted to see his cousins so he was a bit disappointed they couldn't come.
「お正月」= New Year
「義理両親」= parents-in-law/mother and father-in-law/ the in-laws
「集まるのが恒例」= it is customary for ~ to gather
「中学受験」= preparing for junior high school entrance exams
「いとこ」= cousin