The ingredients are listed in the descending order of their amount/proportion.
The ingredients of the food are listed in descending order of their weights.
「含有量の多い順に」を英語で、”in descending order of its content/amount/volume/percentage”などといいます。
「量が多い順に」とは英語で、”Descending order"
「量が少ない順に」は、"Increasing order"
水を含んだ他の成分量を使用量によって記載しなっきゃーAll the other ingredients, including water, have to be listed in descending order by weight.
(Ingredients) are listed in descending order according to quantity.
(材料は)量が多い順に記載されている ー (Ingredients) are listed in descending order according to quantity.
(材料は) ー (Ingredients)
量が多い順に ー in descending order according to quantity
記載されている ー are listed / are written