世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/16 17:29
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  • I took your lesson last time.

「この前の時、前回」という場合には、last time が使えます。 last week(先週)、last month(先月)、last year(去年)と同じような last の使い方ですね。「この前の」という意味の last です。 「レッスンを受ける」は、take a lesson で表現できます。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Mutsumi 英語講師
  • You were my previous teacher.

  • My last lesson was with you.

▪ You were my previous teacher. Previous = before in time. This is indicating that with your lesson before this one he/she was also your teacher. ▪ My last lesson was with you. This is clearly saying that the lesson you had before this one was with this teacher, the same teacher. You can also ask: Do you recognize me from our last lesson?
▪ You were my previous teacher. あなたは前回も私の先生でした。 Previous=以前 この授業の前もその先生に教わったことがあることを表しています。 ▪ My last lesson was with you. 前回もあなたの授業でした。 今回も前回も同じ先生であることを明確に表しています。 または以下のようにいうこともできます。 Do you recognize me from our last lesson? 前回の授業のときの私です、覚えていますか?
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I had my last lesson with you as well.

  • I took your class the last time.

"I had my last lesson with you as well." This explains to the person that you chose their class in your previous lesson. "I took your class the last time." This is another way of explaining to the teacher that you had you last lesson with them as well.
例文 "I had my last lesson with you as well." 前回も先生とレッスンをしました 以前のレッスンでその人のレッスンを選んだことを説明しています。 例文 "I took your class the last time." 前回も先生のレッスンを受けました 前回もその先生のレッスンを受けたことを説明する別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • You were my last teacher

  • I had you as a teacher for my previous lesson

Using Skype or a very similar platform, it is quite easy to look back on the conversation history to see when you were last in contact with someone. If you have had a break for some time and then return and choose a random teacher, it may come as a surprise to notice that it was the same teacher as you had on your last lesson. "You were my teacher for my previous lesson!"
スカイプまたは似ている媒体を使うと、誰かと最後連絡をとった際、今までの会話を見返すのがとても簡単です。 もし、いくらかの時間休憩をとって、その後戻って先生を選んだとすると、 最後のレッスンの先生と同じと知って驚くかもしれません。 “You were my teacher for my previous lesson!” (あなたは私の前の授業の先生でした!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I took your lesson last time

  • You taught me last time

  • You were my teacher last time/my last lesson

To simply say that you took a teacher's lesson the last time you would say 'I took your lesson last time' or 'You taught me last time'. You can explain this in more detail by saying 'You were my teacher last time/the last lesson'.
シンプルな言い方としては: 'I took your lesson last time'(前回あなたのレッスンを受けました) 又は、 'You taught me last time'(前回あなたのレッスンを受けました) ------- また、 'You were my teacher last time/the last lesson'(前回/前回のレッスンではあなたに教えてもらいました) と言うと、より詳しく説明できます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • You were my teacher last time!

If we say that the other person was your teacher, it isn't also necessary to say of a lesson or class because it would be assumed that it would have been the teacher of the same sort of even that this is ie a lesson or class. If it wasn't on the very last class, you could say 'previously' or ' in the past' ''You were my teacher previously. I think it was last month''
You were my teacher'(あなたは私の先生だった)と言えば、'lesson'や'class'と言わなくても伝わります。 もしそれがすぐ前のレッスンではない場合は、'previously'(以前に)や'in the past'(以前に)が使えます。 【例文】 ''You were my teacher previously. I think it was last month'' [訳]前に教えてもらったことがあります。先月だったと思います。
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
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