Ryokan in English is best described and a Traditional Japanese inn.
"Ryokan have been around for many many years. Nowadays they are more commonly found in scenic areas near mountains or the sea.
"Ryokan"(旅館)を英語にすると"Traditional Japanese inn"という表現が一番ぴったりくると思います。
A Ryokan could be called a traditional Japanese Inn or Hotel. The word "Inn" is less in common use now in English but is more specific as it refers to accommodation for travellers whereas hotel is more related to the tourist industry. An inn would be more likely to be used by someone for a very short period of time on their journey to somewhere else and it would provide food and drink as well as accommodation.
「旅館」は「traditional Japanese Inn/Hotel」と言えます。「inn」という言葉は「hotel」ほど一般的ではないですが、旅行者(traveller)向けの宿泊施設を指すので、より具体的です。「hotel」は観光業(tourist industry)との結び付きが強いです。
probably, if you are travelling in Japan as a non native visitor, you would anyway call these places by their proper name: 'ryokan'. However, to explain to someone, the best description would probably be: "A Japanese travellers' inn."
Eg "I'm staying in a ryokan just outside Tokyo."
誰かに説明をする場合は「Japanese travellers' inn」と表すのがベストだと思います。
例)I'm staying in a ryokan just outside Tokyo.
もし誰かRyokanのことを知らなかったらJapanese style hotelの言える。Japanese style - 和風
I only want to stay at ryokans when I go to Japan
I only want to stay at Japanese style hotels when I go to Japan
I want to stay at a ryokan but its quite expensive
A Ryokan is known as a traditional Japanese inn. Ryokans can be found throughout Japan, especially in hot springs resorts. They are more than just a place to sleep. They are a way to experience Japanese culture, lifestyle, and hospitality. There are many types of ryokans which make them ideal for all types of people. There are small family run ryokans, and there are the big resort style ryokans. Ryokans also range from budget varieties to wealthy, luxurious varieties. This makes them ideal for all people, Japanese and tourists, as they are affordable for all types of budgets.
旅館は "Traditional Japanese inn"として知られています。
「旅館」が英語で「Ryokan」か「A Japanese inn」と言います。
旅館に滞在する ー To stay at a ryokan
あの旅館は家庭的だ ー The ryokan has a homey atmosphere
私たちはその旅館に泊まりました ー We stayed at that Japanese inn.
A "ryokan" is a traditional Japanese accommodation/inn.
You may use the Japanese word and further explain to a person that it is a traditional Japanese accommodation/inn. In your explanation, you may describe it further by saying that it has communal baths, special traditional mats in the room, etc.
Ryokan is my preference when staying in Japan...since they are so authentic!
Ryokan have been around for centuries, long before Western chains like Hilton etc ever came to Japan. These accomodations can be large or small, and usually have Onsen (gardens) alongside a great sense of the history and the culture of Japan reflected in the decor...
"Ryokan is my preference when staying in Japan...since they are so authentic!"
"Ryokan is my preference when staying in Japan...since they are so authentic!"(旅館は日本のれっきとした宿泊施設なので、日本に滞在する時には好んで旅館を選びます。)
Most English speakers, of course, would not understand the word "ryokan". The easiest way to explain to someone is just to tell them it is a traditional Japanese hotel or Japanese inn.
一番簡単な説明の仕方は、traditional Japanese hotel/inn(日本の伝統的なホテル・宿泊所)と言う事です。
Using a word like, "inn," or, "Japanese hotels," are probably the best way to explain this style of accommodation. This provides an opportunity to include words like, "traditional," because you can explain that it's something that was more habitual or created in the past.
Example sentence :
- We call a traditional Japanese inn a, "ryokan," in Japanese.
・「a traditional Japanese hotel」
(例文)We stayed at a traditional Japanese hotel in Kyoto.
(例文)I will stay in a traditional Japanese hotel.
traditional 伝統的な