世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/29 19:49
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  • Would you like a plastic cover on this shopping bag?

買い物のときにもらう手提げ袋ということなのでShopping bag、 雨が降った時のカバーなのでPlastic coverと訳しました。 もし「手提げ袋を二重にしますか」という質問をお客さんにする場合は "Would you like to double-bag it?" と言います。ただし、"double-bag it"には性的なスラングもあるので、あくまでも店のレジで働くときだけに使うといいと思います。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Can I offer you a plastic cover for your shopping bag?

  • Do you want a plastic cover for your shopping bag?

▪Can I offer you a plastic cover for your shopping bag? offer=provide ▪Do you want a plastic cover for your shopping bag? want=have a desire to possess ● Example 1 Customer: It is raining outside and my bag might get wet. You:Can I offer you a plastic cover for your shopping bag? Example 2 Customer: My bag is going to get wet in the rain. You:Do you want a plastic cover for your shopping bag?
▪Can I offer you a plastic cover for your shopping bag? ショッピングバッグ用のビニールのカバーを差し上げましょうか。 Offer=提供する ▪Do you want a plastic cover for your shopping bag? ショッピングバッグ用のビニールのカバーが欲しいですか? want=欲しい 例 1 お客様: It is raining outside and my bag might get wet. 外は雨が降っていて、バッグが濡れてしまうかもしれない。 あなた:Can I offer you a plastic cover for your shopping bag? ショッピングバッグ用のビニールのカバーを差し上げましょうか。 例 2 お客様: My bag is going to get wet in the rain. 雨でバッグが濡れてしまいます。 あなた:Do you want a plastic cover for your shopping bag?" ショッピングバッグ用のビニールのカバーが欲しいですか?
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like a rain-proof cover for you bag?

  • Here, take this plastic cover to keep the rain out of your bag!

The customer has just bought a very tasteful selection of autumn clothing. She has spent a lot of money and you have helped her make a selection for the past hour. She pays for her purchases and starts to exit the store - but then you notice, it is raining heavily outside! You run to her: "Here, take this plastic cover to keep the rain out of your bag!" "Oh, thank you so much! You're so kind!"
お客様は非常に上品な秋服を選び購入しました。 彼女はたくさんのお金を使ってくれて、あなたは彼女の服選びを助けてきました。 彼女は品物の代金を支払い、店の外へ出ようとします。 - しかし、その時あなたは、外では激しい雨が降っていることに気づきます。 あなたは彼女のところへ駆け寄りこう言います: ""Here, take this plastic cover to keep the rain out of your bag!"" どうぞ。このプラスチックカバーを使ってあなたのバッグを雨から守ってください。 ""Oh, thank you so much! You're so kind!""" まあ、ありがとうございます。とても親切ですね!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like a plastic cover for your shopping bag?

  • Take this plastic cover for your shopping bag!

If you want to ask the customer if they would like a plastic cover for their shopping bag then you would say 'Would you like this plastic cover for your shopping bag?' if you are offering incase they need to use it you would say 'Take this plastic cover for your shopping bag!'
お客さんに、買い物袋にプラスティックのカバーをするかどうか尋ねたいときは、以下のフレーズが使えます: Would you like this plastic cover for your shopping bag? (買い物袋にこのプラスティックのカバーをしましょうか?) 念のため持っていくように言う場合は、以下のフレーズが使えます。 Take this plastic cover for your shopping bag! (このプラスティックのカバーを持っていってください)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like something to cover your shopping bag, like a plastic cover?

  • How about taking this plastic cover so your gorceries don't get wet.

1. Would you like something to cover your shopping bag, like a plastic cover? This is a polite way to be considerate and ask someone if they wanted this plastic to cover their shopping bag. 2. How about taking this plastic cover so your gorceries don't get wet. If you start a question by using the words "how about ...." it is a polite way of asking someone to do something instead of demanding that they do it.
1. Would you like something to cover your shopping bag, like a plastic cover? (ビニールのカバーのような買い物袋を覆うものを差し上げましょうか?) 買い物袋を覆うビニールのカバーが必要かどうか丁寧に尋ねています。 2. How about taking this plastic cover so your groceries don't get wet. (荷物が濡れないように、このビニールのカバーを持っていきませんか?) "how about ...."を使って尋ねると、(要求でなく)丁寧なお願いになります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like something to cover your bag with?

  • Would you like a plastic cover for your bag?

Both of these sentences are a great way to offer good customer service. You can also add something like 'I noticed it is raining, would you like something to cover your bag with?', or 'Wow, it's really coming down out there! Would you like a plastic cover for you bag?'.
どちらの文章も、良いカスタマーサービスを提供するための素晴らしい表現です。 また、 'I noticed it is raining, would you like something to cover your bag with?' 「雨降ってるのに気づきました、カバンをおおう何かが必要ですか?」 や、 'Wow, it's really coming down out there! Would you like a plastic cover for you bag?' 「あら、雨が降ってきたね!カバンを覆うためのビニール袋は必要ですか?」 といった表現を付け加えるのも良いでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want something to help with the rain?

  • Will your groceries get wet?

Offering open questions and allowing the other person to provide what they feel is a solution is a polite way of asking. If you are offering assistance it is polite to hear the other persons solution.
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
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