世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/19 19:18
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  • Why didn't you wake me up?

  • How come you didn't wake me?

  • I don't understand why you didn't wake me up!

How come you didn't wake me? - "How come" is a little bit more inquisitve than "why", which might seem demanding and perhaps rude. After all, it's usually your own responsibility to wake up. I don't understand why you didn't wake me up! - Similarly, "I don't understand" shows that you put the responsibility on yourself, rather than on others. This could be seen as trying to understand the precise reasoning for the others' action, instead of wanting to signal that they did something wrong.
How come you didn't wake me?(何で起こしてくれなかったの) = "How come" は "Why" よりも興味に重きがあります。 "Why" だと、傲慢(ごうまん)で、あるいは無礼に思われるかもしれません。結局のところ、起きることというのは普通は自分自身の責任ですから。 I don't understand why you didn't wake me up!(何で起こしてくれなかったの) = 同様に、"I don't understand" は、話し手がこの責任について他人でなく自分自身にあると考えていることを表します。これは、相手の行動を責めているのではなく、その理由を理解しようとしていると受け取られるかもしれません。
Lennart DMM英会話講師
  • I overslept, is there a reason you didn't wake me up?

  • Did you know I have school today? I wonder why you didn't wake me up.

  • I would like to know why no one woke me up this morning.

I overslept, is there a reason you didn't wake me up? Did you know I have school today? I wonder why you didn't wake me up. I would like to know why no one woke me up this morning. No one woke me up this morning, can you tell me why? Why didn't anyone wake me up this morning?
I overslept, is there a reason you didn't wake me up? (寝坊した。何で起こしてくれなかったの?) Did you know I have school today? I wonder why you didn't wake me up. (今日学校あるのわかってた?どうして起こしてくれなかったの?) I would like to know why no one woke me up this morning. (どうして今朝誰も起こしてくれなかったの?) No one woke me up this morning, can you tell me why? (今朝誰も起こしてくれなかった。どうして?) Why didn't anyone wake me up this morning? (今朝どうして誰も起こしてくれなかったの?)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Why didn't you wake me up?

When you awake from your sleep you are said to 'wake up' so if you asking someone why they didn't wake you up from your sleep you would say 'why didn't you wake me up?'
眠りから覚めることは 'wake up' といいます。ですから、なぜ起こしてくれなかったのか尋ねるなら、次のように言えます。 'Why didn't you wake me up?' (どうして起こしてくれなかったの)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Why didn't you wake me?

  • Why did you leave me sleeping?

  • Why didn't you wake me?

We can use these sentences to ask why the people around us didn't wake us up. Sometimes people can forget to wake you up because they are busy or they think you have your alarm clock on. The days where you oversleep you may feel very frustrated because you end up having to rush for school, you might not have time for a bath or even breakfast. This is horrible because you end up feeling rushed and might even forget a few things at home. Frustrated: very annoyed Rushed: in a rush, not orderly
これらの文は、どうして起こしてくれなかったのか周りに尋ねるときに使うことができます。 起こすよう言われていても忙しいと忘れてしまうこともあるでしょうし、目覚ましをかけているだろうと思って起こさないということもあるかもしれません。 寝過ごした日は、急いで学校に行かないといけませんし、お風呂に入ったり朝食を取ることもできないかもしれません、すごくイライラすると思います。慌ただしくなりますから、家に忘れ物をする可能性もあります。 Frustrated: すごくイライラする Rushed: 大急ぎで
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Why didn't you wake me?

Why didn't you wake me? - If you were asleep and needed to be up but nobody woke you, this is the best way to say this. A: I'm late for work! Why didn't you wake me? B: I'm sorry, I thought you were off today.
Why didn't you wake me?(どうして起こしてくれなかったの) - 起きなければならなかったのに誰も起こしてくれなかったなら、これがベストな言い方です。 A: I'm late for work! Why didn't you wake me?(遅刻だよ、なんで起こしてくれなかったの) B: I'm sorry, I thought you were off today.(ごめん、今日は休みと思っていた)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • How come you didn't wake me up?

  • Why didn't you wake me up?

After oversleeping and expecting that someone in the house would wake you up, you can ask in a polite way: How come you didn't wake me up? How come - This phrase is another way of saying 'why.' This is has the same meaning as: Why didn't you wake me up? You can also say: I was late for school, I thought you would wake me up. Instead of asking the question directly, this statement can be used to address older people such as parents. I'm surprised you didn't wake me up for school. Now I'm running late! This can be sad as soon as you wake up. To run late means to be late for something. I hope that helps!
家の誰かが起こしてくれると思っていたのに起こしてくれず寝過ごしてしまったときには、丁寧に次のように言えます。 How come you didn't wake me up?(何で起こしてくれなかったの) How come - このフレーズは 'Why' の別の言い方です。 これは、"Why didn't you wake me up?" と同じ意味です。 次のように言うこともできます。 I was late for school, I thought you would wake me up.(学校に遅刻してしまった、起こしてくれると思っていたのに) ※ 親など年上の人には直接的に質問する代わりにこのような言い方ができます。 I'm surprised you didn't wake me up for school. Now I'm running late!(何で起こしてくれなかったの、遅刻しちゃうよ) ※ これは起きた直後に言えます。'To run late' は「(~に)遅れる」という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Why didn't you wake me up?

・「Why didn't you wake me up? 」 (意味)なんで起こしてくれなかったの? <例文>Why didn't you wake me up? I'm gonna be late for school and I have a test today. <訳>なんで起こしてくれなかったの?今日テストあるのに学校遅刻しそう。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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