世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/21 09:18
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  • My aim is to attract clients from abroad

Explanation: A personal dream may be described alternatively as: an aim, a goal, a hope, a desire, an intention to do something. Example sentence: "My intention is to build a strong client base of regular overseas customers."
個人的な夢は、an aim, a goal, a hope, a desire, an intention to do somethingと表現することができます。 例文:  "My intention is to build a strong client base of regular overseas customers." 私も目標は、海外の顧客のベースを作ることです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • to receive a business offer from a client from overseas

「仕事の依頼」は a business offerと言います。 「海外のクライアント」a client from overseas /an oversea client と言えますね。 私の夢は海外から仕事の依頼を受けることです! My dream is to receive a business offer from a client from overseas. いつか私は海外から仕事の依頼を受けたいです! I would like to have a business offer from an oversea client someday.
  • My ultimate aim is to work for clients from other countries

  • My main objective is to work for clients from overseas

  • My end goal is to work for clients from overseas

To 'aim' for something is to have the intention of achieving something. An 'objective' is a thing sought and aimed for. The 'end goal' is whatever your chosen aim and objective are.
'aim' とは何かを達成したいという意味になります。 'objective'とは達成したい事の目標と言う意味になります。 'end goal'とは目標は何であれ、最終的な目標という意味になります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I want to work for clients who live overseas.

"I want to work for clients who live overseas." Want - this is your desire or goal. S your desire or goal is to work for people who do not live in your country of residence. You would call this someone who lives overseas, or abroad. You could be more specific and say "Clients who live in the USA or UK."
"I want to work for clients who live overseas." (海外に住む依頼人と働きたいです) Want(~したい) -これはあなたの願望と目的です。 あなたの願望や目的は海外に住んでいる人々と働きたい、 と言う意味になります。 海外に住んでいる人の事を "who lives overseas, or abroad"と表現することが出来ます。 もう少し詳細に述べることも出来ます。 【例】 "Clients who live in the USA or UK." (アメリカかイギリスに住む依頼人)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I aspire to...

  • In my line of work I aspire to work with international clients, that is my goal!

Most of us have dream...and aspire to greater things;-) Aspire: To wish for/to want (to), expect (to), have the objective of, dream of..desire to! "In my line of work I aspire to work with international clients, that is my goal!"
ほとんどの人は夢を持っています...そしてより高いところを目指します。 Aspire: 望む、求める、目指す、夢見る、切望する "In my line of work I aspire to work with international clients, that is my goal!" 〔訳〕海外の顧客と仕事がしたいです。それが私の目標です!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to work with clients from overseas

  • I want to work with overseas clients

  • My aim/goal is to get/attract more overseas clients

If you are a web designer then you would probably have your own business so would need to attract more poeple to get work If you want to do something then this can be called an 'aim', 'goal', 'hope' or 'desire' Overseas clients are customers/clients that come from abroad or different countries 'I would like' or 'I want' mean something you are wanitng to do
ウェブデザイナーをされているなら、たぶん自営でやられているのでしょうから、仕事を得るには、お客さんを獲得してこないといけませんね。 やりたいことは、'aim'(目的)や 'goal'(ゴール) 'hope'(望み) 'desire'(希望)と表せます。 'overseas clients'とは、海外のお客さんのことです。 'I would like' または 'I want' は「~をしたい」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "I want to be able to attract clients from overseas"

  • "It is my professional aim is to work with clients from abroad"

In order to explain that your professional eventual goal or dream is to work with clients from oversea, you could state "It is my professional aim is to work with clients from abroad". This sentence clearly outlines what your dream is and that it is your desire to achieve this.
海外の顧客と仕事をするのが目標、夢だと伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "It is my professional aim to work with clients from abroad"(海外の顧客と仕事をするのが私の仕事上の目標です) この文では、自分の目標について明確に伝えています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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