What makes this massage different from others is the huge variety of hand work
The big appeal of this massage is the variety of hand techniques
"What makes ~ different from~" (~との違いは、特徴は)と言う意味になります。
"a huge variety of ~" (多様な、バラエティーに富んだ)
" huge" (大きい)と言う意味になるので、すごくと言う意味を付けてみました。
"hand work" (手わざ)少し苦しい英語の表現のような気もしますが…
"What makes this massage different from others is the huge variety of hand work"
"the big appeal of ~" (~の売りは)となります。
"hand technique" (手わざ)
"the big appeal of this massage is the variety of hand techniques"