世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




インフルにかかってしまった小学一年生の息子。私も看病で仕事を休まないといけなくなりました。 それをオンライン英会話の先生に伝えたい。
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2018/01/22 09:24
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  • My son has had the the flu for several days and has been taking time off from school.

【 単語 】 息子 → son 数日 → several days インフルエンザ → influenza / flu 休む → to take time off 【 説明 】 インフルエンザは英語でも使われる言葉ですが、やや専門用語っぽい響きがあるため、略してfluと呼ぶのが普通です。また、文法の方ですが、この文脈だと現在完了形の have/has + 過去分詞を使います。 ご参考までに。
  • My son has not been going to school for the past few days because he has been bedridden with flu.

  • My son is down with flu and has not been attending school for the past few days.

Some one can be bedridden because of disease such as flu. The adjective 'bedridden' in this context means to be lying in bed because of disease such as flu in this case. The child may be too sick to attend school. Also, the doctor might have advised him to rest in bed and not go to school. Bed rest is usually recommended for quick recovery from flu. So, you may say: My son has not been going to school for the past few days because he has been bedridden with flu. or My son is down with flu and has not been attending school for the past few days.
"flu"(インフルエンザ)のような病気にかかって"bedridden"(ベットに寝た切り)になることがあります。 表現の中の形容詞'bedridden'は病気、この場合はインフルエンザです。 これによりベッドで寝た切りになる、と言う意味になります。 お子さんは病気がひどすぎて学校へ行ける状態ではなんでしょう。 また、お医者さんも彼に学校へ行かずに寝ているようにアドバイスしたかもしれません。 "Bed rest"(ベッド休養/安静)はインフルエンザにはは早期回復のためお勧めですよね。 ですので、次のように表現することが出来ます。 【例】 My son has not been going to school for the past few days because he has been bedridden with flu. (インフルエンザで安静にしているので、私の息子は数日学校を休んでいます) My son is down with flu and has not been attending school for the past few days. (私の息子はインフルエンザにかかっているので数日学校へは行っていません)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My son has not been at school for a few days as he has flu

  • My son has got flu so he has not been at school for the past few days

Influenza is always called 'flu' for short and the most common word used When someone has flu they tend to feel very ill and can hardly get out of bed it is also best not to send them to school so they don't pass it on to anyone else
influenza'(インフルエンザ)は常に省略して'flu'と呼ばれます。'flu'が最も一般的な言葉です。 インフルエンザにかかると、体調がものすごく悪くなって、ベッドから出られなくなることもあります。子どもがインフルエンザにかかっているなら、他の人に移してはいけませんから、学校には行かせない方が良いでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • off (school) with flu...

  • My son has been off school with flu, for the past few days...

When illness like the Flu is best to keep your child off from school...So that you don't spread the infection to other pupils... "My son has been off school with flu, for the past few days..."
インフルエンザのような病気にかかってしまったら、子供に学校を休ませることがベストです。そうすることで他の子供達にうつすことを防ぎます。 "My son has been off school with flu, for the past few days..." (私の息子がインフルエンザで数日学校を休んでいます。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My son has been out sick from school with the flu.

  • My son came down with the flu and couldn't go to school.

  • My son missed school because he had the flu.

"flu" is the word that people most often use in everyday conversation. If you say "influenza", of course, it is still correct, but it sounds a little weird in unless you are a doctor giving a diagnosis or a researcher talking about a new drug.
日常会話では"flu"(インフルエンザ)が最も一般的な言い方です。 "influenza"でももちろん間違いではありませんが、少し不自然です、お医者さんが診断を下したり、研究者が新薬について話すときなら別ですが。
David McA DMM英会話講師
  • My son has stayed home because he has the flu.

  • My son came down with the flu, so he's missed a few days of school.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that your son has not gone to school because he has the flu. In the second sentence you will see the term come down with something. This means to be sick. This is a term that is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends of family.
上記二つの例文は、息子がインフルエンザにかかっていて学校に行っていないことを伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には"come down with something"という表現が使われています。これは「〔病気に〕かかる」という意味です。この表現は家族や親しい友人と話すときなどインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • My son has been absent from school due to the flu.

  • My son has the flu so he has not been at school.

  • For the past couple of days, my son has been home sick with flu.

The subject 'my son' has been sick with 'flu'. All three of the sentences make it clear that your son has been sick with flu. It is most common to put the subject first - in this case 'my son'. However in the third sentence we have explained that 'for the past couple of days' he has not been at school (...'has been home sick...')
主語 'my son'(私の息子)が 'flu'(インフルエンザ)にかかっている。 上記3例どれを使っても、息子さんがインフルエンザにかかっているということがはっきり伝わります。 主語を始めに置くことが最も一般的です、この場合は 'my son' ですね。ただ、三つ目の例では、まず 'for the past couple of days'(ここ数日)と伝えています。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
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