世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/24 02:40
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  • Do you take sugar and milk?

  • Do you have sugar or milk in your coffee?

  • How do you have your coffee?

"Do you take sugar and milk? This asks the person to tell you if they have any sugar or milk in their coffee. "Do you have sugar or milk in your coffee?" This is another way of asking the person if they want sugar or milk in their coffee. "How do you have your coffee?" This is the most common way of asking someone if they have sugar or milk in their coffee and how much.
"Do you take sugar and milk?" (砂糖とミルクいりますか?) これは、コーヒーに砂糖とミルクを入れるかどうか尋ねる表現になります。 "Do you have sugar or milk in your coffee?" (コーヒーに砂糖かミルク入れますか?) これも、もう一つの表現でコーヒーに砂糖かミルクを入れるかどうか尋ねる表現になります。 "How do you have your coffee?" (コーヒーどうしますか?) これが、コーヒーに砂糖かミルクをどのくらい入れるかどうかと尋ねる、よく一般的に使われる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Do you like sugar/milk with your coffee?

  • How do you have your coffee?

*Do you like sugar/milk with your coffee? This means that you would like to know if you should add milk/sugar when you serve them coffee. However in some restaurants you can bring the sugar/milk and then they can dd on their own. *How do you have your coffee?- This is a phrase usually used in restaurants to ask how you would like your coffee to be made i.e if you have any specifications.
*Do you like sugar/milk with your coffee? (コーヒーに砂糖/ミルクを入れますか?) これはコーヒーを出すときに砂糖とミルクを入れるかどうか尋ねる表現になります。 また一方では、砂糖/ミルクを一緒に持ってきて自分で入れなければいけないレストランもあります。 *How do you have your coffee? (コーヒーはどのようにしますか?) -このフレーズは普通レストランなどでコーヒーをどうのようにするか尋ねる時に使われます。 例えば、特定の仕様などがある場合です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How do you take your coffee?

  • I take my coffee black...I don't like milk or sugar!

In English the general term used is ... "how do you take your coffee?" This means what would you prefer... when you " take /drink" coffee? We also..."take" medicine..."Take" a beating or take a day off ;-)) PS We might ask simply "milk or sugar?"... depending on the circumstances,
英語での一般的な表現は "how do you take your coffee?" (コーヒーはどうしますか?) これは" take /drink" coffee(コーヒーを飲む)時に何を入れますか?どうやって飲みますか?と言う意味になります。 また"take"は "take" medicine…(薬を飲む) "Take" a beating (負ける、暴落する) "take" a day off (休みを取る) ;-)) PS (追伸) 単純に "milk or sugar?"と聞いたりもします。 状況によりますよね。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Do you like sugar or milk in your coffee?

  • What do you prefer to put in your coffee, sugar or milk?

  • In your coffee do you like to put sugar, milk, or both?

Many people drink coffee nowadays, so it is always a good idea to know how to talk about this hot beverage. If you want to ask someone if they prefer to put sugar or milk in their coffee, say this: "Do you like sugar or milk in your coffee?" Besides sugar or milk, there are also other options for enhancing the flavor of coffee. Here are some other items that people like to put in coffee: Brown sugar Honey Creamer (artificial creamer) Cream Artificial sugar
最近では多くの人がコーヒーを飲みますよね。 ですので、この温かい飲み物について話すことはとてもいいことですね。 コーヒーに砂糖やミルクを入れるかどうか尋ねたい場合、次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 【例】 "Do you like sugar or milk in your coffee?" (コーヒーに砂糖かミルクを入れますか?) 砂糖やミルクのほかにコーヒーの味を高めるためにその他の選択もあります。 【これは人々がコーヒーに入れて楽しむものです】 Brown sugar(ブラウンシュガー) Honey(はちみつ) Creamer (コーヒー用のクリーム) Cream(クリーム) Artificial sugar(人工甘味)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • Do you like milk/sugar with your coffee?

  • How do you like your coffee?

1. You can ask simply if they have a preference of milk or sugar by saying "do you like milk or sugar with your coffee?" Often times, they will say one or the other, or maybe even both, or none. In the U.S., sometimes you can find coffee drinkers who take their coffee "black", which means without any condiments like milk/sugar, but not always. Milk and sugar and other additives are more popular. 2. If you ask "how do you like your coffee?" this is a more broad question and the person can respond with a variety of answers. This is the most common way to ask someone their coffee preferences.
1.  "do you like milk or sugar with your coffee?"   コーヒーにミルクか砂糖入れますか? このように、ミルクか砂糖の好みをシンプルに尋ねることができます。どちらかだけいるという人もいれば、どちらとも、もしくはどちらもいらないという人もいるかもしれません。アメリカでは、 コーヒーを "black",(ブラック)で、つまりミルクも砂糖も入れないで飲む人もいますが、必ずしもみんながそうであるとは限りません。ミルク、砂糖やほかのものを入れるのがより人気があります。 2.  "how do you like your coffee?"   コーヒーはどうしますか? これは、より広い質問で、様々な答えが返ってきます。コーヒーをどのように飲むかを尋ねる最も一般的な質問です。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • Do you take milk and sugar in your coffee?

  • Do you take your coffee white with sugar?

The first example sentence is the most common form. The second example sentence is more common when you are actually in the process of making the coffee for someone.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How do you take your coffee?

  • Do you like sugar and milk in your coffee?

  • Do you prefer your coffee black or with cream and sugar?

It's very important to ask someone about their preferences when serving them anything to eat or drink. In the case of coffee, persons may prefer to have it black, with nothing at all or just sugar. They may take cream and sugar which is also known as milk and sugar. There are other types of sweeteners and creams available. So, if you have the variety of options you should ask your guests or friend what they like.
食べ物や飲み物を出す時に相手の好みを聞くことはとても重要です。コーヒーの場合は、何も入れないブラック、又は砂糖だけを入れるのが好きな人もいます。「cream and sugar=クリームと砂糖(milk and sugarとも言う)」もあります。他にもいろいろな甘味料やクリームがあります。ですから、いろいろな選択肢がある場合には、ゲストや友人に好みを聞くのがいいでしょう。
Yash DMM英会話講師
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