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2018/01/24 02:57
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  • How often do you get your hair cut?

  • Do you get your hair cut every month?

"How often do you get your haircut?" This asks the person to tell you how often they get their hair cut. "Do you get your hair cut every month?" this asks the person to tell you if they get their air cut once every month.
"How often do you get your haircut?" (どのくらいの頻度で髪を切るの?) "Do you get your hair cut every month?" (毎月髪を切りますか?)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • How often do you go to get your hair cut?

  • How often do you go to the barbers?

  • When do you get your haircut?

Getting a haircut and going to the barbershop is a normal activity for just about everybody. When having a conversation, you may be curious to ask how often somebody goes to the barber shop to cut their hair. Simple ask this: "How often do you go to get your hair cut?" How often = this means 'when, and how frequently' For example: A: How often do your go to get your hair cut? B: I usually go once or twice every two months. Some additional vocabulary relating to haircuts is: Barber shop Barber Beauty parlor Hair salon Scissors Clippers Razor Beard Hair Sideburns (the hair on a mans head near the side of his ears) Bangs = the hair that falls over your forehead Locks= long strands of hair
髪を切りに散髪屋さんに行くことはごく普通に誰もが行う事です。 会話中に、どのくらいの頻度で散髪に行くかどうか気になって聞きたくなるかもしれません。 次のように単純に尋ねてみましょう。 "How often do you go to get your hair cut?" (どのくらいの頻度で髪を切りに行きますか?) How often = これは 'when,(いつ)そして"how frequently'(どのくらいの頻度で)と言う意味になります。 【例】 A: How often do your go to get your hair cut? (どのくらいの頻度で髪を切りに行きますか?) B: I usually go once or twice every two months. (2か月に1回か2回くらい行きます) 【散髪に関連するその他のボキャブラリーです】 Barber shop(理髪店) Barber(理髪師) Beauty parlor(美容室) Hair salon(美容室) Scissors(ハサミ) Clippers(刈るもの) Razor(剃刀) Beard(ひげ) Hair(髪) Sideburns(もみあげ) Bangs = 切り下げ前髪 Locks= 髪の毛の束
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • How often do you get a hair cut

  • How often do you visit the barbershop

*How often do you get a hair cut? Instead of saying often one can say frequently. A: How frequently do you get your hair cut? B: Once a month *How often do you visit the barbershop? A barbershop is a place where one gets his/her hair/ beard trimmed or shaved. The person who cuts hair is a barber. Example Sentences: My hair is too long, tomorrow i will go to the barbershop. The barber did a very good job on my beard.
*How often do you get a hair cut? (どのくらいの頻度で髪を切ってますか?) "often"と言う代わりに"frequently"と言う事も出来ます。 【例】 A: How frequently do you get your hair cut? (どのくらいの頻度で髪を切りますか?) B: Once a month (一か月に一回です) *How often do you visit the barbershop? (どのくらいの頻度で理髪店に行きますか?) "barbershop"(理髪店)とは髪を切ったりひげをそったりする場所の事です。 髪を切る人の事を"barber"と言います。 【例文】 My hair is too long, tomorrow I will go to the barbershop. (髪が伸びすぎてしまったので、明日理髪店に行きます) The barber did a very good job on my beard. (私のひげを理髪師は上手に仕上げてくれました)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Do you cut your hair monthly or weekly?

  • How regularly do you cut your hair?

▪ Do you cut your hair monthly or weekly? Monthly is once a month. Weekly is once a week. This is asking indirectly if he/she cuts hair on a monthly or weekly basis. ▪ How regularly do you cut your hair? Regularly is how frequently or how often. This is a direct way of asking how often he/she cuts hair.
"Do you cut your hair monthly or weekly?" (髪を切るのは月ごと?それとも週ごと?) "Monthly"=月に一回 "Weekly"=週に一回 "How regularly do you cut your hair?" "Regularly"=どのくらいの頻度で これは髪を切る頻度を聞く直接的な言い方です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How often do you go in for a haircut?

  • How often do you get a haircut?

"How often do you go in for a haircut?" Go in just means to go to a place or in this case the salon or barber shop. For example: Do you often go in to buy groceries? When they respond they will often just say go instead of go in. For example: I go three times a week. "How often do you get a haircut?" This is another way of asking the same question as response one.
"How often do you go in for a haircut?"(どのくらいの頻度で髪を切りますか) - "Go in" は「(ある場所に)行く」という意味です。この場合は、それは美容院や理髪店ですね。 例えば: Do you often go in to buy groceries?(食料品はよく買いに行きますか) 返答するときには、"go in" の代わりに単に "go" と言うことが多いです。 例えば: I go three times a week.(週に3回行きます) "How often do you get a haircut?"(どのくらいの頻度で髪を切りますか) - これも一つ目の例と同じことを尋ねています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • How frequently do you get you hair cut?

Explanation:- You can use the word 'frequently' to talk about the time period between something happening. Sample sentence:- A. "How frequently do you go to the cinema?" B. "Twice a month, usually."
解説:何かが起こる間隔について話すとき、頻繁に 'frequently' という言葉を使うことができます。 例文: A. "How frequently do you go to the cinema?" (どのくらいの頻度でその映画館に行きますか?) B. "Twice a month, usually." (いつもは月に2回くらいです。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How often do you get your hair cut?

  • When do you usually cut your hair?

When you want to ask someone how often they get their hair cut; then you can ask in the following ways: -How often do you get your hair cut? -When do you usually cut your hair?
どのくらいの頻度で髪を切るのか質問したいなら、次のように言えます。 -How often do you get your hair cut?(どのくらいの頻度で髪を切りますか) -When do you usually cut your hair?(普通、髪はいつ切りますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • How often do you go to the barber/hairdresser?

  • When do you get your haircut?

"How often do you go to the barber/hairdresser?" how often/ how frequently do you do something. A 'barber' is usually the term used for a hairdresser who cuts/styles men's hair and facial hair. A 'Hairdresser' is the female equivalent of a barber, they cater for the females hair. but 'hairdresser' can be used for both male and female.
"How often do you go to the barber/hairdresser?"(どのくらいの頻度で髪の毛を切りますか) "how often/how frequently do you do something"(どのくらいの頻度で~するか) 'barber' は普通男性の髪の毛やひげを整える/切る人を指します。 'hairdresser' は 'barber' の女性版です、女性の髪を切ります。 ただ、'hairdresser' は女性だけでなく男性についても使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • How often do you get your hair cut?

  • How often do you go for a hair cut?

To ask somebody how often they get their hair cut, you can say: "How often do you get your hair cut?" "How often do you go for a hair cut?"
どのくらいの頻度で髪の毛を切るのか質問したいなら、次のように言えます。 "How often do you get your hair cut?" "How often do you go for a hair cut?" (どのくらいの頻度で髪を切りますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • How often do you get your hair cut?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「How often do you get your hair cut?」 (意味)どのくらいの頻度で髪を切りますか? <例文>How often do you get your hair cut?/ I like to get my hair cut every month. <訳>どのくらいの頻度で髪を切りますか?/ 毎月髪を切るのが好きです。 参考になれば幸いです。
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