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引っ越しにかかった費用のことです。 予想よりも費用が高かった時に、 「思ったより引っ越し費用が高かった」と言いたいです。
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2018/01/24 11:56
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  • Moving expenses

*Moving Expenses. When moving from one house to another or changing location, you can incur expenses. An expense is a charge or cost. Example Sentences: When i moved from Brooklyn i was charged a lot for transporting my furniture. I incurred a lot of expenses, searching for a new apartment.
*Moving Expenses. (引っ越し費用/転居費) 一つの家から違う家に引っ越したり、場所を変ったりする時お金を使います。 "expense"とは料金や費用と言う意味です。 【例文】 When I moved from Brooklyn I was charged a lot for transporting my furniture. (ブルックリンから引っ越す時、家具を運ぶのに費用が沢山掛かりました) I incurred a lot of expenses, searching for a new apartment. (沢山費用が掛かりました、新しいアパートを探したり)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Moving expences

Moving from one house to another can seem like a difficult and tedious task. Sometimes it can involve many expenses. Expenses relating to moving are called 'moving expenses' For example: A: I heard lately that you moved to a new house. B: Yes, it was quite the hassle, but we managed to find this new beautiful house near the lake, so we bought it and moved in. A: Did you have a lot of moving expenses? B: Yes, it was a little expensive to move. We had to buy the house, pay a realtor, and pay for a moving company to take our things over to the new house and unpack everything.
ある家から他の場所へ引っ越しをするという事はてても大変でうんざりする事です。 時には沢山お金がかかったりします。 引っ越しにかかる費用の事を 'moving expenses'(引っ越し費用)と呼びます。 【例】 A: I heard lately that you moved to a new house. (君、最近新しい家に引っ越したんだって?) B: Yes, it was quite the hassle, but we managed to find this new beautiful house near the lake, so we bought it and moved in. (うん、結構面倒だったよ。でも、何とか新しい湖に近い綺麗な家に引っ越すことが出来たよ) A: Did you have a lot of moving expenses? (引っ越し費用沢山掛かった?) B: Yes, it was a little expensive to move. We had to buy the house, pay a realtor, and pay for a moving company to take our things over to the new house and unpack everything. (うん。ちょっと高かったよ。家を買って、不動産屋に支払って、新しい家に家財道具を運ぶのに引っ越し業者に支払らったよ)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • The movie cost more than I expected.

  • The movie was more expensive than I thought.

"The moving cost was more than I expected." This explains that the movie cost more money than you thought. "The moving was more expensive than I thought." This is another way that you explain that the movie cost more than you thought it would.
"The moving cost was more than I expected." (引っ越し費用は予想以上だった。) "The moving was more expensive than I thought." (引っ越しは思ったよりも高かった。)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • the costs involved in moving

  • moving expenses

The costs involved in moving house is usually quite high. The phrases "the costs involved in moving" and "moving expenses" mean the same thing. For example, in a sentence you could use the phrase as follows: The costs involved in moving to New York are going to be very high. The moving expenses to New York are going to be very high.
引っ越し費用は非常に高額ですよね。 引っ越し費用は"the costs involved in moving"や"moving expenses"と言います。 例文; "The costs involved in moving to New York are going to be very high." (ニューヨークへの引っ越し費用はかなり高額になるだろう。) "The moving expenses to New York are going to be very high." (ニューヨークへの引っ越し費用はかなり高額になるだろう。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • House moving costs

  • Removal expenses

  • Removal firm bill

If you move house then there are associated costs, usually. These are known as 'house moving costs'. This description may also include agent's fees, lawyer's expenses, transfer of your belongings etc. A removal firm will take your furniture and possessions to the new home. The company will present you with a 'removal bill.'
もし引っ越すのであれば、かかってくる費用が大抵あります。 それは、"house moving costs"(引っ越し費用)と言われます。 このコストにはまた、代理店費、弁護士費、搬入にかかるお金なども含まれています。 removal firm(引っ越し屋さん)が、家具や所有物を新しい場所に運んでくれます。 そういった会社は、'removal bill'(引越し費用)を提示してくれるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Moving house expenses

  • Moving costs

If you are taking about moving homes you would just call it 'moving' so you would say 'the moving expenses are high' or 'the moving costs were high' You could also say ' The cost of moving was high'
引っ越すことはシンプルに'moving'で表せます。ですから、以下のように言えます: 'The moving expenses are high'(引越し費用は高い) 'The moving costs were high'(引越し費用は高かった) また、'The cost of moving was high'(引越し費用は高かった)とも言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • moving costs

  • moving expenses

What you see provided above are the words we use to describe the money we use when we have to move. The first one, moving costs, is more common than the second one, moving expenses. Although the first one is more common your listener will understand you if you say moving expenses. I hope these words and this explanation help you out!
上記は2例とも、引っ越しにかかる費用を表す言葉です。 一つ目のmoving costsの方が二つ目のmoving expensesよりもよく使われます。moving costsの方が一般的ですが、moving expensesと言っても伝わります。 これらのフレーズと説明がお役に立てば幸いです。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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