My eldest male offspring often receives my compliments
Well, male offspring are known as 'sons.' 'Offspring' is a word that refers to either male or female children (or any other gender variation that you may find in the modern world). It seems strange just to say that a son receives compliments without giving full details of why he receives compliments - so the context should be explained in every case.
The literal translation of "息子" is "son". To say, "「自分の息子を褒める」は英語でなんて言いますか?" means roughly, "Do you praise you son?"
Yes, to say "praise your son" is pretty common in America. If you are speaking directly to your son, you would most likely say, "You did a good job, son." If you are talking to someone else about your son, then you would be more likely to use that phrase, "praise my son."
「自分の息子を褒める」は、ざっくり言うと"Do you praise you son?"という意味です。
"praise your son"(息子を褒める)ことはアメリカではかなり一般的です。息子に直接話している場合は、"You did a good job, son."(よくできたね)と言うでしょう。他の誰かに自分の息子について話す場合は、"praise my son."という表現を使うことが多いでしょう。
"My son" This is said if one parent is talking about their son.
"Our Son" this is used when both parents are talking about their son.
"I often compliment/praise my son." This explains that you praise your son a lot.
" We often compliment or son." This explains that both parents compliment their son.
一人の親が息子について話すときには"My son"と言います。
両親が息子について話すときには "Our Son"と言います。
"I often compliment/praise my son." (私は息子をよく褒めます)
" We often compliment or son." (私たちは息子をよく褒めます)
I have a 10-year-old son.
My son lives in London.
「息子」は英語で son と言います。
「長男」だと oldest/eldest son などと言います。ただ日本では男兄弟の中で一番年上だと、さらに年長の姉がいても長男と言いますが、英語では男女含めて全体で一番年上の時のこのような表現をします。
I complimented my son on his act because he could put his toys away himself.
My son graduated from high school last week.
I often give compliments to my son
My son gets treated well at home
my boys (息子たち)と言ったりもします。
I played with the boys on the weekend.
「息子」は、英語で "son" と言います。
My son is 10 years old. 「息子は10歳です。」
I often praise my son. 「自分の息子を褒める」
His son is going to enter high school this April. 「彼の息子は4月から高校に入学する」
I want to compliment my son for graduating college.
My son has grown very tall in the past year.
I am very happy I have a son and a daughter.
息子 son
I want to compliment my son for graduating college.
My son has grown very tall in the past year.
I am very happy I have a son and a daughter.
Son = a boy or man in relation to either or both of his parents.
Daughter = a girl or woman in relation to either or both of her parents.
For example.
How are the kids?
Well, my son is his same usual self.
And you daughter?
She is working hard at school still. They are both good.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
I have a son and two daughters.
Is the child over there your son?
My sons all live in the United States.
Do you have any sons?
I have two little boys.
My boy is very good about doing his homework.
「褒める」は英語で「to praise」といいます。
「息子を褒める」と言いたいときは「praise (my) son」です。
I try to praise my son often.
I'm sure to praise my son whenever he does something helpful.
息子は一般的に英語で 'son' と言います。
「自分の息子」は 'my son' と言います。
'I praise my son.'
'To encourage good behavior in the child, I praise my son when he does something good.'
「息子」をほかの言葉でいうと 'offspring' とも言えます。「子孫」という意味なので息子も娘にも使い、単数でも複数でも同じく使えます。
息子は son という言葉です。褒める は英語で to compliment, to praise または to speak well of と表現できる。
I compliment my son.
I speak highly of my son.
I praise my son.
I praise my son every day.
I compliment my son when he gets good grades.
息子はsonといいますけれど”my child”(私の子供)もよく使えます。
I compliment my own son
褒める - compliment, praise, say good things to
My son/my child really is a genius.
長男 - eldest son, oldest son
息子2人います。 - I have two sons
I often praise my son.
I have two sons.
What does your son do for a living?
My son is thirty years old.
I have three daughters so this time I want a son.
I have one grandson. He is two years old.
A boy/man in relation to their parents is called a "son". When you want to talk about how you compliment your son often, then you can say:
-I compliment my son often.
I compliment my son often.(私は自分の息子をよく褒める)
息子は son と言います。
A: How old is your son?
B: He is 7 years old.
A: 息子さんはいくつ?
B: 7歳です
He has two sons.
Her son just graduated from high school.