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2018/01/27 21:55
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  • Do you play any game apps on your phone?

  • Do you ever play with game apps on your phone?

f you ask: "Do you play any game apps on your phone?" it is quite a general question and is not asking about the past, just the present time. If your friend is at all communicative in the normal way, then they would either affirm or disaffirm your query and possibly add some detail such as: "I'm really into Roblox at the moment."
"Do you play any game apps on your phone?" (スマホでゲームする?) これはとても一般的な質問で、過去ではなく現在のことを質問するときに使います。友達に人並みのコミュニケーション能力があれば、あなたの質問に答えてからより多くのことを教えてくれるでしょう。たとえば... "I'm really into Roblox at the moment." (今はRobloxにはまっているんだ。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any mobile games that you're into right now?

  • Do you have any games on your phone that you really like now?

"Games that you're into" 'Into' in this sentence means 'games that you really like or have a high interest in". 'Into' should mean that it's an active interest. Sample dialogue: "Hey, do you have any mobile games that you're really into right now?" "Yeah, I'm into NBA 2K18 these past days. Check it out."
"Games that you're into" この文章での'Into'は、'games that you really like or have a high interest in". (本当に好きなあるいは大きな興味のあるゲーム)という意味です。'Into'は、積極的な興味を意味します。 【例文】 "Hey, do you have any mobile games that you're really into right now?"(今ハマってる携帯ゲームがある?) "Yeah, I'm into NBA 2K18 these past days. Check it out."(うん、NBA 2K18にここ数日ハマってるよ。チェックしてみなよ)
  • What games are you playing on your phone at the moment?

  • Are you playing any good game on your phone at the moment?

  • Are you addicted to any games at the moment?

"What games are you playing on your phone at the moment?" This asks them to explain to you which games they are enjoying on their phone at the moment. "Are you playing any good game on your phone at the moment?" This asks them to recommend any good games they have found lately "Are you addicted to any games at the moment?" This asks them if they have any very good games that they lay all the time.
【例】 "What games are you playing on your phone at the moment?" (今、スマホで何のゲームをやっている?) これは、スマホで今現在何のゲームを楽しんでやっているか尋ねる表現になります。 【例】 "Are you playing any good game on your phone at the moment?" (今、スマホで何かいいゲームをやっていますか?) これは、最近おすすめのスマホでのゲームはあるかどうか尋ねる表現になります。 【例】 "Are you addicted to any games at the moment?" (今何かはまっているゲームありますか?) これは、最近よくやっているいいゲームはあるかどうか尋ねる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Are you addicted to any smartphone game apps at the moment?

▪ Are you addicted to any smartphone game apps at the moment? addicted to games = in love with games This sentence is asking if he/she are in love with or obsessed with any game apps on their smartphone. Example You: Are you addicted to any smartphone game apps at the moment? Friend: Yes, i am in love with candy crush.
▪ Are you addicted to any smartphone game apps at the moment? (スマホゲームで今はまっているものはありますか?) addicted to games = はまっているゲーム/夢中になっているゲーム この表現は今夢中になっているスマホのゲームは何かあるかどうかを尋ねる表現です。 【例】 You: Are you addicted to any smartphone game apps at the moment? あなた:今何かはまっているスマホのゲームありますか? Friend: Yes, I am in love with candy crush. 友人:うん、キャンディークラッシュに夢中です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any hot game apps on your phone

  • Which game apps are trending in your phone

*Do you have any hot game apps on your phone. - The word hot in this phrase indicate what a person is currently into. A: What are you listening to? B: I'm listening to this hot song. *Which game apps are trending in your phone. - The word trending shows what's popular or favorite. Example Sentences: This hairstyle is trending. That style of dressing is trending.
*Do you have any hot game apps on your phone. 携帯にはまっているゲームアプリはありますか? この文章の中でhotは現在はまっているものを意味しています。 例文: A: What are you listening to? 何を聴いていますか? B: I'm listening to this hot song. はまっているこの曲を聴いています。 *Which game apps are trending in your phone. 携帯のどのゲームアプリにはまっていますか? Trendingは人気である、またはお気に入りを表します。 例文: This hairstyle is trending. この髪型が流行っています。 That style of dressing is trending. あの着こなしが流行っています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What phone game apps are you hooked on right now?

  • What phone game apps are you playing a lot at the moment?

The expression 'hooked on' is a slang term for being 'into something' or even 'addicted to something!' You can be hooked on a movie, a game, a type of food, anything really! If you want a simpler statement, you can ask what apps they are 'playing a lot'. This will give you a good idea of what is popular.
hooked on' は「はまっている」の意味のスラングです。'into something' や 'addicted to something' も同じ意味です。 'hooked on' する対象は、映画、ゲーム、食べ物などありとあらゆるものです。 よりシンプルに言いたいなら、「何のアプリを 'playing a lot'(よくやっているか)」という聞き方もできます。これで、何のアプリが人気なのかが分かると思います。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • Do you play any mobile games?

  • Are you enjoying a specific mobile game at the moment?

By asking "Do you play any mobile games?", you are wanting to know if the person plays any mobile games (phone game apps). You can then follow up with "Are you enjoying a specific mobile game at the moment?" to find out which mobile games they like and are playing at the moment.
"Do you play any mobile games?"(何か携帯でゲームはやりますか)は、相手に携帯でゲームをするかどうかを尋ねています。これに "Are you enjoying a specific mobile game at the moment?"(今何かやっている携帯ゲームはありますか)と続けて、今何のゲームにはまっているのか尋ねることもできます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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