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2018/01/28 00:18
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  • It's bite-sized and easy to eat.

  • It can be easily eaten in one bite.

「一口サイズ」can be translated pretty accurately as "bite-size" in English. The word "bite-size" can also be used as an adjective "bite-sized" and is used to describe food that can be eaten in one bite. 「食べやすい」means "easy to eat." Saying that "(something) can be easily eaten in one bite" another way to describe the size of a particular food or snack that is small enough to be completely consumed in just one bite.
「一口サイズ」は英語でそのまま"bite-size"と訳すことが出来ます。"bite-size"は形容詞として"bite-sized"と言うことも出来ます。これは一口で食べられるということを表しています。 「食べやすい」は"easy to eat"です。 "(something) can be easily eaten in one bite"はもうひとつの言い方で、「食べ物やお菓子などのサイズが一口で食べられるほど小さい」ということを表しています。
Scott F DMM英語講師
  • Its bite size so it is easy to eat.

  • This is so easy to eat because it is bite size.

"Its bite size so it is easy to eat." This explains that what you are eating is easy to eat because you can eat the pieces in one mouth full. "This is so easy to eat because it is bite size." This is another way of explaining that it is easy to eat because each piece is one bite.
【例】 "It's bite size so it is easy to eat." (これ一口サイズで食べやすい) これは、その食べ物は一口の大きさなので食べやすそうだ、という事を説明しています。 【例】 "This is so easy to eat because it is bite size." (これは一口サイズなので食べやすい) これももう一つの表現で一口で食べられる大きさなので食べやすいという事を説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Bite-sized (snack/morsel/food)

  • Moreish

  • Addictive

A bite-sized food is a food that can be put into the mouth in one piece without needing to bite it into pieces before chewing it. You can follow the word 'bite-size' with either food, snack or morsel. A morsel means a small piece of food. Moreish and addictive have similar meanings. They are used to describe foods that are so delicious its almost impossible to stop eating them!
A bite-sized foodとは、噛まなくても一口で食べられる食べ物のことを言います。 食べ物、スナック、一口サイズの食べ物を'bite-size' という言葉を使って表現できます。 morselとは、小さいサイズの食べ物という意味です。   Moreish と addictive はよく似た意味をしています。その食べ物がおいしくて、とまらないことを意味します。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • bite size , bite sized

  • mouthful

example "its a perfect size to eat in one mouthful". or "its bite sized"
例:  "Its a perfect size to eat in one mouthful" 一口で食べられるちょうどいいサイズです。  "Its bite sized" 一口サイズです。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • It's a bite size snack and easy to eat

  • I can eat this snack in a single mouthful

*It's a bite size snack and easy to eat. - Bite size means small enough to be eaten without having to bite more than once. A: What will they have for lunch? B: Let's order a platter of bite sized sandwiches. *I can eat this snack in a single mouthful. -Single mouthful means you only put the food once in your mouth. Example Sentences: She took a mouthful of the samosa. These snacks are just testers in a single mouthful they are finished.
"It's a bite size snack and easy to eat." (これは一口サイズのお菓子で食べやすい。) "bite size"=二口以上で食べる必要がないほど小さい。 A"What will they have for lunch?" (彼らはお昼ご飯に何を食べるの?) B"Let's order a platter of bite sized sandwiches." (一口サイズのサンドイッチの皿を注文しようよ。) "I can eat this snack in a single mouthful." (私はこのお菓子を一口で食べることが出来る。) "single mouthful"=一口で食べられる "She took a mouthful of the samosa." (彼女は一口のサモサを取った。) "These snacks are just testers in a single mouthful they are finished." (このお菓子は一口サイズの試食品だ。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's a bite-size snack

  • It's finger food

You may describe a small piece of something as a 'bite size snack' especially the kinds of things you get at buffets or reception parties. Such items as sausage roll or pates or small sushi delicacies may also be described as finger food as you can pick it up easily. "I love buffet finger food!"
小さいひとつのものを "bite size snack"(一口用の軽食) と表すことができます。 特に、ビュッフェやレセプションパーティーなどで 出されるようなものに対してです。 ソーセージロールやパテ、小さいお寿司のご馳走のようなものが、 簡単につかむことができるので、 "finger food"(指でつまんで食べられるもの) として説明されます。 "I love buffet finger food!" (私はビュッフェの軽食が大好きです!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The snack is so convenient to eat because it is the perfect bite size.

  • This bite size snack is so comfortable to eat.

▪ The snack is so convenient to eat because it is the perfect bite size. convenient = perfect for your needs. This sentence explains that the snack is perfect to eat with with just one bite and it is just what you need. ▪ This bite size snack is so comfortable to eat. comfortable = enjoyable This sentence indicates that the snack is the right size to be enjoyed with just one bite.
【例】 ▪ The snack is so convenient to eat because it is the perfect bite size. (このスナックは一口サイズで食べやすい) convenient = 都合の良い この表現はあなたに必要な、たった一口サイズで食べやすいという事を説明しています。 ▪ This bite size snack is so comfortable to eat. (この一口サイズのスナックは食べやすい) comfortable = 楽しめる この表現はそのお菓子が一口サイズで楽しめる大きさだという事を言い表しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • "This snack is bite-sized and easy to eat"

  • "This snack can be eaten in only one bite, it is so easy to eat"

If you wanted to explain that a certain snack/food is the that can be eaten in one bite and is easy to eat, you could say either of the following to express this: "This snack is bite-sized and easy to eat" or "This snack can be eaten in only one bite, it is so easy to eat".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Bite sized.

Examples: This is a bite sized snack, it makes it really easy to eat. It's bite sized, it's so easy to eat! It's bite sized, you can eat it with one mouthful! You only need one mouthful in order to eat this snack!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • This snack is tiny and can be swallowed in one go!

Everyone loves small snacks, especially in a situation such as when we are having drinks with friends. Some bars give you free bite-sized snacks such as peanuts or olives. They are a great snack, especially if you are hungry and you can't wait for your next meal. "Swallowed in one go" means that all it takes is one mouthful or bite of the snack and it's gone. This type of food is also called "finger food"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • This snack is bite-sized and easy to eat.

  • This snack can easily be eaten in one bite.

Here are two different ways we can describe a snack that can be eaten in one bite or easily eaten. Notice that when a snack is eatable in one bite, we can use the word, "bite-sized." In addition, we can also say that something is, "easily eaten," with the adverb of the adjective, "easy."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • A bite-sized snack that is easy to eat

  • A snack than can be had in one easy bite

When you want to explain that a certain food/snack can be eaten in one bite and it is easy to eat; then you may explain this in the following ways: -A bite-sized snack that is easy to eat -A snack than can be had in one easy bite
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • bite-sized and easy to eat

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・bite-sized and easy to eat 一口サイズで食べやすい bite-sized で「一口サイズ」を表現することができます。 a bite で「一口」となります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • It's bite-sized and easy to eat.

  • It's small and easy to eat.

「一口サイズで食べやすい」というのは、他のアンカーの方も回答してらっしゃるように、 It's bite-sized and easy to eat. のように言います(*^_^*) ただ、bite-sizeという表現を知らなければ、 もっとシンプルに It's small and easy to eat. 「小さくて食べやすい」 と言えば、十分に伝わりますね。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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