ヨーロッパでは、誰かのため息が聞こえる(鼻水を、ススる音は聞こえない)。逆に日本では、どこに行っても(ため息の音は聞こえないけど)、誰かが鼻水をススっている音が聞こえる。と言いたいです! I usualy hear someone's sighing sound in Eur,・・・ここからが難しい><
In Europe, I usually hear people sighing, but in Japan, I usually hear people sniffing
When I'm in Europe, I always hear people sighing, but when I'm in Japan, I always hear people sniffing
In Europe,the most common sound is of people sighing, but in Japan, the most common sound is people sniffing
「ため息」= sigh, sighing
「鼻水をススる」= sniff, sniffing, sniffling
「ヨーロッパでは、誰かのため息が聞こえる(鼻水を、ススる音は聞こえない)。逆に日本では、どこに行っても(ため息の音は聞こえないけど)、誰かが鼻水をススっている音が聞こえる。」= In Europe, I usually hear people sighing, but in Japan, I usually hear people sniffing
When I'm in Europe, I always hear people sighing, but when I'm in Japan, I always hear people sniffing
In Europe,the most common sound is of people sighing, but in Japan, the most common sound is people sniffing