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菜食主義の人のことです。 「ここはベジタリアン用のレストランです」と言いたいのですが、 ベジタリアンのままで通じますか?
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2018/01/29 18:15
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  • Vegetarian

  • Vegan

"Vegetarian" Is someone who does not eat meat like fish or red meats but will eat things like milk, cheese, and eggs. "Vegan" is someone who will not eat any product that comes from an animal so no eggs, cheeses, milk or meat.
"Vegetarian" (ベジタリアン) これは肉や魚は食べないけど、牛乳などの乳製品や卵は食べる人たちの事を言います。 "Vegan" (完全菜食主義者/ベーガン) これは卵、チーズ、牛乳、肉などを含む食べ物を全く食べない人の事を言います。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Vegetarian

  • Vegan

If the person doesn't eat meat, then they are a vegetarian. If the person doesn't eat meat or animal products then they are a vegan. Vegetarian often gets shortened to 'veggie'. "I have been a veggie for 5 years".
"vegetarian"=肉を食べないひと "vegan"=肉はもちろん動物性食品を食べないひと "veggie"="vegetarian"の短縮形 "I have been a veggie for 5 years." (僕はもう5年もベジタリアンだよ。)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師

  • I gave up eating flesh and became a I may even go VEGAN!

Many people are now turning away from" factory farmed foods" ,mainly due to the terrible cruelty involved...(and also for "health reasons") Over 57 Billion animals are slaughtered for food every year...and so these days more and more of us ... are going "plant based" in our diet choices!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
2018/01/30 17:47
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  • Vegetarian

そのままvegetarianで伝わります。 This is a vegetarian restaurant.(これはベジタリアンのレストランです) ちなみに動物性の食品や製品を使わない人はveganといいます。
  • Vegetarian

*Vegetarian - These people only eat vegetables, fruits and sometimes take food supplements. Supplement is something taken to complete a thing. Example Sentences: The doctor had to give Todd some vitamin B supplements. Is there a vegetarian option on your food menu?
*Vegetarian (ベジタリアン) - 野菜や果物だけを食べる人々の事です。 時々"supplement"(サプリメント)で補給したりもします。 "Supplement"(サプリメント)とは栄養補助食品の事です。 【例文】 The doctor had to give Todd some vitamin B supplements. (医者はトッドにビタミンBのサプリメントを出さなければならなかった) Is there a vegetarian option on your food menu? (ベジタリアン用がメニューにありますか?)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Vegetarian

  • Vegan

▪ Vegetarian A person who does not eat any meat or fish. ▪ Vegan A person who does not eat any animal products. ................ ▪Example sentences: ▪a. This is a restaurant for vegetarians. ▪b. This is a vegan restaurant.
▪ Vegetarian (ベジタリアン/菜食主義者) 肉や魚を食べない人の事を言います。 ▪ Vegan (ベーガン/完全菜食主義者) 動物性の食品を一切食べない人の事を言います。 ................ 【例文】 ▪a. This is a restaurant for vegetarians. (ここはベジタリアンのレストランです) ▪b. This is a vegan restaurant. (ここはベーガンのレストランです)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • vegetarian

こんにちは。 「ベジタリアン」は英語でもそのまま vegeterian と言います。 他には vegan(ヴィーガン)という表現もよく聞きます。 ヴィーガンは動物性のものを一切食べない人です。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください。 ・I heard there's a new vegetarian restaurant. 新しいベジタリアン用のレストランができたらしいよ。 ・My friend is a vegan. 私の友人はヴィーガンです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Vegetarian

  • Vegan

There are two terms for this expression. A vegetarian is a person that will not eat specific meat products like chicken, pork, beef, lamb, or fish. However, he might be open to eating eggs or drinking milk. A vegan goes one step further than a vegetarian and does not eat ANY product of animal origin, sticking to bread (that is not made of milk or eggs!), vegetables, and fruits.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • Vegetarian

こんにちは。 ベジタリアンは、 そのまま「Vegetarian」といいます。 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Vegetarian

  • Vegan

A person who does not eat meat or the flesh of animal animal is called a vegetarian. This is very similar to the word 'vegetable', and it is appropriate since following a vegetarian diet includes eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. Vegetarians, although not eating meat may still consume other products from animals such as milk, eggs, cheese, etc. However, people who don't eat meat and any of the products coming from animals are called "vegans" and they follow a stricter diet than vegetarians.
Lenae DMM英会話講師
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