I was going to call you if I knew I was going to be late.
I would've called you if I were running late.
①I was going to call you if I knew I was going to be late.
I was going to call you→電話しようと思っていた
if I knew I was going to be late→もし遅刻するとわかっていたら
口語ではGoing toをGonnaと言い換えるネイティブスピーカーは多いです。友人同士の場合は、Gonnaの方がよりカジュアルです。
例文)I was gonna call you if I knew I was gonna be late.
②I would've called you if I were running late for our appointment.
I would've called you→電話するつもりだった
if I were running late for our appointment→もしアポイントに遅刻しそうだったら
If I wereをIf I wasと言い換えても間違いではありません。
I was going to call you if I was going to be late.
I was going to give you a call if I wasn’t going to make it on time.
(1) I was going to call you if I was going to be late
‘I was going to call you’ で「電話するつもりでした」、’if i was going to be late’ で「もしも遅刻しそうになったら」という意訳での訳出です。
(2) I was going to give you a call if I was not going to make it on time
(1)と同様の意味合い・ニュアンスではあるのですが、 ‘give you a call’ という様に ’call’ を動詞としてではなく名詞として用いている点に注目してください。
また、 「遅刻」は ‘not going to make it on time’ =「時間に間に合わない」という様な言い方をしてもOKです。
I was going to call you if I was going to be late.
・「I was going to call you if I was going to be late. 」
<例文>I was going to call you if I was going to be late but I somehow was able to arrive 15 minutes earlier than planned.