「歯磨きしながら」= while brushing your teeth
「歩いたら」= if you walk (around)
「喉を突く」= you'll stab yourself in the throat / you'll hurt your throat (hurt=傷をつける、痛める)
「気をつける」= be careful
「歯磨きしながら歩いたら喉を突くから気を付けて」= If you walk around while brushing your teeth, you'll end up stabbing yourself in the throat so be careful! / If you walk around while brushing your teeth, you might hurt your throat (with your toothbrush) so be careful!
- Be careful: 注意してください
- Choke: 窒息する、喉を詰まらせる
- Brushing your teeth: 歯磨き
- Walking: 歩く、歩行する
1. "Hey, be careful not to choke while brushing your teeth and walking around. It's dangerous!"
"Remember, don't multitask too much. You might accidentally choke while brushing your teeth and walking."
"Please, stop brushing your teeth while walking. You could choke, and that's not safe."