世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/06 12:50
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  • I go to see my parents only during the New year holidays.

  • I go to my hometown only for the New Year holidays.

年末年始は英語で、'New Year Holidays" といいます。 文法のポイントは: 年末年始には何か予定ある?-What are you going to do during your New Years holidays? OR Do you have any plans for the holidays? 何か期間を表すとき、英語で 'For' か 'During'を使います。 どうぞご参考までに。
  • I only go back home for New years holiday.

  • I usually go back home during Christmas time.

*I only go back home for New years holiday/I usually go back home during Christmas time.For people who work or study far from home, maybe abroad, might only afford to go back home and visit family and friends once a year. A: Hie mum, see you on New years. B: Ok son, miss you a lot.
*I only go back home for New years holiday. (正月休みにしか実家には帰省しません) *I usually go back home during Christmas time. (いつもクリスマス休暇に実家へ帰ります) 海外など実家から離れて仕事や勉強をしていると、 一年に一回しか帰省して家族や友達に会う事が出来なかったりします。 【例文】 A: Hie mum, see you on New years. (じゃあ、ママ、またお正月にね) B: Ok son, miss you a lot. (ええ、寂しくなるわ)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I get back home once a year

  • I visit once a year

example " i only get to visit home once a year". or "i only get a chance to get back home once a year usually". or "i don't get much time to visit, generally it's once a year".
【例文】 "I only get to visit home once a year". (一年に一度しか帰省しません) "I only get a chance to get back home once a year usually". (一年に一度しか帰省する機会はありません) "I don't get much time to visit, generally it's once a year". (あまり訪ねる機会はありません、通常一年に一回です)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I only go home at New Year

  • I only go home once a year, for the New Years Celebrations.

  • The only time I go home is during the Christmas Holidays.

These are three different ways of expressing the fact that you only return to your home town once a year, during New Year. Often we have holidays around this time to celebrate this holiday period and it is the best time to get to family homes. "I only go home at New Year." "I only go home once a year, for the New Years Celebrations." "The only time I go home is during the Christmas Holidays."
生まれ故郷に年に1度、新年にのみ帰るということを表現する3つの異なる言い方があります。この時期に私たちはよく休暇があり、家族の家へ帰るには最も良い時です。 例文:"I only go home at New Year." (新年にのみ実家へ帰ります。) "I only go home once a year, for the New Years Celebrations." (新年をお祝いするために年に一度しか実家に帰りません。) "The only time I go home is during the Christmas Holidays." (実家に帰るのは唯一クリスマス休暇のみです。)
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I only go home at New Year

We can use 'only' to signify when something occurs once or a few times within a period. 'I only eat two meals a day.' 'We only visit my mother twice a month.' 'I've only ever seen an eclipse once.'
ある期間中に一回または数回のみと、特定の回数だけ起こる場合は"only"を使うことができます。 'I only eat two meals a day.' (一日に2回しか食事をしません。) 'We only visit my mother twice a month.' (月に2度母を訪ねに行きます。) 'I've only ever seen an eclipse once.' (一度しか日/月食を見たことがありません。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I only go home over the new year

  • I get home once a year

Only go home. Only showing that it’s not often. Over the new year shows it starts before and continues through. Get home exactly same meaning
Only go homeのOnlyは、~しかという意味です。Over the new year 新年の間という意味です。Get homeも家に帰るという意味です。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • I only go to my hometown for the New Year holidays

  • I go to my hometown once a year and that's usually for the New Year holiday

When you want to explain that you only return to your hometown at the end of the year / for the New Year holidays; then you may express it in the following ways: -I only go to my hometown for the New Year holidays -I go to my hometown once a year and that's usually for the New Year holiday
年末年始しか故郷に帰らないことを説明したいなら、次のように表せます。 -I only go to my hometown for the New Year holidays (私は年末年始しか帰省しません) -I go to my hometown once a year and that's usually for the New Year holiday (私は一年に一度帰省します。大抵それは年末年始です)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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