I still feel tired, even though I had a great sleep.
I'm still sleepy!
It is so disappointing when you have a big sleep and still feel tired! Sometimes you have slept too long! Or sometimes you might not have slept as well as you thought!
"I slept well, but I would love a nap!" Napping is so good! A little 'nanna nap' in the afternoon can be very refreshing!
You can also say "I still feel tired, even though I had a great sleep." This indicates that you slept but still feel tired.
"I slept well, but I would love a nap!"
"I still feel tired, even though I had a great sleep."
I slept well last night but I'm still pretty sleepy.
Even though I slept 8 hours last night, I feel like I could sleep a lot more.
"I had a good night's sleep, but I'm still tired."
This is a great sentence to use when you want to express that you slept quite a bit, but you're still sleepy. The expression "good night's sleep" means that you have slept well and for a good amount of time.
Person: "You look tired. How are you?"
You: "I had a good night's sleep, but I'm still tired."
"I slept well last night but I'm still pretty sleepy."
This sentence is slightly more informal. However, it is also used to express that you had an adequate amount of sleep, but still feel tired. The term "pretty sleepy" makes this sentence more informal than if we were to used the term "tired."
Person: "How did you sleep?"
You: "I slept well last night but I'm still pretty sleepy."
"Even though I slept [8 hours] last night, I feel like I could sleep a lot more."
This is a neutral sentence that also expresses you have slept well but are still tired. This sentence also has the addition of the amount of time you slept. You might use this sentence if you want to be more specific in your answer. This sentence also lets the other person know that you "feel like you could sleep a lot more."
Person: "I saw you yawn earlier. Did you get enough sleep last night?"
You: "Even though I slept [8 hours] last night, I feel like I could sleep a lot more."
"I had a good night's sleep, but I'm still tired."
これはかなり寝たつもりなのにまだ眠い事がよく表現された文章です。 "good night's sleep" という表現は充分な時間よく寝たことを意味します。
相手: "You look tired. How are you?"(疲れているようですが、元気ですか。)
あなた: "I had a good night's sleep, but I'm still tired."(よく寝たつもりなのですが、まだ眠いです。)
"I slept well last night but I'm still pretty sleepy."
この文章は少しフォーマルではない表現です。しかし、 充分な量の睡眠を取ったけれど、まだ疲れていることを表現します。 "tired"という単語を使うより、"pretty sleepy" を使うことで、この文章をカジュアルにしています。
相手: "How did you sleep?"(よく寝ましたか。)
あなた: "I slept well last night but I'm still pretty sleepy."(よく寝ましたが、まだかなり眠いです。)
"Even though I slept [8 hours] last night, I feel like I could sleep a lot more."
この文章もまた、 "feel like I could sleep a lot more."(もっと長い時間眠りたい)ということを人に知らせることが出来ます。
相手: "I saw you yawn earlier. Did you get enough sleep last night?"(早い時間からあくびをしているけれど、昨晩よく寝ましたか。)
あなた: "Even though I slept [8 hours] last night, I feel like I could sleep a lot more."([8時間]寝ましたが、もっと寝られる気がします。)
Sleepy' and 'exhausted' are both ways of saying you are tired and want to sleep. You can also use the word 'exhausted' if you have worked really hard, either physically or psychologically, and you want to rest afterwards.
It is a common phrase in the UK, to say that you 'could sleep until tomorrow'. You could say this even if you slept for ages and woke up early in the day or morning. It does not mean you want to actually sleep until the next day, but it is used to denote that you are really tired.
To 'sleep like a log' is to say that you are really tired and went into a very deep sleep. A log is a tree that has been cut down and prepared (removing branches and cutting to a shape suitable to be hauled onto a truck). So to say that you have slept like a log is to say that you went into a deep heavy sleep, and were much like a log in that you felt heavy in the bed.
Sleepy' (眠たい) 'exhausted'(とても疲れた) はどちらも疲れていて眠りたいことを言う際に使う言葉です。 'exhausted'という単語は肉体的または精神的にハードな仕事をした後に、暫く休みたいときに使います。
'could sleep until tomorrow'はイギリスではよく使うフレーズです。長い間寝て、次の日の午後の早い時間や朝に起きたときでも使えます。実際には次の日まで寝たいわけではないですが、あなたが本当に疲れていることを示すときに使われます。
'sleep like a log' は本当に疲れていて、とても深く眠ったことを意味します。"A log"は 切られて準備された(枝を取り除いてトラックの上に乗せられる状態の形になった)木のことです。
つまり、 "you have slept like a log"は深く寝て、ベッドの上で丸太のようにずっしりと重く寝転がっていることを比喩しています。
I had a good night's sleep but I don't feel refreshed.
I can't open my eyes.
It is common to sometimes have a good nights sleep but in the morning, you feel like you want to sleep some more. To express this, you can simply say, "I still feel tired, I want to sleep some more".
If you have woken up but are still in bed it sometimes feels like you cannot open your eyes. You can say "I cannot open my eyes".
I still feel tired, I want to sleep some more.
I cannot open my eyes.と言えます。
Even though I slept well last night I am still sleepy.
"I am sleepy even though I slept well." This explains that you are still tired after a good nights rest.
"Even though I slept well last night I am still sleepy." This is another way of explaining that you are tired even though you slept really well the night before.
"I am sleepy even though I slept well."
"Even though I slept well last night I am still sleepy."
I had a really good nights sleep, but I'm still knackered!
I could of done with a lie in this morning.
I slept really well, but I'm still dog tired!
"I had a really good nights sleep, but I'm still knackered!" - This is a nice phrase, it states you slept well but your still tired/exhausted & you use a great British word "Knackered!". It's informal but it gets your point across.
"I could of done with a lie in this morning."- Informal, but, I use this all the time. If you have commitments it's not always possible to 'lie in' (British) 'sleep in' (American). It doesn't mean that you had enough sleep, it just states you want more! :)
"I could of done with a lie in this morning." / "I could of done with a sleep in this morning."
"I slept really well, but I'm still dog tired!"- 'Dog tired' is quite of a common phrase, just means tired/exhausted.
"I had a really good nights sleep, but I'm still knackered!"
- いいフレーズです。よく眠れたけどまだ眠い(疲れている)と伝えています。「knackered(ヘトヘトに疲れた)」というイギリス英語を使っています。インフォーマルですが、気持ちは伝わります。
"I could of done with a lie in this morning."
- インフォーマルですが、私はいつも使っています。約束がある場合にはなかなか「lie in=朝寝(イギリス)」「sleep in(アメリカ)」はできません。これは、十分な睡眠をとったという意味ではありません。もっと寝たいと言っています。
"I could of done with a lie in this morning." / "I could of done with a sleep in this morning."
"I slept really well, but I'm still dog tired!"
-「dog tired」はよく使われる表現で、「疲れた、ヘトヘトな」という意味です。
Explanation: When there is a contrasting aspect to something, you can use a conjunction like 'but' or 'however" or "although".
Example sentence:
"Generally, the weather in holiday was sunny but it did rain for two days."
何かを対比するときは、 'but'(しかし) 、 'however"(しかし) 、 "although"(~だけれども)などの接続詞を使うことができます。
"Generally, the weather in holiday was sunny but it did rain for two days."