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育休(育児休暇)は、 育児のためにお休みをもらうことです。 私の会社でもこの制度を利用している人は結構多いです。
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2018/02/14 14:21
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  • Maternity leave

  • Paternity leave

Explanation: The time a woman is absent from work is known as maternity leave. In these days of sexual equaity a man may also be entitled to time off work due to childbirth and that is known as paternity leave. Example sentence: "Henry is off work at the moment on paternity leave."
解説:女性が仕事を離れている期間は育休 maternity leaveと呼ばれています。昨今の男女平等の流れでは、男性も子供の[出産](に際して[休暇](を取得することが出来ますが、それは paternity leaveと呼ばれています。 例文: "Henry is off work at the moment on paternity leave." (ヘンリーは今、育休に入って休んでいます。) "She isn't in the office. She is on maternity leave." (彼女は出勤していません。育休に入っています。) on maternity leave / on paternity leave のような使い方をします。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • childcare leave

  • maternity/paternity leave

The leave a person takes to take care of the child is called "childcare leave" or "maternity/paternity leave". Remember, "maternity" relates to the mother, and "paternity" relates to the father. So, if the mother takes leave to take care of the child, then we call it "maternity leave". You can use these phrases in sentences in the following ways: -My wife is taking maternity leave when our child is born. -The father whose child had just been born decided to take paternity leave. -I am planning to take childcare leave to raise my newborn.
[育児](をするためにとる[休暇](の事は"childcare leave"や"maternity/paternity leave"と言います。 "maternity"は母親、そして"paternity"は父親について使われます。 ですので、母親が育児の為にとる休暇は"maternity leave"(育児休暇/出産休暇)と言います。 これらの表現を文章に使って、次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 【例文】 -My wife is taking maternity leave when our child is born. (子供が生まれる時は、妻は育児休暇/出産休暇をとります) -The father whose child had just been born decided to take paternity leave. (子供が生まれたばかりのお父さんは育児休暇を取ることを決めました) -I am planning to take childcare leave to raise my newborn. (赤ちゃんを育てるために、育児休暇をとるつもりです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • maternity leave

* Maternity leave. - is a period of time given to a female employee before and after giving birth. Depending on the nature of the employment contract this leave can be paid or unpaid. In some countries the father has a benefit of paternity leave. Example Sentences: Jane had a baby she's on maternity leave. Joe decided to go on partenity leave to help his wife raise their child.
* Maternity leave (育児休暇) -これは女性社員が産前産後にもらえる休暇の事です。 雇用契約の内容にもよりますが、この休暇は有給もしくは無給の休暇になります。 いくつかの国では父親も"paternity leave"(父親の育児休暇/父親産休)をとることが出来ます。 【例文】 Jane had a baby she's on maternity leave. (ジェーンは赤ちゃんを産んだので、育児休暇中です) Joe decided to go on partenity leave to help his wife raise their child. (ジョーは奥さんの子育てを手伝うために育児休暇をとる事を決めました)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Maternity leave

  • Paternity leave

  • A career break to raise a family

Maternity leave specifically refers to the time off from work a woman takes at the end of pregnancy and after her child is born. Paid maternity leave in the UK lasts for anything up to 52 weeks. By law women must take 2 weeks' leave after their baby is born. Paternity leave refers to the time after a baby is born that the father can take off. Although women in the UK are entitled to up to 52 weeks paid maternity leave, men are only entitled to up to two weeks paid leave.
"Materninty leave"とは女性が出産直前から取る育児休暇の事をいいます。 イギリスではお給料が出る育児休暇として最長52週間まで 与えられます。法律としても、産後2週間は休むことが義務付けられています。 "Parternity leave"は産後、父親が取る休みのことを指します。 イギリスでは、女性の育児休暇は有給で52週間あるのに対し、男性は2週間しか有給で育児休暇をとることができません。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • maternity leave

  • paternity leave

The two nouns you see above are words we use to describe the time off someone takes after they have a child. The first noun, maternity leave, is when a woman takes off work after giving birth. The second noun, paternity leave, is when a man takes off work after his spouse gave birth.
上記名詞は、両方とも産休を表すフレーズです。最初のフレーズ"maternity leave"は、母親が産休を取る場合に使います。二つ目のフレーズ"paternity leave"は、父親が育休を取る場合に使います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Maternity leave for a mother

  • Paternity leave for a father

For example: "Maternity" leave is usually for a longer period of time than paternity leave"
例 “Maternity leave is usually for a longer period of time than paternity leave.” (産休はたいてい、父親育児休暇よりも期間が長いです。
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • Maternity Leave

  • Paternity leave

"Maternity Leave" is when a woman is pregnant and takes time off normally a week or two before her due date to give birth and be with the child for a few weeks. "Paternity leave" is when a father takes time off when his child is first born to help care for the child and mother. When the child is older than a few months taking time off to care for them is just called leave or personal leave.
"Maternity Leave"というのは、女性が妊娠しているときに、出産のために予定日前に1、2週間休みを取ったり、産後に子どもと数週間一緒にいたりするための期間のことです。 "Paternity leave"とは、子どもが生まれたときに、子どもや母親のケアをするために父親が取る休みのことです。 1、2か月よりも大きい子どものために取る休みのことは、単にleaveまたはpersonal leaveと言います。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Maternity Leave

  • Paternity Leave

When a mother goes on leave to give birth and/or to look after their child, it is called maternity leave. In the UK, maternity leave can begin as early as seven months in pregnancy. The average maternity leave is one year but full pay is given for six months and a reduced amount of pay for a further six months. Recently, paternity leave has become more popular. This is two weeks that a father can take to help look after his newborn child. I hope that helps!
母親が子どもを産んで、かつもしくはまたは、子どものお世話をするために仕事を休むときは、maternity leaveと言います。 イギリスでは、育休は早ければ妊娠7か月のときに始めることができます。 育休中の平均は1年ですが、初めの6か月は給料の満額が、後の6か月は減額された金額が支払われます。 最近では、父親の育休取得の数も増えてきました。父親が新生児をお世話する手伝いをするために2週間取れるものです。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • maternity leave

  • childcare leave

こんにちは。ご質問いただきありがとうございます。 育休(育児休暇)は「maternity leave」や「childcare leave」といいます。 (例文) I'm on maternity leave. 「私は育児休業中です」 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。                               
  • maternity leave / paternity leave

「育児休暇」は英語で maternity leave / paternity leave のように表現することができます。 paternity leave は父親の場合に使われます。 例: The father is going to take paternity leave. 父親は育児休暇を取る予定です。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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