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2018/07/27 20:39
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  • There are those who return to work after 3 months and those who return after 2 years.

  • You have people who go back to work after 3 months and people who take leave for 2 years

  • It depends.

It depends = 人による。 Everyone is different = みんな違う。 There are those who... = 〜する人もいれば〜する人もいる。 You have people who... = 〜する人もいるし、〜する人もいる。 go back to work = return to work = 職場復帰 take leave = 休みをとる maternity leave = 出産する時にとる休み。 parental leave / child care leave = 出産後、子供を育てる時にとる休み。 "When it comes to parental leave, there are those who return to work just after 3 months and those who take a 2 year leave. It really depends." ---> 育休に関しては、3ヶ月だけで職場復帰するひともいれば、2年休むひともいる。本当に人による。
  • Some mothers take a 3 month maternity leave while others take a 2 year leave.

We call the time that mothers take off work after giving birth "maternity leave." The word "while" in the sentence compares the two lengths of maternity leave. I hope that this helps. :)
女性が出産した後に取る休暇は "maternity leave"(産休)といいます。 この文の "while" は二つの産休の期間を対比しています。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Some take 3 months off while others take 2 years.

  • Women's maternity leave vary from 3 months to 2 years.

  • It depends. Some take 3 months and some take 2 years.

Some take 3 months off while others take 2 years. - this is using the phrase "take (time) off"to say they stop doing something for a period of time. Women's maternity leave vary from 3 months to 2 years. - the word "vary"means to be different. In this sentence it means the time that women stop working for maternity is different. It depends. Some take 3 months and some take 2 years. - the phrase "it depends"is used to express uncertainty as it is different among different women.
Some take 3 months off while others take 2 years.(3カ月取る人もいれば2年取る人もいます) →ここでは、休みを取ることを "take (time) off" というフレーズで表しています。 Women's maternity leave vary from 3 months to 2 years.(女性の産休の期間は3カ月から2年までさまざまです) →"vary" は「異なる」という意味です。この文では、女性の産休の期間がさまざまであることを表します。 It depends. Some take 3 months and some take 2 years.(場合によります。3カ月取る人もいれば2年取る人もいます) →産休の期間は女性によって異なるわけですね。"it depends" は、この不確かさを表します。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • Some mothers take 3 months of leave while others may be gone up to 2 years.

  • New mothers might return to work after 3 months while others take up to 2 years.

  • Maternity leave can vary from 3 months to as long as 2 years.

The expression “take 3 months of leave” refers to the amount of time the employee (ex: new mother) will be absent from her place of business. The expression “up to” let’s us know that the time needed for maternity leave would not exceed the 2 year limit. By stating that maternity leave can vary, helps the listener understand that each situation is different. This could be caused by various reasons such as time needed for the mother to recuperate and tend to her child along with the companies policy as to when she is expected to return.
“take 3 months of leave”(3カ月の休みを取る)は、従業員(例えば、子どもを産んだばかりの母親)が仕事を休む期間を表します。 “up to”(最大で)は、産休の期間が2年を超えることはないことを表します。 “maternity leave can vary”は、状況がそれぞれ異なることを表します。これはいろいろな理由が考えられます、例えば会社の方針であったり、あるいは母親の体調が戻るまでの期間など。
Asia J DMM英会話講師
  • The timeline varies...

  • There are no strict rules for maternity leave...the timeline varies a great deal.

There are a great many variations on the amount of maternity leave allowed in Japan... Japanese Companies have their own individual maternity policies and can vary between 3 months and 2 years! We could say the timeline varies a great deal. or there are many variations when it comes to maternity leave. There are no strict rules regarding maternity leave...the timeline varies a great deal.
日本では産休が取れる期間がさまざまです... 日本では会社によって産休に関する方針が異なり、3カ月のこともあれば2年のこともあります! "the timeline varies a great deal"(その期間はさまざまだ) または、 "there are many variations when it comes to maternity leave"(産休の期間はさまざま) と言えます。 "There are no strict rules regarding maternity leave...the timeline varies a great deal." (産休に厳格なルールはありません...その期間はさまざまです)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Some mothers will return to work after 3 months, others return after 2 years on maternity leave

  • Maternity leave can range from 3 months to 2 years in Japan

When talking about the time you take off work after having a baby we call this 'maternity leave' If you are talking about a period of time that can change with different people we call this to 'range' meaning not everyone will take the same time
出産後に取る休暇のことは、'maternity leave'(産休)といいます。 人によって期間が異なることは、'range' で表せます。人それぞれ期間が異なることを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Some will return to work after 3 months, while others will return after 2 years"

  • "It really depends on the situation, some people take leave for two months, whilst others return after two years"

  • "Maternity leave duration really varies in Japan"

If you were talking about maternity leave in Japan, and you were asked how long Japanese people usually take for their maternity leave and you wanted to explain it varies, you could say any of the following: "Some will return to work after 3 months, while others will return after 2 years", "It really depends on the situation, some people take leave for two months, whilst others return after two years" or "Maternity leave duration really varies in Japan".
日本人は普通どのくらい産休をとるのかと聞かれて、「人によっていろいろだ」と答えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Some will return to work after 3 months, while others will return after 2 years" (3か月で戻る人もいれば2年休む人もいます) "It really depends on the situation, some people take leave for two months, whilst others return after two years" (状況によります。3か月で戻る人もいれば2年休む人もいます) "Maternity leave duration really varies in Japan" (日本では産休の長さは人によっていろいろです)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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