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ここに来たの初めて。や、これを見たの初めて! は言えるのに、なぜかこれが言えませんでした。。。
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2018/02/15 00:15
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  • This is the first time I have bought so many sweets.

  • I have never bought so many sweets before.

"This is the first time I have bought so many sweets." This explains that you have never done this before. "I have never bought so many sweets before." This is another way of explaining that you have not bought so many sweets in one go before.
"This is the first time I have bought so many sweets." こんなにたくさんのお菓子を買ったのは初めてです。 これは、自分が今までこうしたことがないことを表現する文です。   "I have never bought so many sweets before." 今まで、こんなにたくさんのお菓子を買ったことがありません。 これは、以前にこれほどたくさんのお菓子を買ったことがないという表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I've gone totally overboard on the candy this time

  • I've never spent so much on candy, there's a first time for everything!

  • I can't believe how much I've spent on candy, this is the first and last time I'm doing that!

"Going overboard" means to do too much of something. Usually, going overboard means to fall off a boat, but if you are not on a boat or talking about sailing, it always means to do too much of something! "There's a first time for everything!" is said at the end of a sentence to describe something surprising, unexpected, or something that you have not done before. For example, a friend of yours never cooks, but invites you to their home for dinner to eat a meal they prepared; you could say: "I didn't know you cooked! Well, there's a first time for everything!" "The first and last time" is a phrase we use to say that we are unhappy when doing something for the first time, and won't be doing it again. It is usually used at the end of a sentence. For example: "That TV programme was awful! That's the first and last time I watch that!"
"Going overboard" とは、何かが過ぎる、やりすぎるという意味です。たいていgoing overboard と言えば、ボートから落ちるという意味ですが、ボートや航海などのはなしをしていないのなら、何かをしすぎるという意味になります。   "There's a first time for everything!"とは、文の最後に使われ、驚くこと、思ってもいなかったこと、または今までしたことがないことを言います。 例えば、全く料理をしない友人が、ディナーを用意して、招待してくれたら、 "I didn't know you cooked! Well, there's a first time for everything!"「料理するなんて知らなかったわ!できないわけじゃないのね!」と言うことができます。 "The first and last time"とは、何かを初めてしたときに楽しくなくて、もう二度としないであろうときに使うフレーズです。たいてい文の最後に使います。例えば、 "That TV programme was awful! That's the first and last time I watch that!"「あのテレビ番組はひどかった。最初で最後ね。」と言うことができます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I have never bought this many sweets before

  • This is the first time I've bought this many sweets/candy

In the US they also call sweets 'candy' but in the UK we refer to them as 'sweets' or 'chocolate' So you would say 'I have never bought this many sweets before' would be the simplest way of saying it
アメリカでは、'sweets'(お菓子)のことを 'candy' とも言いますが、イギリスでは 'sweets' 又は 'chocolate' と言います。 ですから、 'I have never bought this many sweets before'(こんなにたくさんお菓子買ったの初めて) と言えます。これが一番シンプルな言い方でしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I have never bought so much candy in my life.

  • I'm going to have a tummy ache this is the first time I've bought so much candy.

  • This is the first time I've bought so much candy.

*I have never bought so much candy in my life.- Some people call candy , confectionery or sweets. This phrase means this is the first time buying a lot of candy. Example Sentences: When I saw the shop "Sweets from heaven" I went crazy and bought a lot of candy. This is too much candy, I have never bought this much. *I'm going to have a tummy ache this is the first time I've bought so much candy.-A tummy ache is pain in the stomach. Example Sentences: I had a lot of chocolates, I think I will have a tummy ache. My tummy hurts, I had a lot of cakes last night. *This is the first time I've bought so much candy. The past tense of buy is bought. There are certain things in life that we do for the first time. A: I have never had so much fun, it was my first time skiing. B: Would you do it again. A: Oh yes.
例文 *I have never bought so much candy in my life. 人生でこんなにたくさんキャンディーを買ったのは初めて 人によってcandy , confectionery 又は sweetsと言います。このフレーズは、こんなにたくさんお菓子を買ったのは初めてだということです。 例文 When I saw the shop "Sweets from heaven" I went crazy and bought a lot of candy. Sweets from heavenの店を見つけた時、私は気分が高揚してたくさんキャンディーを買った This is too much candy, I have never bought this much. 本当にたくさんキャンディーがある、こんなにたくさん買ったのは初めて 例文 *I'm going to have a tummy ache this is the first time I've bought so much candy. お腹が痛くなるかも、こんなにたくさんキャンディーを買ったのは初めて A tummy acheは胃が痛くなることです。 例文 I had a lot of chocolates, I think I will have a tummy ache. たくさんチョコレートを買ったから、お腹が痛くなるかも My tummy hurts, I had a lot of cakes last night. お腹が痛い、昨晩ケーキをたくさん食べたから 例文 *This is the first time I've bought so much candy. こんなにたくさんのキャンディーを買ったのは初めて buyの過去形はboughtです。人生では始めてすることがあります。 例文 A: I have never had so much fun, it was my first time skiing. こんなに楽しかったことは初めて、スキーを初めてした B: Would you do it again. またしたい? A: Oh yes. もちろん
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I've never invested so much in sweets!

You may invest time, thought, consideration or money (amongst other things). You can say informally thst you invest money IN something when you buy something: 'I just invested in a new bed.' The word 'invest' really means to put money into something so as to gain a financial profit, however the wider meaning is that you may receive any benefit by buying something - in this case, a relaxing and peaceful sleep.
あなたは他のことを差し置いて自分の時間、想い、お金などを投資するかもしれません。 何か買い物をするときには、カジュアルにお金を投資していると表現できます。 'I just invested in a new bed.' (新しいベッドを買いました。) 'invest' (投資する)と言う単語は本当はお金を何かに注ぎ込み、金銭的な利益を得ることを意味しますが、広い意味で何か買い物をすることであらゆる利益を得ることにも使えます。この場合ですと、リラックスして、良い眠りを得られることを指します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This is the first time I've bought so many sweets!

  • I've never bought so much candy before!

Candy and sweets mean the same thing, with Candy being the American term and Sweets being the British one. Sometimes we calll them Sweeties when talking to children. 'I've gone mad buying sweets! I don't know what got into me!' I've gone mad means you've acted out of character I don't know what got into me means I don't know what made me do it, I'm not sure what possessed me 'I shall have tummy ache if I eat all these sweets myself' Tummy ache = stomach pain
candy'と'sweets'は同じ意味です。'candy'はアメリカで使われ、'sweets'はイギリスで使われます。子供と話している時は、'sweeties'と呼ばれることもあります。 例文 'I've gone mad buying sweets! I don't know what got into me!' (こんなにたくさんお菓子を買ってきてしまった。どうしてこんなにたくさん買ったのだろう) 'I've gone mad'は、普段と違うことをしたという意味です。'I don't know what got into me'は、どうしてそんなことをしたのか分からないという意味です。 'I shall have tummy ache if I eat all these sweets myself' (このお菓子を一人で食べたら、お腹が痛くなるよ) Tummy ache = 腹痛
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • This is the most candy I have every bought.

  • I have never bought so much candy in my life.

"I have never bought so much candy in my life." states, in an exaggerated way, that you bought so much candy.
"I have never bought so much candy in my life."(こんなにお菓子を買ったのは初めて)は、たくさんお菓子を買ったことを誇張して言っています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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