世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/16 06:26
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  • I was walking along with a cookie in my hand, which I hadn't started eating. A bird flew down and stole it from me!

  • I was taking a walk and this bird flew down and stole a cookie from me, that I hadn't even started eating!

A cookie in the USA is the same as a biscuit in the UK.
アメリカの "cookies" (クッキー)は、イギリスでいう ”biscuit" (ビスケット)と一緒です。
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • A flying bird grabbed a biscuit straight from my hand

In the UK cookies are usually known as biscuits although the word cookie is understood.This scenario is not uncommon although you could give possibly more detail if you are able to identify the species of bird. The most common bird thief in the UK is the seagull.
世界中では"cookie"(クッキー)という言葉が流通していますが、イギリスでは "biscuits"(ビスケット)と通常呼びます。こんな事件は珍しいことではありませんが、鳥の種類についてもう少し詳しい情報があると尚良いです。イギリスで最もよく見る泥棒鳥はカモメです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • scavenger

  • could describe birds looking for food

"I was walking home and the birds flew down and ate my cookie". or "the bird snatched the cookie from my hand". or "the birds were circling like scavengers, about to swipe my cookie".
例文 "I was walking home and the birds flew down and ate my cookie". 家に歩いて帰っていたら鳥が飛んできて、私のクッキーを食べた "The bird snatched the cookie from my hand". その鳥が私の手からクッキーを取っていった "The birds were circling like scavengers, about to swipe my cookie". その鳥は、私のクッキーを取ろうと、ハイエナのように空を飛んでいた
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • A bird snatched the cookie right out of my hand!

  • A bird stole the cookie right out of my hand!

To 'snatch' is to grab something in a rude and unexpected way. It is similar to 'steal'. You could use either and both would be correct. We use the phrase 'right out of my hand' when we are talking about losing something, or something being snatched away from you. "He stole my phone right out of my hand!"
“snatch” (ひったくる)とは 失礼で予期しない方法で何かを掴むことです。 “steal” (盗む)に似ています。 どちらでも使うことができて正しいです。 “right out of my hand” (手から抜け出す)というフレーズを使うとき、何か失うこと、あるいは何かひったくられたことについて話すときです。 “He stole my phone right out of my hand!” (彼は私の手から私の携帯を盗みました。)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • A bird snatched a cookie from my hand as I was about to take my first bite

  • Before I could take my first bite, a bird snatched a cookie from my hand.

*A bird snatched a cookie from my hand as I was about to take my first bite. *Before I could take my first bite, a bird snatched a cookie from my hand. -snatch means to quickly take away something. Example Sentences: Her bag was snatched by a thief in the market. The beggar snatched the food from his hands.
例文 *A bird snatched a cookie from my hand as I was about to take my first bite. 私が一口食べようとした時、鳥が手からクッキーを取っていった *Before I could take my first bite, a bird snatched a cookie from my hand. 一口食べる前に鳥が手からクッキーを取っていった snatchは何かを素早く取ることです。 例文 Her bag was snatched by a thief in the market. 市場でどろぼうが彼女のバッグを引ったくった The beggar snatched the food from his hands. 乞食が彼の手から食べ物を引ったくった
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A bird came flying at my and took the cookie I was about to eat out of my hand

  • A bird came flying and took the cookie out of my hand. I hadn't even had a bite yet.

When you want to explain that you were about to eat a cookie you had in hand, and a bird charged at you and snatched it out of your hand; then you may explain this in the following ways: -A bird came flying at my and took the cookie I was about to eat out of my hand -A bird came flying and took the cookie out of my hand. I hadn't even had a bite yet.
「クッキーを食べようと手に持ったら、鳥が飛んできて、クッキーを取られた」は次のように説明できます。 -A bird came flying at my and took the cookie I was about to eat out of my hand (クッキーを食べようと手に持ったら、鳥が飛んできて、クッキーを取られた) -A bird came flying and took the cookie out of my hand. I hadn't even had a bite yet. (鳥が飛んできて、手に持っていたクッキーを取られた。まだ一口も食べてなかったのに)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • A bird swooped down and took my cookie from my hand! I had not yet taken a bite.

  • Before I had even taken a bite from my cookie, a bird flew down and took it right out of my hand!

"A bird swooped down and took my cookie from my hand! I had not yet taken a bite." This statement adds a dramatic effect to your story. Swooped indicates the bird flew down and took the cookie without you being aware. It then indicates that you did not have the satisfaction of eating the delicious cookie as the bird took it before you could. "Before I had even taken a bite from my cookie, a bird flew down and took it right out of my hand!'" - This statement places emphasis on the fact you had not yet eaten your cookie. It then explains why, giving an adventurous account of how the bird flew down from the sky and took the cookie directly out of your hand. Not from your plate but from your fingertips indicating that the bird was not fearful of you but quite cheeky!
"A bird swooped down and took my cookie from my hand! I had not yet taken a bite."(鳥が急降下してきて、クッキーを取られました。まだ一口も食べてなかったのに) →これはドラマチックな言い方です。'Swooped' は、鳥が空から降りてきて、突然クッキーを奪われたことを表します。その後、クッキーを一口も食べられなかったと伝えています。 "Before I had even taken a bite from my cookie, a bird flew down and took it right out of my hand!"(まだ一口も食べていないクッキーを鳥に取られた) →この文では、クッキーを食べていなかったということを強調しています。その後、「鳥が降りてきてクッキーを奪った」と説明しています。お皿の上からではなく手の中にあったクッキーを奪ったということは、たぶんあなたのことをその鳥は恐れていなかったのでしょう。生意気な鳥です!
Jamima DMM英会話講師
  • A bird flew at me and took my uneaten cookie from my hand

"A bird flew at me and took my uneaten cookie from my hand" This sentence is implying that a bird 'flew' (to fly in past tense) at ones self and 'took' (to take,grab something from someone, again in past tense) a 'cookie' (a very popular snack often called a biscuit in the UK). If someone takes something from you unwillingly you can also say it was stolen from you. ex. "A bird stole the cookie from my hand".
"A bird flew at me and took my uneaten cookie from my hand"(鳥が飛んできて私の手の中にあった一口も食べていないクッキーを取って行った) これは「鳥が飛んできて私のクッキーを奪った」と伝えています。 'flew' は 'fly'(飛ぶ)の過去形です。 'took' は 'take'(奪う)の過去形です。 'cookie' はすごく人気のあるお菓子です。イギリスではしばしば 'biscuit' と呼ばれます。 人に何かを奪われたときには、'steal' という動詞も使えます。 例えば: "A bird stole the cookie from my hand". (鳥が私の手からクッキーを奪った)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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