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2018/02/18 12:02
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  • I remember when I was a child, I wanted a cat, but my parents would not allow it

  • My parents would not allow me to have a cat when I was a child.

  • When I was little, I wanted a cat, but my parents would not allow me.

The first example conjures up nostalgia the best."I remember" is usually a good way to begin a sentence with a nostalgic mood. The second example is a more succinct statement. The first and third examples could contain an element of regret, depending on how the statement is delivered.
最初の例文が一番、昔を思い出させています。 "I remember"とは昔を懐かしむ感じを話すのにとてもいい話始めです。 2番目の例文はもう少し簡潔な表現になります。 1番目と3番目の例文は後悔の念を含んでいます。 どのように口に出して表現するかによりますね。
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • When I was a child, I wanted a cat, but I remember my parents would not allow it.

  • I remember wanting a cat as a child, but my parents said no.

"When I was a kid, I wanted a cat, but I remember my parents would not allow it." (Kid - This is another word for a child, and can be used whether the child is a girl or boy.) Here you are telling how old you were, what you wanted and what you remembered your parents thinking or saying about getting a cat. "I remember wanting a cat as a child, but my parents said no." Here you begin by telling about your memory, then telling what your parent's response was to what you wanted. In both of these sentences, you can give the idea of being upset or sad that your parents would not allow you to have a cat as a child.
"When I was a kid, I wanted a cat, but I remember my parents would not allow it."(子供の頃猫が飼いたかったけれど、両親に許してもらえませんでした) Kid はchildの別の言い方の子供を表す言い方で、女の子でも男の子でも使えます。 ここではあなたが何歳でもあなたがなにが欲しくて猫を飼うことについて、両親が考えたり言ったことを回想して述べています。 "I remember wanting a cat as a child, but my parents said no." (子供の頃、猫がほしかったけれど、両親がだめと言ったことを覚えています。) こちらは、思い出を語ることで始め、続いてあなたの考えに対する両親の反応も説明しています。どちらの文章でも、子供の頃に両親が猫を飼うことを許してくれなかったために悲しかった思いを伝えています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • In my childhood, I always wanted a cat but my parents didn't allow it.

  • Thinking back to when I was a child, I wanted a cat but my parents always said no.

childhood = being a child I always wanted = a desire my parents didn't allow it = my parents refused You can say : " In my childhood, I always wanted a cat but my parents didn't allow it." Thinking back = reminiscing my parents always said no = my parent's didn't want me to You can also say : Thinking back to when I was a child, I wanted a cat but my parents always said no.
childhood = 子供の頃 I always wanted = 願望 my parents didn't allow it = 私の両親は許しませんでした。 このように言えます: " In my childhood, I always wanted a cat but my parents didn't allow it." (私が小さい頃、私は猫が飼いたかったけれど、両親が許してくれませんでした。) Thinking back = 思い出話をする。 my parents always said no = 私の両親はいつもNOといった。 このように言えます: "Thinking back to when I was a child, I wanted a cat but my parents always said no." (思い返すと小さい頃、私は猫が飼いたかったけれど、両親はいつもだめといいました。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I remember I was longing for a pet cat...but that wish did not materialize

We may find ourselves examining the past and " rekindling old memories" (Idiom) This brings on strong emotional feelings known as "Nostalgia" A sentimental longing or wistful affection for bygone days... I remember I was longing for a pet cat...but that wish did not materialize
過去の思い出を振り返っていて " rekindling old memories" (古い思い出がよみがえる)ことがあります。 "Nostalgia"(ノスタルジア)として強い感情的な思いを起こさせます。 これは、感情的なあこがれや感傷です。 例文: "I remember I was longing for a pet cat...but that wish did not materialize." (私は猫を飼いたかったけれど、その希望は叶いませんでした。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I always wanted a cat, but my parents wouldn't let me

  • Ever since I was little I wanted a cat, but my parents wouldn't allow it

In the first example, you emphasise and extend the word 'always' making it sound longer than usual, like this: 'aallways'. This invokes the feeling of nostalgia, it shows that you really want a cat, and as it is the word ;always', it suggests you wanted a cat for a very long time. This works in many ways, for example if you feel like eating a certain food, you can emphasise and extend the word 'really' in this sentence to show that you really desire it and wanted to eat it for a long time: "I reeealy feel like eating sushi" "I miss him soooo much" "Noooo, I don't want to do that!" "Pleeeease come to the show with me!" "Mamaaa I reeealy want a cat!"
最初の例では、 'always' (いつも)という言葉を強調して、 'aallways'のように、通常の単語より長く引き伸ばしてみてください。 これは郷愁の思いを想起させ、本当に猫が飼いたかったと伝えていますが、'always'の言葉により、長い間ずっと飼いたかったと示唆します。 これは沢山の場面で使うことが出来ます。 例えば、ある食べ物を食べたいと思ったときに、この文であなたが本当に求めていて、長い間食べたかったものだと表わすために'really'の単語を強調し、単語を伸ばして発音できます。 例文: "I reeealy feel like eating sushi"(本当に寿司が食べいです。) "I miss him soooo much"(彼がいなくてとても寂しいです。) "Noooo, I don't want to do that!"(いいえ、それはしたくありません) "Pleeeease come to the show with me!"(お願いですからそのショーに私と一緒に来てください。) "Mamaaa I reeealy want a cat!"(ママ、私は本当に猫が飼いたいです。)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • When I was little, I wanted a cat but my parents wouldn't allow me to.

  • When I was 5 years old, I wanted a cat but my parents wouldn't allow me to.

  • When I was a child, I wanted a cat but my parents wouldn't allow me to.

Since we talking about something that happened in the past, it is important that you use past tenses. There are a lot of terms you can use instead of little e.g child, 5 years old. *When I was 5 years old, I wanted a cat but my parents wouldn't allow me to.- in this sentence I have specified the age you were. Any of the above sentences can be used to express yourself.
過去に起こったことを話しているので、過去形を使うことが重要です。little、child、5 years oldの代わりに使える用語が沢山あります。 When I was 5 years old, I wanted a cat but my parents wouldn't allow me to. 5歳の時、猫が飼いたかったのですが、両親が許可してくれませんでした。 この文では、年齢を明確にしました。上記の文はどれも、あなた自身を表現するために使えます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • As a child I always longed to have a cat but my parents were against the idea.

Explanation: To long for something means that there is something you would really like and dream of having. It need not be a physical thing. It could be something like love or happiness. Example sentence: "James always longed to be a pilot however he has worked all his life in the sausage factory."
 To long for somethingとは、夢に見るほど欲しいものがあるという意味です。 物理的なものではなくても、愛でも幸せでもいいのです。 例文:  "James always longed to be a pilot however he has worked all his life in the sausage factory." ジェームスはいつもパイロットになりたかったが、ソーセージ工場でずっと働いた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When I was younger I wanted a cat but my parents said no.

  • When I was younger I wanted a cat but my parents wouldn't let me.

  • When I was younger I wanted a cat but my parents didn't let me.

Within the first two examples we can either talk about how our parents simply said no, or we can use the verb, "to let," to describe that they did not allow us to have a cat. We can also use the past tense with, "didn't let me," and also the conditional sense of, "wouldn't let me."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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