These statements could be used with a phrase which compares both attributes, for example:
"This university combines the best of both worlds as it is quiet, yet centrally situated"
"This university combines the best of both worlds as it is quiet, yet centrally situated"
"I enjoy being in the city center and do not find it very noisy." This answers the question and explains that you like being in the middle of the city and you do not find it noisy.
"I chose the University of Japan because I enjoy the city center and find it quiet." This is another way of replying to the question and it explains why you decided to go to the University of Japan and they you like the city center.
"I enjoy being in the city center and do not find it very noisy."
"I chose the University of Japan because I enjoy the city center and find it quiet."
DMM英会話講師 Jody R(ジョディ)
*I enrolled at that University because it's in the city center and the location is quiet. - City center is a place that is central, busy and usually noisy.
A: How are you coping with the noise? Doesn't it disturb your lectures?
B: Actually it's in a quiet part of the city.
*I enrolled at that University because it's in the city center and the location is quiet. という例文について
City centerというのは、中心街で、込み合っており、普通はうるさい場所のことです。
A: How are you coping with the noise? Doesn't it disturb your lectures?
B: Actually it's in a quiet part of the city.
DMM英会話講師 Natsai(ナツァイ)
"I decided to go to this university because it's central and quiet at the same time."
"I attend this university because the location is in the city center as well as it is quiet."
Here are more examples as to how you could explain yourself and the reason you chose to attend the university you are currently enrolled at. Some more alternative answers you could provide.
"I decided to go to this university because it's central and quiet at the same time."(この大学は都心部にあるけどそれ程騒がしくないから、僕はこの大学に通うことに決めた。)
"I attend this university because the location is in the city center as well as it is quiet."(この大学は都心部にあるけどそれ程騒がしくないから、僕はこの大学に通っています。)
When talking about a selection you have made, you may wish to substantiate your choice by listing the benefits.For example: 'There are lots of shops nearby.' Or, 'Transport from here is really easy.'
'There are lots of shops nearby.'
'Transport from here is really easy.'
You can say :
"I chose that university because it is in the city and it is quiet."
"The university is in a convenient place and the area is very quiet."
chose (past) = choose
university = school
convenient = easy accessible
quiet = not noisy
A :Why did you choose that university?
B : I chose that university because it is in the city and it is quiet.
A : It makes sense.
"I chose that university because it is in the city and it is quiet."
"The university is in a convenient place and the area is very quiet."
chose (past) = 選んだ
university = 大学
convenient = 通学が便利
quiet = うるさくない
A :Why did you choose that university?
B : I chose that university because it is in the city and it is quiet.
A : It makes sense.
When somewhere is in a desired area that is close by alot of things and places then it is said to be in the 'centre of the city' or it is 'located centrally'
If you make a decision to do something then you are said to 'choose' or to have 'chosen'
usually the city centre is busy and noisy but if it's not then you would say 'still quiet'
何かが近くに色々なものがそろった便利な場所に立地しているなら、'in the centre of the city'(街の中心に)や 'located centrally'(同)が使えます。
何かを決断することは、'choose' あるいは 'chose' で表せます。
普通街の中心というのは騒がしい所ですが、もしそうでないなら、'still quiet'(それでも静か)が使えます。