世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/20 00:37
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  • My boss has given me many tasks to perform

  • My boss is keeping me very busy

  • My boss has loaded me down with work

The first example here is probably the most correct and informative, the second and third examples are more commonly used to avoid committing to further tasks. The last suggests a beast of burden and has a slight connotation of complaint.
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • My boss has given me a lot of work to do.

  • My boss has loaded me with a lot of work.

*My boss has given me a lot of work to do.- This is a simple way of expressing yourself. *My boss has loaded me with a lot of work. - In this case loaded means to be given a lot of work. It can also be used to refer informally to have a lot of money. For example "He is loaded."
*My boss has given me a lot of work to do. (上司に沢山の仕事を頼まれました) -これは、あなたの気持ちを簡単に表現しています。 *My boss has loaded me with a lot of work. (上司に沢山の仕事を頼まれました) - この場合の"loaded"とは仕事をたくさん言いつけられた、という様な意味になります。 これはまた、インフォーマルな表現で、お金を沢山もっている、と言う意味にもなります。 【例文】 "He is loaded."(彼はお金持ちだ)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My boss has given me a load of work today

  • Management have totally overloaded me with work today!

It depends whether you feel aggrieved or unhappy with your work load. The first sentence is quite objective, however the second sentence is critical.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A ton of work!

  • My boss has really gone overboard on me, giving me a ton of work to do!

An idiom...or two..can come in handy to express clearly what we mean:-D In this case..."A ton of work" is used in a figurative sense, as is the phrase " gone overboard" We can depict our situation more dramtically with these kindd of phrases;-) "My boss has really gone overboard on me, giving me a ton of work to do!"
一つや二つのイディオムを使うと言いたい事をはっきりと表現できてとても便利ですよね:-D この場合"A ton of work" (多くの仕事)が誇張した感じで使われています。 同時に " gone overboard" (やりすぎる)と言うフレーズも使われています。 このような表現を使って状況をとてもドラマチックに描写することが出来ます;-) 【例】 "My boss has really gone overboard on me, giving me a ton of work to do!" (私の上司はやりすぎです、ホントに沢山の仕事を頼まれました!)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My boss gave me a lot of work to do

  • My boss asked me to do a lot of work

  • I've been given a lot of work to do by my boss

By using the term 'My boss' it explains who gave you the work. So you could say 'My boss gave me a lot of work to do' or 'my boss asked me to do a lot of work' both meaning the same thing you have been asked by 'your boss' to do more work
My boss'(上司)は、仕事を与えた人を表します。 ですから、 'My boss gave me a lot of work to do'(上司に仕事をたくさん頼まれた) または、 'My boss asked me to do a lot of work'(上司に仕事をたくさん頼まれた) と言えます。どちらも同じ意味です。上司にもっと多くの仕事をするように頼まれたと言っています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My boss has me doing so much work.

  • I was given a lot of work by my boss.

  • My boss gave me a lot of work to do.

If you want to explain that your boss gave you a large amount of work to do you can say, "My boss has me doing so much work."
上司が大量の仕事を頼んできたと言いたいなら、 "My boss has me doing so much work."(上司から大量の仕事を頼まれました) と表せます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • My boss overloaded me with work.

  • My boss gave me a ton of work to do.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that your boss gave you a lot of work to do. In the first sentence you will notice the verb overload. This means to give more than what one can handle. In the second sentence you will notice the word ton. We use this word in a figurative way to describe a large amount of something. So if your professor gave you a lot of homework you can say you have a ton of homework.
上記二つの例文は、上司からたくさんの仕事を頼まれたことを伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一文目では「overload」という動詞に気づくでしょう。これは、「(人に)過重な負担を掛ける」という意味です。 二文目では「ton」という単語に気づくでしょう。「ton」は比喩的に「多量」という意味で使われます。例えば教授からたくさんの宿題を出されたら、「I have a ton of homework(宿題が大量にある)」と言えます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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