By using the word 'electric' or 'plug-in' at the start, definitively describes that you are looking for a Takoyaki pan that can be plugged into an electrical socket.
If you just say Takoyaki pan or Takoyaki maker, it could be confused with a regular, traditional Takoyaki pan that you use over a stove.
Mum used to have an old machine...but we got her the latest "Takoyaki maker"
This is a custom designed piece of kitchen equipment found in homes in Osaka..
It has small round pockets inside and these are filled with batter & a mixture
of different fillings including octopus ;-D
Very tasty and traditional in the region around Osaka
▪ takoyaki maker
▪ takoyaki baker
Any of the above can be used. Baker and maker clearly indicates that it is a electric pan that makes or bakes takoyaki.
Example sentences:
a. Do you have a takoyaki maker?
b. Have you ever used a takoyaki baker?
▪ takoyaki maker(タコ焼き機)
▪ takoyaki baker(タコ焼き機)
a. Do you have a takoyaki maker?
b. Have you ever used a takoyaki baker?
Takoyaki' a Japenese ball shaped snack made with batter is cooked in a 'Takoyaki' Maker/pan/cooker which all mean the same thing
To use 'electric' means that it is plugged in to an electrical socket to make it work
In the UK most people do not have a clue what takoyaki is. You would have to explain takoyaki before talking about a takoyaki maker.
"This is a takoyaki maker used for Japanese cooking."
ほとんどのイギリス人は、たこ焼きが何か知りません。たこ焼き器(takoyaki maker)について言う前に、たこ焼きについて説明する必要があるでしょう。
This is a takoyaki maker used for Japanese cooking.