世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/22 22:16
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  • Reaching the city takes 30 minutes by train

  • It takes me 30 minutes to reach the city by train

  • It takes 30 minutes to get from my house to the city by train

This can be expressed in a variety of ways. Remember that we used the preposition 'by' to describe mode of transport. For example: By train/car/airplane/foot etc.
これは様々な表現で言い表すことが出来ます。 'by'を使って交通手段を言い表すことをおもえておいてください。 【例】 By train(電車で)/car(車で)/airplane(飛行機で)/foot(徒歩で) など。
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • My home is only a 30 minute commute by train to the city

  • It only takes me half an hour to reach the city by train from my home in the suburbs

  • My daily commute is only 30 minutes by train

A 'commute' is the journey between your home and your work. It is the distance you travel on a regular basis. The 'suburbs' are the residential areas around the outskirts of the city centre, where there are many homes and apartments, and where many people live; especially families.
'commute' とは家と職場の間の旅の事です。(通勤) これは定期的に旅する距離ですよね。 この'suburbs' とは都心に隣接する住宅街の事を言います。 そこには多くの住宅やアパートなどがあり、特に家族連れなどが多く住んでいます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • From my house it takes me 30 minutes to get the city by train.

  • With the train I can get to the city in 30 minutes from my house.

▪ From my house it takes me 30 minutes to get the city by train. ▪ With the train I can get to the city in 30 minutes from my house. Both phrases explain that the city can be reached within 30 minutes by train from your house. Example Friend: How fast can you get to the city from your house? You: With the train I can get to the city in 30 minutes from my house.
▪ From my house it takes me 30 minutes to get the city by train. (私の家から電車で30分いくと都会に出ます) ▪ With the train I can get to the city in 30 minutes from my house. (電車を使うと30分で私の家から都会に出ます) どちらの表現もあなたの家から電車で30分行くと都会に出ます、と言う事を説明しています。 【例】 Friend: How fast can you get to the city from your house? (友達:どのくらい速くあなたの家から都心までいけますか?) You: With the train I can get to the city in 30 minutes from my house. (あなた:電車で30分で私の家から都心に行けます)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It's 30 minutes from my home to the city by train.

Explanation: When speaking about the duration of a journey between two places, you can say, "It is 30 minutes between A and B," or, "It takes 30 minutes to travel between A and B." Example sentence: "It takes 10 minutes by taxi to get from Westminster bridge to Hyde Park."
ある2つの地点の距離を言いたいときは、 AからBまで30分ですという意味で、"It is 30 minutes between A and B," または "It takes 30 minutes to travel between A and B."と言うことができます。 例文: "It takes 10 minutes by taxi to get from Westminster bridge to Hyde Park." ウエストミンスターブリッジからハイドパークまでタクシーで10分かかります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's a 30 minute train ride to the city from my house.

  • It takes about 30 minutes by train for me to reach the city.

"It's a 30 minute train ride to the city from my house." Here you are telling the person that it takes 30 minutes from your house to the city by train. "It takes about 30 minutes by train for me to reach the city." This is a more of a comment response or an answer to a question. You can also shorten it to say, "It takes about 30 minutes by train." This is assuming that they already know what you are talking about.
"It's a 30 minute train ride to the city from my house."(家から電車で30分行けば町に出ます) - ここでは、家から町まで電車で30分かかると伝えています。 "It takes about 30 minutes by train for me to reach the city."(町まで電車で約30分かかります) - これは質問に対する答えという感じです。また、"It takes about 30 minutes by train."(電車で約30分かかります)と短縮することもできます。これは、既に相手に話の内容が伝わっているという前提です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • It takes 30 minutes to get to the city from my house

  • It's a half an hour train ride to the city from my house

"It takes 30 minutes to get to the city from my house" This would be the most commonly used way to explain this "It's a half an hour train ride to the city from my house"- half an hour is another commonly used way to say 30 minutes in English.
"It takes 30 minutes to get to the city from my house"(家から30分で町に出ます) = これについて説明するときの最も一般的な言い方です。 "It's a half an hour train ride to the city from my house"(家から電車で30分で町に出ます) = 「30分」のことは英語では 'half an hour' ともよく言います。
Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • It's a 30 minute commute by train

  • It's only half an hour train to the city

"It's a 30 minute commute by train" To use commute is an expression used when expressing that you travel to a particular destination on a regular basis. "Half an hour" is a commonly used phrase that refers to the time (30 minutes), ex. "I'll be ready to go in half an hour" "It'll take you an hour and a half to reach your destination"
"It's a 30 minute commute by train"(通勤には電車で30分かかります) = 'commute' は特定の場所に定期的に通うことをいいます。 "Half an hour" は「〔時間の〕30分」を表す一般的なフレーズです。 例: "I'll be ready to go in half an hour"(30分で行く準備ができます) "It'll take you an hour and a half to reach your destination"(目的地までは1時間半かかります)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • It takes me around 30 minutes to get to the city by train.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「It takes me around 30 minutes to get to the city by train.」 =家から電車で30分行けば都会に出ます。 (例文)How long does it take you to get to the city?// It takes me around 30 minutes to get to the city by train. (訳)都会まで行くのにどれくらいかかりますか?//家から電車で30分行けば都会に出ます。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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