世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/02/23 09:36
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  • I have some concerns.

  • I have some worries.

この場合の「心配事」はconcern, worryで

I have some concerns.
I have some worries.

Do you have any concerns?
Do you have any worries?


  • I'm a little worried about a few things

  • I'm a little apprehensive about a few matters

  • I'm slightly nervous about a few unknown factors

The first example is the easiest and most common usage. The second and third examples are more unusual ways of saying exactly the same thing.



Diston DMM英会話講師
  • I have a few concerns, for example...

  • I'm a little bit worried about a couple of things, such as...

  • I'm a little anxious about a few things, like ....

The words 'concerns', 'worried' and 'anxious', refer to the negative feelings you are having about travelling for the first time with your children.

'Little' and 'few' explain that there is more than one thing worrying you.

Adding 'such as', 'for example' or 'like' at the end is your opening to then go on to describe the things you are concerned about. For example:
"I have a few concerns, such as how the time difference will affect the children, or how they may not enjoy the food"

この 'concerns'、 'worried'と'anxious'とは心配事と言う意味で、あなたは子供たちの初めての海外旅行に心配事がある、と言う意味になります。

'Little' と 'few'とはあなたの心配事はひとつ以上あるという事を説明しています。(少し)

'such as'、 'for example'や 'like'を文末に付けてあなたの心配ごとを切り出すことが出来ます。(例えば)

"I have a few concerns, such as how the time difference will affect the children, or how they may not enjoy the food"

Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I'm notconfident about ....

  • I'm a little concerned about ..

  • I'm anxious about ...

There are many ways to express concern, fears or worries.

If you're scared of flying, you could say, "I'm anxious about flying".
If you are worried that you haven't prepared properly or you haven't done something correctly, you could say, "I'm not feeling confident about .." For example, "I'm not confident about the hotel I booked. Maybe it will be too far from the town centre".


飛行機が怖い場合、I'm anxious about flyingと言えるでしょう。

完璧に準備してない、または正確に何かをしてないことが心配なら、I'm not feeling confident about ..と言えるでしょう。

I'm not confident about the hotel I booked. Maybe it will be too far from the town centre.

Claire Gi DMM英会話講師
  • I am a bit worried about...

  • I am concerned about...

"Concerned" is a way to state that you have worries about something.
"I am concerned about the long flight to Japan."


"I am concerned about the long flight to Japan."

Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I have a few concerns.

Example sentence-
1. I have a few concerns about the details of our trip.

1. I have a few concerns about the details of our trip.

Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • There are a few things that worry me concerning the flight such as turbulence, food, etc.

  • I am somehow worried about a number of things regarding the flight such as turbulence, food, etc..

When travelling by airplane to a far away place, you may definitely be worried about a few things, such as the turbulence, food an other things. Of course, you may not be able to solve them all. But, if you think carefully, you may find solutions to some solutions to some of them. The preposition 'concerning' also functions as an adjective. In this case, it has been used as a preposition.
So, you may say to your children:
There are a few things that worry me concerning the flight, such as turbulence, food, etc.
I am somehow worried about a number of things regarding the flight such as turbulence, food, etc..


There are a few things that worry me concerning the flight, such as turbulence, food, etc.


I am somehow worried about a number of things regarding the flight such as turbulence, food, etc.

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I'm worried about the time difference once we get there.

  • I'm looking forward to my holiday but I'm also a bit nervous.

  • I want to go on holiday, but there's a lot involved.

I'm worried about the time difference once we get there.
MEANING= I think the time difference might be a problem

I'm looking forward to my holiday but I'm also a bit nervous.
MEANING= I think it will be nice but I'm also a little nervous- not completely sure.

I want to go on holiday, but there's a lot involved.
MEANING= there's so much to organise when you go on holiday.

You could also say
There is so much packing when you go on holiday!
When you have kids it takes so long to get organized / get packed
Although I know it'll be a good holiday, I'm not looking forward to organising the kids to go
I hope that the time difference won't be an issue
*I hope the weather will be good

Hope this helps! ^ ^

I'm worried about the time difference once we get there.
意味= 私は時差が問題になるのではないかと心配しています。

I'm looking forward to my holiday but I'm also a bit nervous.
意味= 私は休暇が楽しみなのですが、少し緊張しています。

I want to go on holiday, but there's a lot involved.
意味= 休暇旅行に行くと手配しなければならないことがたくさんあります。

*There is so much packing when you go on holiday! (休暇旅行に行くと荷造りをたくさんしなければなりません)

*When you have kids it takes so long to get organized / get packed (子供がいると手配したり荷造りしたりすることにとても長い時間がかかります)

*Although I know it'll be a good holiday, I'm not looking forward to organising the kids to go (良い休暇旅行になることは知っていますが子供が行く手配をすることは楽しみにしていません)

*I hope that the time difference won't be an issue (時差が問題にならないことを望みます)

*I hope the weather will be good (天気が良いことを望みます)

ご参考になりますように! ^ ^

Beki DMM英会話講師
  • I am concerned about a few things.

  • I'm a bit anxious about ~

  • There are few things that I'm worried about.

「心配する」という単語には一般的にconcern, anxious, worryなどが使われます。
回答3はThere areとすることで「心配していることがあります」というようなニュアンスになります。

  • There are a few things that I'm worried about.


There are a few things that I'm worried about.

a few things that I'm worried about は「心配なことがいくつか」という意味の英語表現です。


Erik 日英翻訳者
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