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What year’s student are you now in your university?ですか?
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2018/02/25 12:30
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  • What year are you in at university?

  • Are you in first year at university?

If you are having a conversation about university and you want to know what year someone is in, you can ask, "What year are you in?". If it is not obvious that you are talking about university then add, ".. at university" to the end of the question. In the UK, university years are simply described as first, second, third, forth etc. For example, "Are you in fourth year?" "No, I'm in second year".
大学について話していて、相手が何年生か知りたい場合、What year are you in?と聞けます。大学について話してることが明白ではない場合、.. at universityを質問の最後に加えて下さい。 UKでは、大学の学年は、簡単にfirst、second、third、forthと呼びます。 例: Are you in fourth year? 4年生ですか? No, I'm in second year. いいえ、2年生です。
Claire Gi DMM英会話講師
  • What year are you in at university?

  • What year of university are you doing?

"What year are you in at university? " This asks the person to tell you what year of university they are doing. "What year of university are you doing?" This is another way of asking the person to tell you which year they are doing.
例文 "What year are you in at university? " 大学なん年目ですか? 大学の何年目かを教えてくれるように頼んでいます。 例文 "What year of university are you doing?" 大学の何年目ですか? 大学の何年目かを人に尋ねる別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What year are you in?

  • What year are you in at university?

  • What year are you in at uni?

If you are talking about university you can simply say, "What year are you in?". If it is not obvious that you are referring to university then add, ".. at university" to the end of the question. Uni is a popular abbreviation of the word university, which is very commonly used by university students in the UK.
大学生に聞くなら、シンプルに「What year are you in?」でオッケーです。もし大学について聞いているとはっきり伝わらなかったら、最後に「... at university」を加えてください。 「uni」は「university」の省略です。イギリスでは大学生がすごくよく使います。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • What year are you in?

  • What grade are you in?

  • How far along are you in school?

What year are you in at the university? What grade are you in at the university? How many years have you been going to college?
例: What year are you in at the university? 大学何年生ですか? What grade are you in at the university? 大学何年生ですか? How many years have you been going to college? 専門学校に何年通ってますか?
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Which year are you in?

  • How long have you been at university?

Explanation: In the UK schooling is often referred to by the number of years attended. For example a child may be in the first year of Infant school, or another child may be in the third year of secondary school. Example sentence: A. "How long has James been at university? "He's in his final year now."
解説:イギリスでは学業は在籍している年数で表されます。例えば、ある子供は小学校の一年生かもしれませんし、他の子は中学校の3年生かもしれません。 例文: A. "How long has James been at university? (ジェームズは大学何年生なの?) "He's in his final year now." (彼は最終学年にいるはずだよ。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What year of university are you in?

  • Are you a freshman, or what year are you?

As we know, in universities, there are different levels and years that the students are in such as freshman, sophomore, etc. If we want to ask about these kinds of things, we can ask the university students questions such as: 1) What year of university are you in? 2) Are you a freshman, or what year are you?
私たちが知ってるように、大学では様々なレベルと1年生、2年生など学年があります。 このような事について聞きたい場合、大学生に下記のように質問できます。 1) What year of university are you in? 大学何年生ですか? 2) Are you a freshman, or what year are you? あなたは、1年生ですか?いや、何年生ですか?
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • which year

  • which high school year are you in

example "what year are you in". "are you a 1st year?" or second year or third year respectively
例文 "What year are you in". あなたは何年生ですか? "Are you a 1st year?" あなたは1年生ですか? それぞれ2年生、3年生と聞くことも出来ます。
Homa DMM英会話講師
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