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ビジネス用語です。 会社から営業先に行き、そのまま帰宅することです。 「今日は直帰します」はなんて言いますか?
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2018/02/25 23:29
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  • I'm going straight home

  • I won't be calling by the office

  • I will be finishing work for the day and going straight home

All three of these examples say exactly the same thing, the last is the most descriptive. The first two place the emphasis on either destination.
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • After my meeting with the client, I will be going straight home.

  • I will not be coming back to the office after my meeting with client.

There are so many ways you can express yourself. You can use the following sentences to express yourself in a business situation. These are ways you can inform your colleagues or boss that they should not expect you to return to the office on that specific day. *After my meeting with the client, I will be going straight home. *I will not be coming back to the office after my meeting with client.
いろいろな言い方で自分のことを説明できます。ビジネスの場面ならば次のようなフレーズを使えるでしょう。同僚や上司に、あなたがその特定の日に事務所に戻らない予定でいることを伝える表現がいくつかあります。 例文: *After my meeting with the client, I will be going straight home. (クライアントとの打ち合わせ後、直帰します。) *I will not be coming back to the office after my meeting with client. (クライアントとの打ち合わせ後、事務所に戻らない予定です。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • going straight home

  • not returning to the office

If you are going straight home after seeing a client then you can simply say 'I'm going straight home' if you want to explain you wont be going to the office then you can say 'I'm not returning to the office'
営業先に行ってそのまま家に帰るなら、シンプルに次のように言えます。 'I'm going straight home'(そのまま家に帰ります) 会社に戻らないと説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 'I'm not returning to the office'(会社には戻りません)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I am not going to stop by the office after the meeting.

  • After the meeting, I will go straight home.

1) stop by- で「立ち寄る」という意味です。 帰宅途中にオフィスに寄らないよ、という表現です。 2) 「直帰」という意味では、go straightもよく使われます。
Yoko T 英語コーチ
  • I'm going straight home from the meeting

  • I'll be homeward bound as soon as the meeting ends

In a business situation where you meet a client, and after that you go directly home (without going back to your own office) - and you wish to state your position, then you can try the above example sentences.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I will be going directly home after I finish the meeting with the client.

  • When I am done with the meeting, I will be going straight home.

  • I will not be coming by the office after the meeting with the client, I will be heading straight home.

If you were in a business situation and had just finished a meeting with your client, but you were not going back to the office afterwards then you could use any of the above examples in order to explain your intention of not returning to the office after the meeting, to your boss, colleagues or even family and friends.
Lizzy S DMM英会話講師
  • After my meeting with the client, I am heading straight home.

  • I am going straight home after this meeting.

  • I will be going straight home after this meeting.

Straight home' explains the fact that a person will go home soon as the meeting has ended. If you wanted to express that you will go elsewhere before going home you can say "After the meeting, I will stop by the store" etc
Straight home' は、打ち合わせが終わったらすぐに帰ることを表します。 家に帰る前にどこかに立ち寄るなら、例えば次のように言えます。 "After the meeting, I will stop by the store"(打ち合わせが終わったら、お店によります)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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