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お給料が載っている明細のことです。 給料日やボーナスの日は毎回給与明細を確認しています。
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2018/02/27 00:12
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  • payslip

  • wageslip

Both of the above terms are commonly used. There are also many varieties of tax document in the UK usually referred to by acronyms and abbreviations such as P45
どちらの表現も一般的に使われています。英国には沢山の種類の[納税](書類があり、P45 のような頭字語や略語で呼ばれています。
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • payroll slip / pay slip

  • salary slip

給与明細に関する用語: basic pay(基本給) overtime(残業手当) transport allowance(通勤手当) house rent allowance(住居手当) tax(税金) health insurance(健康保険) income( 支給額) deduction (控除額) net pay(差引支給額) salaryは月給のように定期的に支払われる賃金を指すときに用いられますが、時給や週給など一時的な賃金にはwageが用いられます。
Akiko K TOEIC満点英語講師
  • Salary slip

  • Payslip

A 'salary slip' or 'payslip' is a document on which details of an employee's salary payment are recorded. Everything relating to the employee's monthly salary such as the gross salary, deductions such as tax, provident or pension fund, unemployment insurance and loans appear. The employee's net take home pay is at the bottom of the payslip. Other details include the the company's and employee's name, the date when the employee was engaged at the top of the payslip, and year-to-date numbers somewhere in the middle. So, you may say: I have checked my payslip and noticed that the deductions are very high this month. or Although I have received my salary in my bank account, I have not seen my salary slip as yet.
Salary slip とpayslipはどちらも従業員の[給与](が書かれた用紙のことです。給料の総額、[税金](の控除額、[年金](、失業保険、ローン額ども記載されます。 take home pay(手取り額)は一番下に記されている場合がほとんどです。 その他にも、会社名、従業員名、雇われた日、などは用紙の上に記載され、当会計年度から今日までの額が中央に書かれます。 I have checked my payslip and noticed that the deductions are very high this month.(給与明細を確認したら、今月の控除額がとても高いことに気づいた。) Although I have received my salary in my bank account, I have not seen my salary slip as yet.(口座に給料が振り込まれていたが、給与明細はまだもらっていない。) salary slip = 給与明細 payslip = 給与明細
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Payslip

  • Payroll slip

A payslip is the document provided to staff that details the payment they have received for work undertaken. It will include the employees name, staff identity number (sometimes known as a payroll number), and any taxes or insurance that should be deducted as instructed by the government of the country in which the company issues payments form.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Payment advice

  • Payslip

  • Payment details

When employees were traditionally paid by cash in a 'brown envelope' there was invariably included a small piece of paper known as a payslip or payment advice. This practice still occurs though these days payment is often made via digital means directly into the employee's account and pay advice is given similarly by email or online notification. "My payslip states that I paid no tax last month."
一昔前までは、茶封筒に現金と一緒に給与明細(payslip/payment advice)が入っていました。 このような給与支払いの方法もまだありますが、最近ではデジタル化され、直接従業員の銀行に支払われるようになっており、給与明細もEメールかオンライン上で知らせがくるようになっています。 "My payslip states that I paid no tax last month."(給与明細によると、先月は税金を払っていないことになっている。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • paycheck

  • paycheck stub

  • pay advice

"paycheck" "paycheck stub" "pay advice" A piece of paper given to the employee by the employer to show how much money they earned and how much tax was deducted, and if there was other deductions made. A payslip shows the amount of hours worked that you are being paid for. The gross and nett salary amount will reflect on your payslip as well as contribution.
どの回答例も「給与明細書」と訳されます。 給与明細書=雇い主から従業員に渡される給与や税金が書かれた明細書のことです。 Payslipということもでき、これには勤務時間、それに対する給与額や、the gross and net salary(支給総額と手取り額)や献金額なども記載されます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Payslip

  • Payment details

  • Wage receipt

Usually, a paper with the details of your payment will be called a "payslip". The 'slip' means a slip of paper which is a small piece of paper. In a general way, this information could be called your "payment details" as it is inclusive of all the details on you payment that month. Some companies may call it a "wage receipt" as it shows your wages and is proof of all taxes etc paid.
給与の詳細が書かれているものを通常は"payslip"と言います。"slip"とは、小さな紙切れのことをいいます。 その月の給料の詳細がしるされた給与明細のことを、"payment details"と呼ぶことも一般的です。 会社によっては、"wage reciept"と言うこともあり、給料や税金の支払い額なども記されています。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • pay stub

  • payslip

  • earnings statement / statement of earnings and deductions

アメリカでは「給与明細」は、"pay stub" / "payslip"と言われています。"check"「小切手」または、"direct deposit"「銀行振込」の詳細を記載したもののことです。"stub"は、「(小切手などの)控え」 / "slip"は、「紙切れ・伝票」という意味です。日本は、"check"「小切手」の文化ではないので、"earnings statement" / "statement of earnings and deductions"と言ってもいいかもしれません。 "earnings" は「賃金」、"deductions"は「所得税や保険料などの控除」のことです。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • payslip

  • salary statement

When you're trying to talk about the piece of paper which details the salary of an employee, then you can use the words "payslip" or "salary statement". For example, you can say: -I didn't get my payslip last month, so I should email HR to send it to me. -I didn't receive my salary statement, so I will ask HR to send it to me next week.
紙上に記される給与明細のことは、"payslip"や"salary statement"と言います。 -I didn't get my payslip last month, so I should email HR to send it to me.(今月は給与明細をもらわなかったので、HR=人事部に送ってもらうようにメールをしなければいけない。) -I didn't receive my salary statement, so I will ask HR to send it to me next week.(給与明細をもらわなかったので、来週人事部に送ってもらうようにいうよ。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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