電話でKeep in touchと言われた時、友人に言われた場合と、目上の人に言われた場合、答え方は異なりますか?
If a friend says 'keep in touch' You can say 'of course'. Of course is a friendly way of saying yes I will or yes you can. Yes sir is a simple way of answering to senior. You could use of course and will do with a senior as long as you say it respectfully. Will do is a shortened version of 'Yes, I will do that'.
友達が 'keep in touch' と言ったならば、あなたは 'of course'(もちろんだよ。)と言えるでしょう。
Of course とは Yes I will とか yes you can の意味を表すフレンドリーな言い方です。
Yes sir は目上の人に答えるシンプルな表現です。of course と will do を目上の人に使うことも可能ですが、敬意を込めて言いましょう。
Will do は 'Yes, I will do that'の省略版です。こちらは少しカジュアルな印象です。
A: Keep in touch!
B: Of course.
A: Keep in touch!
B: Wil do.
You can respond to "Keep in touch" by saying:
"I will" This can be said to both friends and work colleges or a boss.
"Absolutely" This is used more with friends.
"Yes, Sir" is used with a boss. It tells him you will keep him updated and shows respect.
DMM英会話講師 Jody R(ジョディ)
If you are leaving your job and your boss tells you to keep in touch you can say:
''Yes sir, I will make sure to keep in touch. And thank you again for everything.''
If a friend tells you to keep in touch you can casually answer with:
a) Sure thing!
b) I will, don't worry!
c) I will! And you keep in touch too okay? - This is asking your friend to also keep in touch with you.
仕事を辞める時に上司に「keep in touch」と言われた場合は:
''Yes sir, I will make sure to keep in touch. And thank you again for everything.''
友達に「keep in touch」と言われた時は、カジュアルに:
a) Sure thing!
( もちろん!)
b) I will, don't worry!
c) I will! And you keep in touch too okay?
Sure thing' is quite a casual comment, whereas, 'Yes, I will,' may be used for slightly more formal settings.
A "Will you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?"
B "Yes, I will."
Sure thing'(もちろん)とは、かなりカジュアルな表現で、一方、'Yes, I will,' (はい、そうします)はややフォーマルな場面で使われます。
A "Will you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?"
B "Yes, I will."
This first expression can be said more jokingly among friends, as there is a tendency to “forget” to maintain communication with friends, especially those who live far away. People are busy, and forgetful, so sometimes it’s good to remind each other that yes we are alive and well and still thinking about them. Sometimes, its good to ask “how can I keep in touch?” so they can provide a form of communication that they use more frequently.
Hope that helps!
時には、“how can I keep in touch?” (どうやって連絡を取り合うの?)と尋ねるのもいいでしょう。そうすることで、相手がもっと頻繁にコミュニケーションをとってくれるはずです。
These responses can be used in a formal and informal setting. The phrase "for sure" means that something is certain to happen. Thus, in this sense it means you are certain to keep in touch with the person.
Boss: Please be sure to keep in touch.
You: Definitely! Is email more convenient for you?
Friend: I haven't see you in a while! Keep in touch!
You: For sure! I'll text you more oft
これらの返答はフォーマルでもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことが出来ます。"for sure"とは何かが確実に起こることを表します。この文章では、必ず連絡を取りますよ、という意味になります。
Boss: Please be sure to keep in touch.
You: Definitely! Is email more convenient for you?
Friend: I haven't see you in a while! Keep in touch!
You: For sure! I'll text you more often.
Example sentences-
1. My teacher told me to "keep in touch" and I replied, "Will do, take care!".
2. I told her "keep in touch" and she replied "I will most definitely!"
1. My teacher told me to "keep in touch" and I replied, "Will do, take care!".
Most definitely.
definitely だけでも「もちろん」という意味になりますが、most をつけるとより強調されます。
他には Of course なども「もちろん」の意味で使うことができますよ。
of course は「もちろん」というニュアンスの英語表現です。
A: Keep in touch, OK?
B: I will, of course.