英語でもそのまま「no-look pass」と言います。
take a no-look pass from ~ → ~(人)からノールックパスを受ける
receive a no-look pass from ~ → ~(人)からノールックパスを受ける
make a no-look pass→ノールックパスをする[出す]
feed a no-look pass to ~ → ~(人)にノールックパスを供給する
He made a nice no-look pass to me.→彼が素晴らしいノールックパスをくれた。
「ノールックパス」はバスケットボールに限らずサッカーやアイスホッケーなどでも見られますが、いずれの場合も英語では「no-look pass」と言います。
A blind pass = You don't look at the receiver - but maybe you know this person is in position.
A random pass = You pass and hope there is someone to receive the ball.
A blind pass= 受け手を見ない、しかしそこに受け手がいると知っていてだすパス
A random pass = 誰かしらそこにいるだろうを期待してだすパス
No look pass
A flashy play where an offensive player looks in one direction as a fake
Then throws a pass in another direction without looking at his actual target
Blind pass
pass made without looking at the puck's path
No look pass
A flashy play where an offensive player looks in one direction as a fake
Then throws a pass in another direction without looking at his actual target
Blind pass
pass made without looking at the puck's path
Blind pass=ノールックパスと同じ意味。Blindは、盲目という意味。
a blind pass is when you throw or pass the ball to another player without looking to see if they are in the right posiiton to recieve the ball or not sometimes you have to pass quickly before you lose the ball to the other team so might have to do this
A blind pass' とは、パスの受け手を見ないでパスを出すことをいいます。
A stategy usually used to deceive your opponents as to where the ball is going. It takes a well trained team to be able to do this. It's essential that they are in the right place to take the pass.
the winning team made many blind passes very successfully playing in tight formation.
A blind pass (No-look pass ) is when a basketball player throws the ball to another player without looking to see where they are. This is mainly used because top teams play in very tight formation and stay in the "designated positions" through out the game always "marking their opposite number very closely. This is a great way to fool the opposing team payers and throw them off balance long enough to score...
「ノールックパス」は、no-look passと言います。
または、blind pass ということもあります。
No-look pass is performed when a player looks in one direction but passes the ball to his target in another direction.
A blind pass would refer to passing it to someone that we are lot looking at, as blind refers to the inability to see.
We can say its a no-look pass because we are passing the bar in a location that we are not looking at.
A fake pass refers more to when we are trying to trick the opponent by making it seem we are going to pass in one direction but then throw it in a completely different direction.