We used to say housewife but in modern times this has been changed to homemaker, and this can be used for both women and men that stay at home to look after the family and the home.
"I don't work, I am a homemaker."
"I am a housewife, a very busy one."
"I am a stay at home mum."
"I would like to be a stay at home mum."
"I don't work, I am a homemaker."
"I am a housewife, a very busy one."
"I am a stay at home mum."
"I would like to be a stay at home mum."
When a married woman stays at home and does not have a secular job she can be called a "Housewife" or if she has children then she can be called a "stay at home mom".
結婚した女性が家にいて、特定の仕事をしていない場合は "Housewife"と呼ばれるか、子供がいる場合は"stay at home mom"と呼ばれることもあります。
The traditional name for a woman who stays at home and cares for her house and family is housewife in the UK or homemaker in the USA. A more modern way of saying this is full-time mother. You can use these answers when people ask "what is your job?' by replying "I am a housewife/homemaker/full-time mother".
従来より、英国では housewife そして米国では homemaker と呼
びます。近年では、full-time mother と言ったりもします。
"what is your job?”(お仕事は何をされているんですか?)
"I am a housewife/homemaker/full-time mother"
Stay at home mum' is also used for women with children.
If you are caring for other family members you could say "family caregiver".
Housewife and homemaker are both common terms for women who are busy completing a lot of duties and chores for their household.
「stay at home mum」も子どものいる女性について使われます。
家族の介護をしている人は「family caregiver」と言うことができます。
In certain households, only the man may be working full time, earning a salary, while the woman stays at home and mainly looks after the children, manages the household's affairs, and does practically everything at home for the family instead of working at a company earning a salary. She does all this while the husband (the man) is at work, away from the house. This type of woman may be called a 'housewife'. Please note that the noun 'housewife' refers to a married woman only. She may also be called a 'homemaker'. However, 'homemaker can also refer to a husband who stays at home while the wife goes to work for a salary away from the house.
So you may say:
My wife is a housewife.
My wife is a homemaker.
If you are a woman, you may say:
My husband is a homemaker.
ある程度の家庭では、男性がフルタイムで働いて、サラリーを稼ぎ、女性は家にいて、おもに子供の世話をしたり家事を行ったり、就職をしてサラリーを稼ぐ代わりに、実際にはほとんどすべての家事をこなしています。妻は夫が仕事に出ている間に、これらすべてを行っています。こういうタイプの女性を 'housewife' (主婦)と呼びます。 'housewife' (主婦)は既婚女性の呼び名です。'homemaker' (主婦)と呼ばれる場合もあります。ところが、'homemaker' は、女性が仕事に出てサラリーを稼いで、男性が家にいて家事をこなす主夫の場合にも使います。
My wife is a housewife.(私の妻は主婦です)
My wife is a homemaker. (私の妻は主婦です)
My husband is a homemaker. (私の夫は主夫です)