I came to understand that respecting someone has nothing to do with their age
I came to think that the people I respect are not necessarily older than me
before, I always respected people who were older and more experienced than me, but recently I have found people younger than me that I respect for different reasons.
「尊敬することに年齢は関係ないと思いました。」= I came to understand that respecting someone has nothing to do with their age / I came to think that the people I respect are not necessarily older than me
「以前は経験の沢山ある歳上の方こそ尊敬の対象だと思って生きてきましたが、最近年下の方々もとても尊敬できる部分が多く、こんな風に思いました。」= before, I always respected people who were older and more experienced than me, but recently I have found people younger than me that I respect for different reasons.
尊敬する = respect, admire
~と思いました = I came to think/understand ~
関係ない = nothing to do with~
年齢 = age