Goodbye is a general of bidding farewell - it is suitable for both formal an informal situations. "Bye" is more informal, so that would be appropriate for situations with friends. But it isn't wrong to use it in formal situations, especially when you're very familiar with the person.
"Cheers"is used mostly for informal situation.
E.g. Cheers buddy, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
E.g. I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow boss. Goodbye.
Cheers buddy, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow boss. Goodbye.
For friends, you can say "Talk to you later" Or even more simply "Later." This just means you will talk to them again maybe the next day or at a later date.
For a boss, business colleague, or someone you do not know, you should say "Bye," "Goodbye," or "Have a nice day." Goodbye or Bye are the most common, but it is polite to wish some "Have a nice day."
友達に対しては、 また後でという意味の、"Talk to you later" もしくはもっとシンプルに"Later." ということができます。
上司や同僚、知らない人に対しては、 "Bye," "Goodbye," または "Have a nice day."と言うといいでしょう。 Goodbye とByeは、最も一般的ですが、 "Have a nice day." と言うのが丁寧な表現です。
Talk to you later. Bye.
It was nice talking to you. Goodbye.
Thank you. Bye.
Yes you say it differently to a boss, co-worker, or a friend.
For a boss you can say, "Goodbye", "Yes, I will get back to you later", "I will get on that. Bye".
For a close friend you can say, "Love ya, bye", "later", "back atcha".
For children it is cute to say, "later alligator", "after while crocodile".
Talk to you later. Bye.(ではまた。さようなら)
It was nice talking to you. Goodbye.(ではまた。さようなら)
Thank you. Bye.(ありがとう。またね)
"Yes, I will get back to you later"(はい、またご連絡します)
"I will get on that. Bye"(了解しました。ではまた)
"Love ya, bye"(またね)
"Back atcha"(あなたもね)
"Later alligator"(またね、アリゲーター)
"After while crocodile"(また後でね、クロコダイル)
If you want to respond to someone at the end of a phone call, you could use either the first or second example in an informal call - or, in the case of a colleague or even a boss, the third example has two parts: a positive parting message, and a farewell.
電話の最後に何か返したいとき、インフォーマルな場面なら例1か例2が使えるでしょう。相手が同僚または上司の場合は、例3。これは2つのパーツからなります、前向きなメッセージ(Have a great evening)とさよなら(Bye)です。
When talking to a boss or in any formal situation I would probably stick to 'goodbye' or 'bye'. Whereas, when talking to a friend I would say 'see ya' or 'catch you later' which simply means see you later.