世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/03/07 15:31
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  • Can I charge my phone here?

Can I charge my phone here? →ここで携帯の充電してもいいですか? 「充電する」は「charge」と言えると思います。 「phone」はここでは「携帯」を表します。 回答は一例です 参考にしてください ありがとうございました
  • Can I use your charger?

Can I charge my phone here? (ここで充電してもいいですか?) Can I use your charger? (あなたの充電器使ってもいいですか?) charger 又は phone charger は充電器のことです。 参考までに!
  • Is it OK to charge my phone here?

  • Can I charge my phone here?

  • Would I be able to charge my phone here?

These are three possible ways to ask this question. As a Native English speaker I would ask: -Is it OK/alright to charge my phone here?
これらは、この質問の三つの言い方です。 ネイティブスピーカーとして、私なら次のように聞きます。 -Is it OK/alright to charge my phone here? (ここで携帯を充電してもいいですか)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Is OK to charge my phone here?

  • Does anyone mind if I charge my phone here?

  • Is phone charging permitted here?

When you want to charge your phone, and wish to ask someone if you may charge your phone in that location, then you should try one of the above vexamples statements. The third example sentence is more formal.
その場所で携帯を充電しても良いか確認したいなら、上記の文の一つを使ってみてください。 三つ目の文はフォーマルです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you okay if I plug my phone in here to charge?

  • Are you using this outlet? Can I just charge my phone real quick?

  • Do you mind if I just plug my phone in here? My battery is running really low.

There are numerous ways to express this desire. All three ways of asking just check to see if the person near the outlet, or in charge of it is okay with you charging your device. The last example provides a quick explanation of why you need to charge it, and if said in an urgent manner can be used to drive the point closer to home.
これはいろいろな言い方ができます。 三つの例文はどれも、差し込みの近くにいる人や関係者にそこで充電をしてもいいかどうか確認するときに使えます。 最後の例文ではなぜ充電をする必要があるのか短く伝えています。切迫した感じで言えば意図がより明確に伝わります。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have an outlet that I can use?

  • Is it OK if I charge my phone here?

  • Do you mind if I charge my phone here?

This is a common problem these days. I have run into this problem in my daily life and these questions are polite phrases I have used to solve the problem.
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Could I please charge my phone here?

  • Do you mind if I charge my phone here?

  • Is it okay if I charge my phone here?

Could I please charge my phone here? We often use " could " to politely request permission to do things. When the word " could" appears in the middle of a sentence the meaning may change to talk about things you are able to do. Do you mind if I charge my phone here? To "mind" is to have a problem with someone doing or saying something.This sentence means that you are asking if someone has a problem with you charging your device in that particular space.It has a similar meaning to " Is it okay if I charge my phone here?"
Could I please charge my phone here?(ここで携帯電話を充電してもいいですか) - "could" は丁寧に許可を求めるときによく使われます。文の真ん中に "could" があったら、それは「~ができる」という意味かもしれません。 Do you mind if I charge my phone here?(ここで携帯電話を充電してもいいですか) - "mind" は「〔人〕が〔あること〕をしたら問題がある」という意味です。この文では、「私がここで携帯電話を充電したら問題がありますか」と尋ねています。これは "Is it okay if I charge my phone here?"(ここで携帯電話を充電してもいいですか)と近い意味です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
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