世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/03/12 03:36
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  • This is a burner account

  • I use this account for viewing only

When we say something is used as a burner, it means that it is used as a fake or one time thing. A burner account is one that is not real and is used only for viewing things.
We can also simply state what the account is for. By saying that the account is for viewing only, we are letting people know that the account is not a real one for personal use. We are telling them that it is used only to view things on social media.

"burner account"や"viewing only account"という表現は、SNS上で一部の機能だけを利用するアカウントを表す際に使われます。

"burner"(一時的なもの、使い捨てのもの)という言葉が示すように、"burner account"は本物の個人アカウントではなく、特定の目的(この場合は閲覧)のためだけに使用されるアカウントを指します。

また、"I use this account for viewing only"という表現でも同じ意味を伝えることが可能です。ここでは、アカウントが「閲覧専用」であることを直接示しています。

Bogy DMM英語講師
  • This account is just for me to view other posts.

  • (This account is) for information collection only. There will be no posts/tweets/messages from this account.

  • I made this account just to view other posts, and won't be able to answer any messages.

「他の投稿を見るためのアカウントです」=this account is just to view other posts.
SNSや表示の場合、とくに相手にどうしてほしいか、を考えてコミュニケーションをすることが欧米では当たり前なので、「自分が何のために作ったか」よりも「どうしてほしいか」を優先しますので、「情報収集用アカウントのため、返答、投稿はありません(お控えください)」のようにされるとスマートです。"FOR INFORMATION COLLECTION ONLY"で「情報収集用のみ」「このアカウントは情報収集用のみのため、メッセージはお控えください」"This account is for information collection only. Please do not send us any messages." 「ご理解ありがとう」="Thanks for your understanding." 「このアカウントは(私的な)情報収集用のみのため、投稿などはありません。」"This is for (private) infomration collection only. There won't be any posts or tweets from this account."

  • I am not active on the account. I just use it to follow other people's posts

  • I just use the account to see other people's posts. I don't post on it

When you want to explain that you only have a social media account to view other people's posts and don't use it to post anything of your own; then you may explain this in the following ways:
-I am not active on the account. I just use it to follow other people's posts
-I just use the account to see other people's posts. I don't post on it


-I am not active on the account. I just use it to follow other people's posts

-I just use the account to see other people's posts. I don't post on it

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • This account is just to check on what other people are up to.

  • I solely use this account to take a look at what other people post.

  • I just use this profile for staying up to date with what others are posting.

"This account is just to check on what other people are up to." this means that having the account enables you to check what others are posting even though you don't post anything yourself.
"I solely use this account to look at what other people post." implies that the account is not for any other use other than seeing what others post on sns.

"I just use this profile for staying up to date with what others are posting." means you created the profile to be able to stay informed about others and their posts.

"This account is just to check on what other people are up to."

"I solely use this account to look at what other people post."

"I just use this profile for staying up to date with what others are posting."

Essa DMM英会話講師
  • I do not ue/post on this account

  • I do not use/post on this account i use it to view celebritites

  • This account is just used to view celebrties it is not active

By using the term 'not active' it means you don't use or comment on it so you could say 'i do not use/post on this account' you could also say 'this account is not active' meaning the same thing
To explain what you do on it you could say 'i do not use/post on this account i use it to view celebrities' this explains what you use the account for

”Not active"というフレーズを使うことにより、SNSを使用していない・コメントを投稿していない、という意味になります。例えば、”I do not use/post on this account."(このアカウントは使っていない・投稿していない)と表せます。また、”This account is not active”(このアカウントは使われていません)と言ってもOKです。

SNSでどんなことをしているのかについて説明する場合、”I do not use/post on this account; I use it to view celebrities."(このアカウントは使っていません・このアカウントに投稿していません。セレブを閲覧するために使っています。)と表現出来ます。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I don't use this account to post updates

  • I only use this account to view others

  • This account isn't active other than to follow celebrities

You can explain yourself by either saying what you DO do (''I use this account only to view celebrities') or what you DON'T do ('I don't use this account to post updates')
You could also point out that you 'Won't respond to messages sent to this account'
Or perhaps you should point out that friends should 'See my other profile'

''I use this account only to view celebrities'

'I don't use this account to post updates'


他に、このアカウントに送られたメッセージには返信しない(Won't respond to messages sent to this account)と伝えることもできます。

または、'See my other profile'(私の別のプロフィールを見てください)と言ってもいいかもしれません。

Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • I like to follow celebrities on Twitter

  • I like to just browse Instagram

  • I don't post on Facebook but I like to look at other people's posts

If you have a favourite celebrity, you may just like to follow them on social media. This means to look at their posts and keep track of what they are doing. You could also use the word browse to say that you like to look other's posts without actually posting yourself. Alternatively, simply say "I don't like to post on social media but I do like to look at what others have posted."



"I don't like to post on social media but I do like to look at what others have posted."

Suzi DMM英語講師
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