世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/03/12 16:23
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  • Could you repeat that in more simple English so that I can understand?

Could you repeat that in more simple English so that I can understand? 「私が理解できるようにもっと簡潔な英語で繰り返してくれませんか。」 このように表現するのも良いと思います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • Can you simplify that sentence for me?

  • Can you repeat what you just said, just in a simpler way?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask your listener if they can say what they just said in a simpler way. In the first sentence you will see the verb simply. This means to make something easier to understand. This word is appropriate for both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
これら2つの文は、簡単な言い方があるかどうかを聞くのにぴったりの表現です。 はじめの文では、動詞simplyが使われています。これは、何かをわかりやすく簡単にするという意味です。この言葉は、フォーマルな場でもカジュアルな場でも使うことのできる表現です。ボキャブラリーに追加しておくといい表現です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please repeat that in simpler words for me?

  • I'm not sure what you meant so can you say it again only with easier words?

  • I would like you to say that again in other words ok?

Could you please repeat that in simpler words for me? I'm not sure what you meant so can you say it again only with easier words? I would like you to say that again in other words ok? I want to understand that better so can you repeat it in simple terms?
Could you please repeat that in simpler words for me? (それをもっと簡単な言葉で言ってもらえますか?) I'm not sure what you meant so can you say it again only with easier words? (意味がわからなかったので、簡単な言葉でもう一度言ってもらえますか?) I would like you to say that again in other words ok? (他の言葉でもう一度言ってもらえますか?) I want to understand that better so can you repeat it in simple terms? (もっとしっかり理解したいので、簡単な言葉でもう一度言ってもらえますか?)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Could you simplify that please?

  • Could you put that in words of one syllable please?

When someone says something but you don't understand - and you want to tell them that you don't understand, and want to ask them to say the same thing in a different/easier way, you can try one of the baove suggestions. 'Could you put that in words of one syllable please?' is a euphemistic phrase for: 'Please simplify that.'
何か言われて理解できなかったときに、同じことを別の/より易しい言い方で言ってもらいたいなら、上記の文のどちらかを使ってみてください。 'Could you put that in words of one syllable please?' は 'Please simplify that.'(もっと簡単に言ってください)の遠回しな言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you simplify that?

  • Can you dumb it down please?

"Can you simplify that?" and "Can you dumb it down please?" These two phrases are used to ask, normally if you are unable to understand what someone has said, if they can 'simplify'/'dumb it down'/use easier words so you are able to understand them.
"Can you simplify that?"(もう少し簡単に言えますか) "Can you dumb it down please?"(もう少しかみ砕いて言ってもらえますか) この二つのフレーズは、普通言われたことが理解できなかったときに使われます、「分かるようにもう少し簡単に言って欲しい/かみ砕いて言って欲しい/簡単な言葉を使って欲しい」とお願いする言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry could you explain that again please?

  • Can you simplify that please?

  • Can you slow it down please?

If someone answers something that I do not understand I would ask them to explain it again, and if even after they have repeated themselves I still did not understand I would politely ask them to simplify it and slow it down. Hopefully they would find a suitable way to explain it with simple vocabulary.
Shannon J DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry, I don't understand. Could you please explain?

  • Could you please repeat what you said in a simple way?

  • I do not understand, could you please use simpler english?

"I am sorry, I don't understand. Could you please explain?"- This shows you are trying to understand the person you are talking to without offending them. This will help them to see you are eager to learn and they will simplify what they said earlier. "Could you please repeat what you said in a simple way?"- This is directly asking the person to use easier words when speaking to you or explaining something to you. "I do not understand, could you please use simpler English?"- This shows the person you are speaking to that they are using English words you may not yet know. This helps them to simplify their way of talking so you can understand them.
"I am sorry, I don't understand. Could you please explain?"(ごめんなさい、よく分かりません。説明してもらえますか) →これは、話し手が相手のことを理解しようとしていることを表します。丁寧な言い方です。勉強に対して熱心であることが伝わり、おそらく相手はよりシンプルな言い方でもう一度説明してくれます。 "Could you please repeat what you said in a simple way?"(シンプルな言い方でもう一度言ってもらえますか) →ここでは、もっと簡単な言葉を使って欲しいと単刀直入に伝えています。 "I do not understand, could you please use simpler English?"(よく分かりません。もっとシンプルな英語を使ってもらえますか) →これは、相手があるいはまだ自分の知らない言葉を使っていることを表します。このように言うと、相手はよりシンプルに言い換えてくれます。
Jamima DMM英会話講師
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