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2018/03/13 00:08
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  • It's now less than 100 days till I go home.

_日を切った = less than 〜 days away/days from now
Tim Young 主催
  • There are less than 100 days until I go home.

  • In less than 100 days, I return to Japan.

There are less than 100 days until I go home. (You could replace home with "on vacation," "to Japan," etc.) "Less than," tells your listener that you are under 100 days until the event. Maybe you have 99 or 67 days, but the days are fewer than 100. "In less than 100 days, I return to Japan." (Return means that where you started, or where you are from, you are going back to that location.)
There are less than 100 days until I go home. 帰国まで100日切りました。 homeの代わりに "on vacation,"(休暇) "to Japan," (日本に行く)なども使うことができます。 "Less than,"は、~以下という意味です。99日、もしくは、67日など100以下を指します。 "In less than 100 days, I return to Japan." 100日以下で、日本に帰国します。 Returnとは、~に帰るという意味です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I have less than 100 days until I am back in Japan

  • I will be in Japan in less than a hundred days

There are a number of ways to express this. You can also state the exact number of days by saying, for example, "Back in Japan in 83days" or "I have less than 100 days until I am back in Japan.
いろいろな言い方ができます。 "I have less than 100 days until I am back in Japan." (日本帰国まで100日を切った) ほかに「Back in Japan in 83days(83日後に帰国)」のように正確な日数を言ってもいいです。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Only 100 days to go before I must return to the land of the rising sun, sob, sob

If you wish to express you are feeling sad about something conversationally or in a message, you may say or write: 'sob, sob'. It is equivalent to the crying or sad emoji.
会話やメッセージで悲しい気持ちを表すときは、'sob, sob' が使えます。泣いている絵文字、悲しい絵文字と同じ意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Less than 100 days until I go home

  • I can't believe it's only 100 days until I go/return home

When posting on social media it's not always what you type but by adding emojis to show how you are feeling it says it better if you 'can't believe' something then you are finding it hard to understand
SNSに投稿するときは、必ずしも言葉だけではありません、絵文字を加えることで気持ちが伝わりやすくなります。 'can't believe'は「信じられない」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Sadly, in less than 100 days I will be going back to Japan.

  • Unfortunately I will be home in less that 100 days.

"Sadly, in less than 100 days I will be going back to Japan.": Starting the sentence with "sadly" shows that it it not something you are happy about. "Unfortunately I will be home in less than 100 days.": Saying "unfortunately" in the beginning of your sentence is a way we can show that we are sad about a certain situation.
"Sadly, in less than 100 days I will be going back to Japan." 悲しいことに、あと100日以下で、日本へ帰国します。  "sadly" と文を始めることで、わくわくしていることではないことを表します。 "Unfortunately I will be home in less than 100 days." 残念ながら、100日以下で帰国します。 "unfortunately" を使うことで、自分が悲しい状況にあることを表すことができます。
Kirst English teacher
  • I'll be returning to Japan in less than 100 days.

  • Sadly, I have less than 100 days to spend here, before going back to Japan.

Native speakers will say like this: “I'll be returning to Japan in less than 100 days”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: How long are you staying here for? B: Sadly, I have less than 100 days to spend here, before going back to Japan.
ネイティブスピーカーなら次のように言います。 “I'll be returning to Japan in less than 100 days”. (あと100日足らずで日本に戻ります) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 A: How long are you staying here for?(こっちにはどのくらいいるの) B: Sadly, I have less than 100 days to spend here, before going back to Japan.(残念ながら、あと100日足らずで日本に戻ります)
Ned DMM英会話講師
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