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来店されたお客様に ○○はどこですか?とよく聞かれるのですが時々商品がわからないのでスマホの画像等ないが聞きたいので教えてください(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⋆*
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2018/03/15 16:47
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  • Do you have a picture of the product in question?

  • Can you show me an image of what you are looking for?

  • Can you find me an image for reference?

Examples "Do you have an image of the product so that I know what it is you are looking for?" or "Can i see an image of the product?" or "Can you find me an image for reference?"
例 "Do you have an image of the product so that I know what it is you are looking for?"(お客様がお探しの物を知るために、商品の画像はありますか? "Can i see an image of the product?"(商品の画像を見せていただけますか?) "Can you find me an image for reference?"(ご参考までに画像を探していただけますか?)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a picture of it?

  • Please show me a picture.

You can ask : "Do you have a picture of it?" "Please show me a picture." A : Do you have .... in store? B : I have never heard of it before. A : Okay. B : Do you have a picture of it? A : There you go. B : Oh, we do. You can find it in aisle 12. B : Thanks
"Do you have a picture of it?" それの写真はありますか? "Please show me a picture." 写真を見せてください。 A : Do you have .... in store? お店に.... はありますか? B : I have never heard of it before. 聞いたことがありません。 A : Okay. わかりました。 B : Do you have a picture of it? それの写真はありますか? A : There you go. はい、これです。 B : Oh, we do. You can find it in aisle 12. ああ、あります。12の通路にあります。 B : Thanks ありがとうございます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • can you show me a picture of it?

  • Sorry...I do not understand which item you want...can you show me a picture of it?

In the modern world communications can be made much easier via the internt and smart phones...its so its quite possible to ask for a reference picture(if you are unsure about... "the product in question" ) "Sorry...I do not understand which item you want...can you show me a picture of it?"
この近代世界、情報のやり取りはインターネットやスマホを投資てとても簡単になりましたね。 参考になる写真を尋ねることはとてもあり得る事ですね。 (あなたが"the product in question"(問題の商品)が確かではない場合など ) 【例】 "Sorry...I do not understand which item you want...can you show me a picture of it?" (すみません、どの商品の事かわかりません、写真を見せてもらえますか?)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a picture/photo of what you are looking for?

  • Can you show me a photo/picture of what you are looking for?

  • Do you have a picture to show me what you mean/are looking for?

If you are wanting to know exactly what someone is looking for but are not too sure then you could ask for a picture/photo to make sure You would say 'Do you have /can you show me a picture of what you are looking for?' You could also ask them 'Do you have a photo/picture of what you mean?' that way they would know you don't understand
相手の探している物がよく分からないときは、写真を見せて欲しいとお願いできます。 例えば: 'Do you have/Can you show me a picture of what you are looking for?' (お探しの物の写真はありますか?/を見せてもらえますか?) また、以下のように聞くこともできます。 'Do you have a photo/picture of what you mean?' (その写真はありますか?) これで、相手が何について言っているのかよく分からないことが伝えられます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a picture of this item?

  • Could you draw this item for me?

Well, you could ask for a photo or picture - but what are the chances of someone carrying a picture or photo of something they want? Slim to zero, right? Might be better to ask them to draw a picture?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a picture of the product you're looking for?

  • Can you show me a picture of the item you want?

You can ask a person to show you a picture of the item they are looking for in the above ways. You can also start off by saying, "I'm not sure if I understand you well, but can you please show me a picture of the item you're looking for?".
Do you have a picture of the product you're looking for?(お探しの商品の写真はありませんか?) Can you show me a picture of the item you want?(欲しいアイテムの写真を見せてくれませんか?) 上記の方法で探しているアイテムの写真を見せてくれないか相手に聞くことができます。 また、次のように一言添えてから、質問することもできます。 "I'm not sure if I understand you well, but can you please show me a picture of the item you're looking for?".(お客様のご要望をきちんと理解していないかもしれませんので、お探しのアイテムの写真を見せていただけませんか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Can you show me?

  • Do you have a photo?

If you did not know the name of the product you could use the pronoun it and the person would understand. The verb to show implies you want something to view.
もしその商品の名前がわからなかったら、代名詞の "it"(それ)を使うとわかってくれるかもしれません。 動詞 "show"(見せる)は「見て確認したい」というニュアンスです。
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
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