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2018/03/18 14:50
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  • We have a lot of national holidays in Japan.

  • There are many public holidays in Japan.

「祝日」は英語で 'national holiday'または'public holiday'と言います。 'We have...' 直訳すると「私たちは持っている」ですが、「~がある」というようなニュアンスで使うこともできます。この場合は 'We have a lot of national holidays in Japan.'なので 「日本にはたくさんの祝日がある。」という意味になります。 'There are...'も同じように「~がある」という意味ですので。 'There are many public holidays in Japan.' 「日本にはたくさんの祝日がある。」となります。
Juri N 英語講師
  • Japan's calendar is packed with holidays

  • There's always a holiday approaching in Japan

'To be packed with something' means it is brimful, or loaded, or there is a high frequency of whatever it is. If something is 'always approaching' then, in terms of time, it is of a high frequency. In a literal sense, for example: "There is always a train for Kyoto approaching : they are every 5 minutes." In a non literal sense, for example: "Of the 33 children in the class, one of them always has a birthday approaching."
'To be packed with something'とは、たくさんの、つまった、何かが頻繁にあるという意味です。 'always approaching'とは、時間のことを言う場合、よく起こるという意味になります。 例: "There is always a train for Kyoto approaching : they are every 5 minutes." 京都行きの電車が、5分おきによく来る。 "Of the 33 children in the class, one of them always has a birthday approaching." クラスの33人の子供の中で、いつも一人は誕生日が来る人がいる。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There are many national holidays in Japan.

  • We often have national holidays in Japan.

"There are many national holidays in Japan. ": To say that they are many means that there is a lot of holidays. "We often have national holidays in Japan.": To say that something happens often means that it happens a lot. I hope this helps :)
"There are many national holidays in Japan. " 日本には祝日がたくさんある。 "We often have national holidays in Japan." 日本にはよく祝日がある。
Kirst English teacher
  • Japan has lots of national holidays

  • There are many national holidays in the Japanese calendar

Japan has lots of national holidays. Lots meaning the same as many. National holidays see schools and most work places closed. This would be classed as a bank holiday in the UK. In second example calendar is used to express a length of time(year).
例文 Japan has lots of national holidays. 日本には国民の休日が多いです Lotsはmanyと同じ意味です。国民の休日には学校や職場は休みになります。イギリスではbank holiday(法定休日)に分類できます。 2番めの例では、calendar(カレンダー)が時(年)の長さを表現するために使われています。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Japan has many national holidays

  • There are so many national holidays in Japan

Both of these sentences mean the same thing, you must have Japan in the sentence somewhere as it is key to the meaning, but this can be at the start or at the end. "Many" is probably the most common word we would use in England in this context. But you could also use "a lot" or if you wanted to be really formal "There is an abundance of national holidays in Japan".
これらどちらの文も同じ意味です。 "Japan" は不可欠な情報として文のどこかに入れなければなりませんが、これは文の始めに置くことも終わり置くこともできます。 イングランドではおそらくこの文脈では "many" を使うのが最も一般的です。 ただ、"a lot" を使うこともできます、あるいはすごくフォーマルに言いたいなら: "There is an abundance of national holidays in Japan". (日本は国民休日が多い)
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • Japan has many consecutive holidays

  • Japan has a lot of public/national holidays

Consecutive holidays---Use this term when referring to holidays that directly proceed one another. We also say that these holidays are "back to back." Example: This month has 5 consecutive holidays. OR This month there are 5 holidays back to back. Public/national holidays--Use these terms (interchangeably) to indicate that there are a lot of different holidays being referred to at the same time.
Consecutive holidays(連休) --- この表現は休日が連続して続くときに使います。また、"back to back"(連続した)を使って表すこともあります。 例: This month has 5 consecutive holidays.(今月は5連休があります) または、 This month there are 5 holidays back to back.(今月は5連休があります) Public/national holidays(公休日) --- 同じ時期にたくさんの異なる休日があることを伝えたいとき、これらの表現を(置き換えて)使えます。
Lashawn DMM英会話講師
  • We have a lot of National holidays in Japan.

  • There are so many National holidays in Japan.

Using 'many' or 'a lot of' are good expressions to express that there are many of something. Eg. "There are so many National holidays here in Japan".
何かがたくさんあることを表すときには 'many' や 'a lot of' が使えます。 【例】 "There are so many National holidays here in Japan". (日本には国民の祝日がたくさんあります)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
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