世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/03/20 19:03
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  • There are so many functions on a smart phone I can't use all of them.

  • There are so many apps for smart phones that you can't possibly use them all.

functions = 機能 Apps = アプリ There are so many (A) that (B). (B) ほど たくさん (A)があります。ありすぎっていうニュアンスです。 I can't use them all = 私(自分)は全部使えません。 You can't possibly use them all = 全部使える可能性がない。無理です You = あなた、それとも誰でも "人は"という意味です
JohnO 英語教師
  • I can't use all the functions on my smartphone

  • There are a number of apps/function I cannot use on my smartphone

  • There are a lot of functions on a smartphone. I can't use them all

To explain to a person that you don't know how to use all the functions/applications on your smartphone, you can say: -I can't use all the functions on my smartphone -There are a number of apps/function I cannot use on my smartphone -There are a lot of functions on a smartphone. I can't use them all -My phone has a lot of functions I can't use.
人にスマートフォンの全ての機能/アプリの使い方が分からないと説明するには、以下の通り言うことができます: -I can't use all the functions on my smartphone(スマートフォンの全ての機能を使うことができません。) -There are a number of apps/function I cannot use on my smartphone(スマートフォンには使いこなせないアプリ/機能がたくさんあります。) -There are a lot of functions on a smartphone. I can't use them all(スマートフォンにはたくさんの機能があります。それらを私は全て使うことができません。) -My phone has a lot of functions I can't use.(私の電話には使いこなせない機能がたくさんあります。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The number of functions on my smartphone is mind-boggling! I just can't get to grips with them all.

  • I can only use a fraction of the multitude of functions on my smartphone!

'Mind-boggling' means that something is really overwhelming, astonishing or impresssive. To 'get to grips with something' means to be able to deal with, use or understand something. A 'multitude' is a large number of people or things.
'Mind-boggling'とは、圧倒された、びっくりさせるという意味です。  'get to grips with something'とは、扱うことのできる、理解するという意味です。 A 'multitude' 大勢のという意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There are too many functions on a smartphone, i can't use them all

  • I can't use all the functions on a smartphone as there are far too many

If there are alot of something then you can say there are 'too many' or 'far too many' when something can do something else technically then this is called a function so a smartphone can call/text/email/use the internet/skype etc these are all functions it can do
何かがたくさんあるなら、'there are too many'(あまりに多すぎる)や 'there are far too many'(同)と言えます。 'function'(機能)は技術的に可能である事を表します。 スマートフォンがあると、電話をかけたり、メッセージやEメールを送ったり、あるいはインターネットやスカイプが使えますね。これらは全てスマートフォンの 'functions' です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • There is no way I can use all the functions on my smart phone.

  • There is such a great number of functions on my smart phone that I can't use them all.

  • There are so many functions on my smart phone that it's impossible for me to use them all.

Smart phones contain so many functions that a person can not use them all. Ususally, a person may have a number of favorite apps that he/she regularly uses. However, there may also be a very good number of functions that a person may not even take a look at. The phrase 'great number' used in the second statement means a 'considerably large number'. The phrase 'there is no way' actually means 'it's practically impossible', to use all the functions on my smartphone because they are so many. So, if you were to explain this to someone, you might say: There is no way I can use all the functions on my smart phone. or There is such a great number of functions on my smart phone that I can't use them all. or There are so many functions on my smart phone that it's impossible for me to use them all.
スマートフォンにはたくさんの機能があるので、なかなか全てを使いこなしている人は少ないでしょう。 たいていは、よく使うお気に入りのアプリがいくつかあって、全く見たことすらない機能がたくさんあるという感じではないでしょうか。 二つ目の例で使われている 'great number' は「多数」という意味です。 'there is no way' はここでは「(スマートフォンの全ての機能を使いこなすのは)ほぼ不可能である」という意味です。 次のように説明できます。 There is no way I can use all the functions on my smart phone. (スマートフォンの全て機能を使いこなすのは私には不可能) There is such a great number of functions on my smart phone that I can't use them all. (スマートフォンにはすごい数の機能があるから、全部使いこなすのは私には無理) There are so many functions on my smart phone that it's impossible for me to use them all. (スマートフォンにはすごい数の機能があるから、全部使いこなすのは私には無理)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Smartphones have too many features to use all of them.

  • There are too many features on the smartphone, I don't even use all of them.

  • I don't even use most of the many features that come with my smartphone.

Bombarded: very much surrounded by something Redundant: pointless The many features on the smartphone are redundant. These days we are bombarded by many smartphone features, most of them are redundant as we never find a use for them. Sometimes, if we sit and analyze the features we may find some that can be uniquely useful for us.
Bombarded: 何かに囲まれていること Redundant: 不必要なこと スマートフォンの多くの機能は不必要です。最近、たくさんのスマートフォン機能があり、そのほとんどは役に立たない必要のないものです。時々、じっくりその特徴を分析していると、役に立つものが出てくることもあるかもしれません。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • There are way too many features on a smartphone there's no way I could use them all

  • Smartphones have so many functions I wouldn't be able to use them all

"There are way too many features on a smartphone there's no way I could use them all" this explains that smartphones have so many features and because of the sheer number you wouldn't be able to use them all "Smartphones have so many functions I wouldn't be able to use them all" this is a more direct way of saying all smartphones have a lot of features and because of this you wouldn't be able to use them all
"There are way too many features on a smartphone there's no way I could use them all" (スマートフォンにはたくさんの機能がありすぎて、全て使えるはずがない!) これは、スマートフォンにはたくさんの機能がありすぎて、全て使いこなすことができないことを表します。   "Smartphones have so many functions I wouldn't be able to use them all" (スマートフォンにはたくさんの機能がありすぎて、全て使いこなせない。) これは、スマートフォンにはたくさんの機能がありすぎて、全て使いこなすことができないことを表すダイレクトな表現です。
Carolyn M DMM英会話講師
  • There are so many functions on a smart phone that I struggle to use them all

  • I can't use all of the functions and apps on my smartphone

"There are so many functions on a smart phone that I struggle to use them all" and "I can't use all of the functions and apps on my smartphone" These sentences are referring that you are unable to use all the functions/apps on your phone, these functions such as calculator,light,camera,calendar etc. To 'struggle' with something often suggests that you have a hard/difficult time with something.
"There are so many functions on a smart phone that I struggle to use them all" (スマートフォンにはたくさんの機能がありすぎて、全て使うのが難しい。)   "I can't use all of the functions and apps on my smartphone" (スマートフォンの機能やアプリを全て使いこなせない。) これらは、計算機やライト、カメラやカレンダーなどのスマートフォンの機能やアプリを全て使うことができないことを意味しています。   To 'struggle'とは、何かをするのが難しいことを表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • There are so many features on smart-phones that we cannot use all of them.

  • Smart phones are so complicated that I cannot even use all of the features.

  • You have to be smart to be able to use smart-phones.

1 features:機能 文の後半に出てくるthemはfeaturesを指します。英語は代名詞が大好きな言語ですので、ここでthemとする方が自然です。 2.complicated: 複雑 3. こちらは、皮肉交じりですが、スマホのスマート(=賢い)を人間にもかけてみました。スマホ使うにも人間がスマートじゃなきゃね(=賢くなきゃね)海外の方はとても皮肉屋さんが多いので、いちいち真に受けていると身が持ちません。 ちなみに皮肉はsarcasticといいます。
  • There are so many functions on a smart phone that I cannot use all of them.

so A that B で 「あまりにAでB」という表現です。 There are so many A that B 「Aがあまりに多すぎてBですね。」 so many function:あまりに機能が多すぎて スマホは smart phone と言います。
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