世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/03/22 16:10
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  • Sorry I forgot to take a receipt, can I get it please?

  • I forgot to take a receipt.

Sorry I forgot to take a receipt, can I get it please? すみません、領収書を貰い忘れましたが、発行してもらえますか? I forgot to take a receipt. 領収書を貰い忘れた。 forgot to take 取り忘れる 貰い忘れる(forgot to receiveでも大丈夫です) ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • Can I get my receipt, please?

  • Can I get my receipt, please? I forget it.

  • I forgot to pick up my receipt, can you give me one, please?

"Can I get my receipt, please?" "Can I get my receipt, please? I forgot it." These sentences are very much the same. By adding "I forgot it" you are explaining why you need the receipt. It is polite to always add please to the end of your request. "I forgot to pick up my receipt, can you give me one, please?" Begin by explaining you forgot the receipt then ask for one. "Pick up" you did not take it from the table at a restaurant or off the counter when you made a purchase.
"Can I get my receipt, please?" "Can I get my receipt, please? I forgot it." この二つはほとんど同じですね。「I forgot it」で、なぜレシートが必要なのかを説明しています。 お願いする時には最後に「please」を付けると丁寧な言い方になります。 "I forgot to pick up my receipt, can you give me one, please?" ここでは、まず事情 (レシートを忘れた) を説明してから「レシートをください」とお願いしています。 「pick up」は、レストランでテーブルにあるレシートを持っていくこと、または買い物をした時にカウンターにあるレシートを持っていくこと、を表します。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Could I please have a recept for a meal I recently had?

  • Sorry, I forgot to ask for a receipt

What you say rather depends on how long after you had your meal and left the restaurant. If you are telephoning later, or return after some time, you may not be able to speak to the person who served you - so more explanation may be necessary. However the first sentence explains what you want. If you immediately return to the restaurant and speak to the waiter/waitress who served you, then sentence 2 should suffice.
どのようにその質問をするかは、食事のあとやお店を出てからどのくらいの時間がたったのかにもよります。 少し時間がたったあと、電話やレストランに戻って尋ねる場合は担当してくれたウエイターやウエイトレスの人と話せないかもしれません。そうするといろいろ説明が必要になるかもしれませんね。 それでも、ひとつめの例はあなたが必要とすることを説明してくれます。 すぐにレストランにもどって担当してくれたウェイターやウェイトレスに話すのであれば、2つ目の例で十分でしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to take my receipt, can I have one please?

  • I forgot about the receipt, can you print one for me please?

When you are at a restaurant and forgot to get a receipt, you can tell the staff: "I forgot to take my receipt, can I have one please?" "I forgot about the receipt, can you print one for me please?"
レストランでレシートをもらい忘れたら、スタッフに次のように言えます。 "I forgot to take my receipt, can I have one please?"(レシートをもらい忘れました。いただけますか) "I forgot about the receipt, can you print one for me please?"(レシートのことを忘れていました。発行してもらえますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Could i please have a receipt, i forgot to get mine?

  • I forgot to take/get a receipt

  • Sorry i forgot to take the receipt, could i please get one?

By saying your forgot the receipt you are explaining why you need another one "sorry i forget to take the receipt, could i please get one?" it a good way of letting them know why you need something
領収書を忘れたと説明することで、再発行して欲しいことを伝えています。 例:”Sorry I forget to take the receipt. Could I please get one?"(すみません、領収書をもらうのを忘れてしまいました。領収書をもらえないでしょうか?)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to get a receipt. Can I have one please?

  • I forgot my receipt.

  • I would like a receipt please. I didn't get one.

When asking for a receipt, you can simply say, "I would like a receipt. I forgot it." This sentence expresses to the person that you were there before. You did not receive a receipt when you were there. And saying, "I forgot it", let's them know you want one to take with you. As always, you can say please. For example, Can I get a receipt please? I forgot it. Or, "I didn't get a receipt. Can I get one now"?
領収書をもらう時は、シンプルに次のように言えます: "I would like a receipt. I forgot it." (もらい忘れたので、領収書を頂きたいです) この文は、自分がその時にその場にいたことを表します。その場で領収書をもらわなかったということ。そして、"I forgot it"と言うと、領収書が欲しいということが伝わります。 それから、いつものことですが、"please"が使えます。 例文例えば: "Can I get a receipt please? I forgot it." (もらい忘れたので、領収書を頂けますか?) "I didn't get a receipt. Can I get one now"? (領収書をもらいませんでした。今頂けますか?)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to take the receipt, can I have one please?

  • Can you please re-print a receipt for me? I left the first one here

When you forget your receipt and want to ask for it or to get another one, then you can ask in the following ways: -I forgot to take the receipt, can I have one please? -Can you please re-print a receipt for me? I left the first one here
もらい忘れた領収書を発行してもらいたい時、あるいは領収書を再発行してもらいたい時は、以下のようにお願いできます: I forgot to take the receipt, can I have one please? (領収書をもらい忘れました。頂けますか?) Can you please re-print a receipt for me? I left the first one here (領収書を再発行して頂けますか?最初のをここに置いていってしまいました。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Oh, I forgot to take the receipt. Can you give it to me, please?

  • Can I please get the receipt? I forgot to take it.

Native speakers will say like this: “Oh, I forgot to take the receipt. Can you give it to me, please?”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this: You can ask these questions to the waiter, in case you forgot your receipt. Example: (talking to the waiter) Sorry, I forgot to take the receipt, can you please give it to me?
ネイティブスピーカーは以下のように言うでしょう: Oh, I forgot to take the receipt. Can you give it to me, please? (あら、領収書をもらい忘れました。頂けますか?) 他にも色々な言い方がありますが、これが最も正確で、よく使われます。 これを使った例です: 領収書を忘れたときに、ウェイターに対して使えます。 例:(ウェイターに話しかける) Sorry, I forgot to take the receipt, can you please give it to me? (すみません。領収書をもらい忘れました。頂けますか?)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to get my receipt, Can you print me one please?

Begin by saying that you forgot your receipt that would be a good way to start , Then a nice way of asking for them to get you one would be to say "Can you print me one please?".
まず領収書をもらうのを忘れたと先に言ってから、"Can you print me one please?"(領収書をプリントしてもらえますか?)と言うといいでしょう。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
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