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2018/03/25 22:42
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  • Would you like the noodles and soup together or separate?

テイクアウトでお客様に聞くひと言とのことですので、すばやく伝える必要があると思いますので、このように表してみました。 参考になれば幸いです。
Yutaka K やわらか英語コーチ
  • Noodles and soup together?

  • In one container or two?

  • "I'll just use one container for your order. Is that OK?"

The choice is either one or two containers for two ingredients. In context you could jsut say:'Noodles and soup together?' or, "In one container or two?" Alternatively, if you want to 'save the planet' and cut down on the use of containers, you could say: "I'll just use one container for your order. Is that OK?"
1つの容器にいれるか、わけるか選択肢があるということですね。この場合、 'Noodles and soup together?' 麺とスープは一緒にしますか?  "In one container or two?" 入れ物は1つにしますか?2つにしますか? ということができるでしょう。 環境のために、容器をあまり使いたくない場合は、 "I'll just use one container for your order. Is that OK?" 容器一つでも大丈夫ですか? と聞くことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like the soup and noodles packed separately

  • Would you like the soup separate from the rest of your order

Two examples both using would you like to ask customer how they want something done. First example using both soup and noodles. Second only using soup and grouping everything else together(the rest of your order), Both polite
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like the soup and noodles in separate containers or together?

  • Can I put the soup and noodles together or would you like them separatly?

"Would you like the soup and noodles in separate containers or together?" This politely asks the person if they want you to put the noodles and soup in the same container or if they would like them in two different containers. eg: Excuse me, sir, Would you like the soup and noodles in separate containers or together? "Can I put the soup and noodles together or would you like them separately?" This politely asks the person to tell you if they are okay with you putting them in the same container or in different ones. Eg: Excuse me, sir, Can I put the soup and noodles together or would you like them separately?
"Would you like the soup and noodles in separate containers or together?" スープと麺は別の容器に入れたほうがよろしいでしょうか?一緒がよろしいでしょうか? これは麺とスープを一緒の容器に入れたほうがいいか、それとも2つ分け他方がいいかを尋ねる丁寧な表現です。 例:Excuse me, sir, Would you like the soup and noodles in separate containers or together? すみません、スープと麺は別の容器に入れたほうがいいでしょうか、それとも一緒がいいですか? "Can I put the soup and noodles together or would you like them separately?" スープと麺を一緒の器に入れてもいいですか?それとも分けましょうか? これは麺とスープを一緒の容器に入れていいか、別がいいかをきく丁寧な言い方です。 例:Excuse me, sir, Can I put the soup and noodles together or would you like them separately? すみません、スープと麺は一緒に入れてもいいですか?それとも分けたほうがよろしいでしょうか?
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like the soup and noodles together or seperate?

  • Would you like the noodles and soup in seperate containers?

It is always good to ask how someone would like something done so if you order two items then you might want to know how they want them packed together means to put two or more things in one package, seperate means to be in different packages so you would ask 'would you like the soup and noodles together or seperate?'
お客さんにどうしたいかを聞くことはとても親切なことです。2つの商品を注文したら、どのように詰めて欲しいかを聞きたいことがあるかもしれません。 together とは、2つ以上のものを1つにまとめるという意味です。 seperateは、分けるという意味です。  'would you like the soup and noodles together or seperate?' (スープと麺を一緒にしますか?分けますか?) と聞くといいでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want the soup and noodles together or in separate containers?

The most simple and most commonly used way would be to say "Do you want the soup and noodles together or in separate containers?" you could also change the "Do you want" And say "Would you like"
最もシンプルで普通の言い方は "Do you want the soup and noodles together or in separate containers?"(スープと麺は一緒の器にしますか?分けますか?)です。 "Do you want" を "Would you like" に変えることもできます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like your noodles separate or in the same container as the soup?

  • Soup and noodles separate or together?

  • Is it OK if I put your noodles and soup in the same container?

The choice is really up to the customer. By asking "Would you like your noodles separate or in the same container as the soup?", you are being very clear and the customer will be able to understand. Something shorter such as "Soup and noodles separate or together?" would also work well. However, if you would like to steer the customer to using just one container you could use a leading question such as "Is it OK if I put your noodles and soup in the same container?"
このどちらを選ぶかはお客さん次第です。 "Would you like your noodles separate or in the same container as the soup?"(スープと麺は一緒の器に入れますか?それとも分けますか?) は、非常に明確です。お客さんにもしっかり伝わると思います。 もっと短い、例えば: "Soup and noodles separate or together?"(スープと麺は一緒にしますか?分けますか?) これも使えます。 もし同じ器にするように仕向けたいなら、例えば: "Is it OK if I put your noodles and soup in the same container?"(麺とスープは同じ器に入れても大丈夫ですか) など誘導質問が使えます。
Suzi DMM英語講師
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