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「神奈川県には横浜市というところがある」ということを 英語にしたらどうなりますか?
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2018/03/28 11:21
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  • There is a city named Yokohama in the Kanagawa territory.

  • There is a city named Yokohama in the Kanagawa region.

  • Yokohama is in the Kanagawa prefecture.

In example one and two you can use territory and region instead of prefecture. Prefecture may not be understood by many native English speakers as in Canada we use provinces and the United States uses states to divide a country. So using territory or region is a more general term.
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • There's a city called Yokohama in Kanagawa prefecture.

  • Kanagawa prefecture has a city called Yokohama.

  • Yokohama is a city in Kanagawa prefecture.

こんにちは。 ・There's a city called Yokohama in Kanagawa prefecture. 「横浜という都市が神奈川県にあります」 ・Kanagawa prefecture has a city called Yokohama. 「神奈川県には横浜という都市があります」 ・Yokohama is a city in Kanagawa prefecture. 「横浜は神奈川県にある都市です」 上記のような言い方ができます。 「県」の意味の prefecture はあってもなくてもいいですが、日本の地理に詳しくない人に説明する際は加えてあげると親切かもしれません。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Yokohama city is in Kanagawa prefecture

Yokohama city comes before verb be (is) showing state of being. Is= existing in Kanagawa prefecture
"Yokohama city"(横浜市)は動詞(is)の前に置いて所在状態をあらわします。 Is= existing in Kanagawa prefecture(神奈川県)に所在する
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • In Kanagawa prefecture there is a city called Yokohama

  • Yokohama is in Kanagawa prefecture

  • You can find Yokohama in Kanagawa prefecture

In Australia we have states but Japan has prefectures. When referring to a location of a city we would name the city and then the prefecture. For example: 'Yokohama is in Kanagawa prefecture'. It is also possible to say it around the other way 'In Kanagawa prefecture there is a city called Yokohama.' The two last sentences are both talking about Yokohama directly. Whereas the first is talking about the prefecture of Kanagawa. So it will depend on whether you are discussing the prefecture or the city. This will shape your sentence structure.
オーストラリアには州がありますが、日本は都道府県です。ある都市の位置を示すときは、その都市の名前の後に、都道府県を言います。 例えば、Yokohama is in Kanagawa prefecture(横浜市は、神奈川県にあります)と言えます。 他には、In Kanagawa prefecture there is a city called Yokohama(神奈川県には、横浜市があります)と言えます。 最後の2つの例文は、両方とも横浜市について直接的に話してますが、最初の例文は神奈川県について話してます。 このように、都道府県、または市、どちらについて話すかによるでしょう。こうして、あなたの構文が作られます。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • 1. In the Kanagawa prefecture of Japan is located the city of Yokohama

  • 2. You can find Yokohama in the Kanagawa prefecture of Japan.

  • 3. One may find Yokoham in Kanagawa prefecture.

1. When speaking about where something is, the passive form of the verb 'to locate' (to be + past participle) is often used. 2. To make your explanation more personal, use the 2nd person 'You.'. 3. A more formal and dated version of the second sentence uses 'One' instead of 'You.'
1.どこに~がある、と言いたい場合は受動態(to be + 過去分詞)をよく使います。 2.説明文を相手にとってより身近なものにしたいときは、二番目の回答例のように"You ..." を使うといいでしょう。 3."You"の代わりに、"One"(人は~)を使うことで旧式ですがよりフォーマルな表現になります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There is a city called Yokohama in Kanagawa district

  • Yokohama is a city in the Kanagawa prefecture

  • The Kanagawa region has a city called Yokohama

A prefecture is not a common word used in the UK we tend to say region or district a district tends to be a larger place and has smaller villages in it
prefecture' はイギリスでは一般的な言葉ではありません。'region' や 'district' が使われることが多いです。 'district' は広い地域を指し、この中には村があります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • There's a city in Kanagawa prefecture, it is called Yokohama.

  • Yokohama is a city located in Kanagawa prefecture.

  • In Kanagawa prefecture, a city called Yokohama can be found.

This sentence can be expressed in a number of ways. In South Africa, we use provinces to split a country. Located: where something can be found. eg Japan is located in East Asisa.
この文はいろいろな言い方ができます。 南アフリカでは、"provinces" で国を分けています。 Located: (ある場所に)位置する 例: Japan is located in East Asisa. (日本は東アジアに位置しています)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Yokohama is located in Kanagawa prefecture, just south of Tokyo.

  • Located in Kanagawa prefecture lies the city of Yokohama.

Yokohama is located in Kanagawa prefecture, just south of Tokyo. - This is a casual phrase & can be said to friends, tourists, etc. By adding 'just south of Tokyo' you are adding further clarification. For instance; "Yokohama is located in Kanagawa prefecture, just south of Tokyo. It's home to one of the first ports that opened Japan up to foreign trade in 1859.". Located in Kanagawa prefecture lies the city of Yokohama. - This sounds like an introduction to a documentary. Very sophisticated & a nice introduction for a presentation. "Located in Kanagawa prefecture lies the city of Yokohama. It boasts a large-sized Chinatown with hundreds of Chinese restaurants and shops."
Yokohama is located in Kanagawa prefecture, just south of Tokyo.(横浜は神奈川県にあります、東京のすぐ南です) - これはカジュアルなフレーズで、友達や観光客などに使えます。'just south of Tokyo'(東京のすぐ南)を加えてさらに詳しく説明しています。 例えば: "Yokohama is located in Kanagawa prefecture, just south of Tokyo. It's home to one of the first ports that opened Japan up to foreign trade in 1859." (横浜は神奈川県にあります、東京のすぐ南です。横浜には1859年に日本が開国したときに開港した港の一つが立地しています) Located in Kanagawa prefecture lies the city of Yokohama.(横浜市は神奈川県にあります) - ドキュメンタリーの導入部のような感じです。非常に洗練されていて、プレゼンテーションの導入部に使えます。 例: "Located in Kanagawa prefecture lies the city of Yokohama. It boasts a large-sized Chinatown with hundreds of Chinese restaurants and shops." (神奈川県には横浜市があります。横浜市には大きな中華街があり、そこには何百もの飲食店やお店が軒を連ねています)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • There's a city that is called Yokohama within the Kanagawa prefecture.

  • Within the Kanagawa prefecture there is a city called Yokohama.

"There's a city that is called Yokohama within the Kanagawa prefecture." and "Within the Kanagawa prefecture there is a city called Yokohama." These two statements are referring to a city called Yokohama, this city is within/in the prefecture called Kanagawa. Using the term 'Within' is also used along side 'in' or 'inside'.
"There's a city that is called Yokohama within the Kanagawa prefecture."(神奈川県には横浜という都市があります) "Within the Kanagawa prefecture there is a city called Yokohama."(神奈川県には横浜という都市があります) どちらの文でも「神奈川県には横浜という都市がある」と言っています。 'In' または 'Inside' と共に 'Within'(の中に)という言葉も使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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