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 朝、知人に会い「今日は、何するの?」、「今日は、新しい仕事の面接(を受けに)に行って来るの。」という、シチュエーションです。So, What are you doing today? I am going to interview for my new work. みたいな感じで通じるでしょうか?
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2018/04/02 09:27
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  • Today I have a job interview

  • Today I am going to a job interview.

Both of these phrases will work when asked "what are you doing today". Both of these expressions will tell the listener that you will be going to an interview for a new job. You can expand by saying " I have a job interview today at........(name of new job company).
 "what are you doing today"(今日は何するの?)と聞かれたときに、どちらの表現も使うことができます。どちらの表現も、相手に自分が今日新しい仕事の面接に行くことを伝えることができます。 " I have a job interview today at........(name of new job company). (会社の名前)で、今日仕事の面接があるの。 会社の名前を付け加えることで、話題を広げることができます。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going for an interview for a new job

  • Today I've got an interview for a new job

「今日は、新しい仕事の面接に行って来るの」= I'm going for an interview for a new job / Today I've got an interview for a new job 会話はこんな感じになります: A: Hi! What are you doing today? B: I'm going for an interview for a new job. How about you? A: Wow, good luck! I'm ........
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • I am going to interview for a new job.

  • I will have a job interview.

「今日は、何するの?」 What are you doing today? の他には What's your plans for today? という言い方でもいいですね。 「今日は、新しい仕事の面接(を受けに)に行って来るの。」 I am going to interview for a new job. 他には I will have a job interview. という言い方もあります。 面接を受ける:to have a job interview
  • I'm doing for an interview.

  • I have an interview today.

Both of these examples will let the other person know you have a job interview. Unless your interview is for a magazine or radio, 'interview' usually means 'job interview." But you can most defiantly say 'job interview'.
どちらの回答例も相手に「面接がある」ということを伝えることができます。 雑誌やラジオの取材でない限り、"interview"という言葉は「面接」の事を表します。もちろん"job interview"ということもできます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Today I will be interviewed for a new job.

  • I will be attending an interview for a new job later today.

To express that you are going to have an interview later today you may say the following; I will be interviewed later today. I will attend an interview later today. I am applying for a new job and I will be going for the interview later today. I am interviewing for a new position/job today.
「今日は面接がある」ということを伝える文章は下記のようになります。 I will be interviewed later today.(今日はこのあと面接を受ける予定です。) I will attend an interview later today. (今日はこのあと面接に行きます。) I am applying for a new job and I will be going for the interview later today. (新しい仕事に応募して、今日はこのあとその面接があります。) I am interviewing for a new position/job today. (今日は新しい職務・仕事の面接があります。)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I'm having a job interview

  • I'm attending a job interview

You have an appointment with a company in the city centre and you are dressed smartly, well prepared, and on your way, when you bump into a friend. Friend: "Hey what are you doing in this part of town?" You: "I'm having a job interview with Peterson Investments."
新しい仕事の面接があり、きちんとした格好をして会場に向かう途中で、友達にばったり会ったとき、以下のように言うことができます。 Friend: "Hey what are you doing in this part of town?" 友人:やぁこんなところで何をしているの? You: "I'm having a job interview with Peterson Investments." あなた:ピーターソン証券で面接があるんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have a job interview today.

  • I'll be on my way to a job interview soon.

  • I'm going for an interview for a new job.

Friends or family usually ask about our plans for the day, especially when they notice something out of the ordinary. In this case, for an interview one would usually put in an extra effort in their appearance with regards to their dress and grooming. When asked, you can elaborate as to the name of the company you have the interview with and well as the time. Friend: What are your plans for today? You: I have a job interview at Pearson Institute, at 10 this morning.
友達や家族は、あなたの特にいつもと違う様子に気づいたら、その日の予定を聞いてくることがあります。この場合、面接のために、着るものや見た目に気合いが入っていることでしょう。聞かれた場合には、会社の名前や時間などを答えるといいでしょう。  Friend: What are your plans for today? 友達:今日の予定は何? You: I have a job interview at Pearson Institute, at 10 this morning. あなた:午前10時にピアソン会社で面接があるんだ。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going for an interview for a new job

  • Today I've got an interview for a new job

  • I'm attedning an interview for a new job

When you are visiting/going to a place then we can also call this 'attending' an interview is when you go and have a chat to see if you are suitable for a job and are generally asked questions about yourself ad what you can do a new job suggests you already have a job and want to move/do something else
「行く」は 'go' の他に、'attending' でも表せます。 'interview'とは、その仕事に向いているかどうか判断するために話をする場のことで、普通、自分のことや、何ができるかを聞かれます。 'a new job'は、既に仕事は持っているけど別のことをしたいというニュアンスです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I have a job interview with a new job today.

Stating that you have a job interview means that you are going to meet with potential employers for a position that you are interested in. Stating "with a new job" is referring to a job that is new/different from your current/old position.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I will be interviewing for a new job today.

  • I am up for a promotion and will be meeting with Human Resources/my boss/etc.

In this case, the verbal noun form of the word interview may be used by adding "ing." This means the process of an interview. It is proper to use this gerund. Also, if the job that a person is interviewing for is within the company that he/she already works for, it can be considered a promotion, especially if it includes higher wages or more responsibilities.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I have a job interview today.

  • I actually have a job interview at 2 pm.

Job interview- is when you have a conversation with someone from a particular company about your past job experiences and why you want to work at that company. The interviewer (usually HR team member and a manager, sometimes several different people) will then decide whether or not you would be a good fit for the role.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Today, I'm going to interview for a new job.

この例文には today は初の言葉または最後の言葉になれます。けどOotchanさんの例文のように使わなくてもいいです。 問題は my と work です。その仕事はまだ決めていないから、my と言えません。仕事 は work になれますが、この場合 job の方がもっと適切です。 一番自然な言い方は "I'm going to a job interview." です。(New というニュアンスもうあります。)
  • I'm supposed to be going in for a job interview today.

  • I'm going in for a job interview later today.

If you would like to express to someone that you will be going in for a job interview today, you can says something like "I'm supposed to be going in for a job interview today." or "I will be going in for a job interview today.". These are some easy and casual ways to express this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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